
Chu Feng looked around and said, "Axiu, did you come here with a helmet?"

He Lian Sheng A Le, likes to kill people with headshots when fishing.

In the original work, Big D wanted to make a double-talk, but when he was fishing because he didn't wear a helmet, Ale turned his head and smashed his head open.

Chu Feng still knew this.

079 Should mixed societies start from childhood?I am 28 this year!

A Le saw that Chu Feng didn't seem to want to shake hands with him, so he could only smile slightly awkwardly and put his hand down angrily.

After a while.

A Le glanced at Chu Feng's side.

Beside Chu Feng, in addition to Ah Xiu, Ah Jin, and Lanyan Ke, there were also several Lao Sijiu from the southern district of Kowloon.

"Is this your son?"

A Le glanced at one of them, Lao Sijiu, who was less than 1.4 meters tall and had a baby face, and asked Chu Feng with a smile.

This old man, named Age.

Chu Feng has also been paying attention to him.

Age has obviously been around for many years, but he has a baby face and is only less than 1.4 meters tall. He looks like a half-grown boy.

For this kind of "special" talent, Chu Feng will naturally pay attention to them all so that he can have suitable templates that can be integrated at any time in the future.

"Ale, you are mistaken, this is my brother." Chu Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Brother?" A Le narrowed his eyes slightly.

Good guy!

Chu Feng, a guy like Baguan, returns to Baguan, but he can’t recruit child labor, right?

A half-grown child hanging out in a club?Starting from a doll?

Thinking of this, A Le's eyes gradually became interesting.

However, feeling the intriguing look in Ale's eyes, Agge was no longer happy.

"Look at what?"

Age glanced sideways at Ale and said coldly, "I am 28 this year."

Ale: ...

Chu Feng saw that there was no one around A Le, and there was no warning from Lan Yanke. It seemed that A Le had come alone.

"Ale, why did you come to me?"

"If you have something to talk about, I'm going to leave if it's okay."

Chu Feng looked at A Le standing in front of him and frowned.

This Ah Le didn't say anything when he came, he just kept trying to get close to him.

If it were someone else, he would probably give Ah Le some face and make friends with Ah Le.

After all, Ah Le is currently second only to Big D in prestige among the new generation of He Lian Sheng, and he is definitely a celebrity in He Lian Sheng.

Ah Lok is a celebrity in Hong Kong's first-class club and Lian Sheng. What powerful figure in the world wouldn't want to make friends with him?

But Chu Feng was different.

Chu Feng knew that A Le was a man with a naive face and a dark heart. Although he was still a talkative person in court, he had already mastered the art of thick black to the extreme.

Make friends with A Le?

I'm afraid that in the end, I won't even know how I died.

A Le saw that Chu Feng went directly to the topic and stopped beating around the bush. He looked at Chu Feng with a smile.

"A Feng, your ability is obvious to everyone."

"I've also noticed it at Hongxing, and they won't reuse you at all."

After saying this, A Le stopped his smile and said seriously, "Why don't you come and help me with Liansheng."

A Le is still very confident about winning over Chu Feng.

Although his strength in Heliansheng is slightly inferior to Big D, among all the new generation, he is second only to Big D.

He Liansheng's strength is slightly stronger than Hong Xing's, and A Le also has many disciples who are equally strong.

He believed that Chu Feng would definitely not refuse his request.


"I have no plans to pass the deadline for the time being." Chu Feng shook his head and refused.

"Why?" A Le was surprised when he heard this.

"There's no reason, I just don't have any plans to postpone it for the time being." Chu Feng rejected A Le again.

Seeing Chu Feng didn't look like a joke.

Ah Le shook his head speechlessly: "Don't be stupid, Ah Feng, what are you thinking about? Do you think Jiang Tiansheng will reuse you after Big Boss B dies?"

"Why won't he reuse me?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked.

Seeing that Chu Feng was not getting enough, A Le suddenly had no choice but to do anything.

He could tell that Chu Feng was a smart man.

But a smart person has no reason to choose this way!

Thinking of this, A Le patiently explained: "You have offended Jiang Tiansheng at the narration meeting just now. Even if boss B dies, will Jiang Tiansheng reuse you? As a boss, what you value most is always your own. face."

Then, without waiting for Chu Feng to reply.

A Le offered another benefit to Chu Feng: "If you are willing to help me through the alliance and Lian Sheng, after I become the leader, I will fully support you. Two years later, I will recommend you to be the new leader."

When Chu Feng heard this, he suddenly sneered in his heart.

I don’t know how many people I have said this to (babh) Le.

Relying on this bad check, A Le first captured Big D, and then captured Airplane, Da Tou, Dong Guanzai, Jimmy and others.

Recommend someone else to be the leader?

What a joke!

Chu Feng remembered that in the original plot, A Le wanted to join the village, and he would try his best to get rid of anyone who wanted to compete with him for the top spot.

Chu Feng sneered in his heart, but still shook his head disapprovingly, "No matter what you are saying, I have no intention of quitting the club."

Hearing this, A Le was truly speechless this time.

There was a long pause.

"All right……"

A Leqing sighed, a little unwilling to give up, "If you figure it out one day, you are welcome to come to me at any time."


A Le also knew that staying here was asking for trouble, so after saying hello to Chu Feng, he turned and left.

Wait until A Le leaves.

"Winning me over? Who doesn't know that you, Ale, like to draw pie cakes the most?"

"If I cooperate with you, I don't know how I will die..."

Chu Feng looked at A Le's back disappearing at the corner of the street and shook his head.

For Chu Feng.

I would rather cooperate with Big D than A Le.

Although Big D has a bit of a stinky mouth, he is sincere. If you like him, you just like him. If you don't like him, you don't like him. He's not that frivolous.

As for Chu Feng not quitting Hongxing, there is naturally a reason.

Judging from the current situation.

Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng are basically irreconcilable.

Since the incident with Big Brother B.

Chu Feng made up his mind that no matter who dared to block his way in the future, he would crush him!

"Axiu, how many of us are there?"

Chu Feng suddenly looked at Asiu beside him.

Ashiu was slightly startled: "Are you included in the Walled City?"

"Forget it." Chu Feng nodded.

Ash thought for a moment.

"We don't have many people of our own. Including those yellow scarf warriors, there are about a hundred people in total."

"But fortunately, our brothers can be equal to ten."

"Including Kowloon South District, there are more than 300 500 boys, almost [-] people."

Ashiu reported all the data to Chu Feng.

"500 people..."

Chu Feng rubbed his chin and pondered, "Including Liangkun as an ally, there should be more than 1000, less than 2000."

Less than 2000 people.

This strength is already considered very good in Hong Kong Island.

The total number of people in some third-rate societies may not be this large.

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