"My brothers, each one is as good as ten. They are no longer afraid of any third-rate club in Hong Kong. Even if they encounter a second-rate club, if they have to fight, they are still capable of fighting."

"But if you fight Jiang Tiansheng's famous sword clearly, your strength is still a bit insufficient..."

Chu Feng thought secretly in his heart.

For Chu Feng,

Since there is no possibility of reconciliation with Jiang Tiansheng, the two sides will continue to fight until death.

At this point, Chu Feng no longer needed to be polite.

Hong Xingneng’s surname is Jiang.

Why can't I change my last name?

And this is the real reason why Chu Feng does not plan to leave Hongxing.


080 The person kneeling here at that time will be Jiang Tiansheng himself!

After half an hour.

Kowloon Walled City, Southern District Committee Office.

Chu Feng was sitting at his desk.

Little Stutter was next to Chu Feng, and he squeezed Chu Feng's shoulders obediently.

The four White Camel Mountain girls also stood respectfully on the left and right sides of Chu Feng.

Except for them.

Three of his confidants, Ah Xiu, Lanyan Ke, and Ah Jin, all stood respectfully in front of Chu Feng.

There is a map spread on the table, and there are scattered photos next to the map.

If someone inside Hongxing looked at it, they would definitely be able to tell at a glance that the people in these photos were the talkers in various halls of Hongxing.

On the back of the photo, the living habits of each speaker and their grudges with Hong Xing were also noted.

But at this time, Chu Feng's eyes were not on these photos.

"Hongxing's forces are complex, and some of them are even involved with Eastern Star, Number Gang, Lian Sheng and many other groups."

"What a gathering of talents!"

Chu Feng looked at the map on the table, frowned and shook his head.

This map is exactly the map of Hong Kong Island that Chu Feng had prepared before.

Markers of different colors are used to circle the chassis distribution of different societies.

"We still need to strengthen our own power!"

Chu Feng threw away the marker in his hand and said with a headache.


Upon hearing this, Ah Jin pulled the gun bolt on his prosthetic leg and made a crisp sound.

"Brother Feng, as long as you nod, I am willing to kill Jiang Tiansheng."

Ah Xiu and Lanyan Ke also stepped forward at the same time: "Brother Feng, we can also join Ah Jin."

When Chu Feng heard this, he said nothing and his eyes still stayed on the map.

Chu Feng had also thought about assassination.

But in the end, Chu Feng rejected this idea.

"Assassination is not feasible." Chu Feng shook his head and continued to look at the map.

Ah Jin shook his head in confusion: "Brother Feng, I don't understand something."


Chu Feng raised his head and looked at Ah Jin: "A Jin, how sure are you of killing Jiang Tiansheng?"

"Ten percent!" Ah Jin's voice was low but full of confidence.

Chu Feng walked around the table, came to Ah Jin and patted Ah Jin on the shoulder.

Ah Jin's fusion is the destiny master template.

Who is a fortune teller?

A professional killer in Valoran, a pervert and madman in the eyes of the world.

As long as he targets the prey, not even the fierce men in Valoran can escape, let alone the world of Hong Kong.

"Ah Jin, I am very relieved about your ability."

"I believe that as long as you take action, you can definitely kill Jiang Tiansheng easily."

"I'll ask you one more question."

Chu Feng looked at Ah Jin in front of him, "After killing Jiang Tiansheng, how sure are you that you can avoid being discovered by others?"

When Ah Jin heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes and began to think deeply.

It's been a long time.

"Ninety-nine percent." Ah Jin said slowly.

As a killer, Ah Jin has a rigor that ordinary people don't have.

Every killer, no matter how clever the assassination plan is, still has a chance of being discovered.

Even this chance is so small that it is almost impossible.

But Ah Jin wouldn’t be able to finish his words.

"Ninety-nine percent, there are still uncertainties. That's what I'm most worried about."

"If he is discovered, we can't afford to be charged with assassinating the leader now."

Chu Feng looked at the photos on the table and sighed softly, "Although our brothers are one to ten, plus the power of Chengzhai and Liangkun, it is enough to destroy a third-rate society overnight, but if it really If the matter is exposed, we will face the pursuit of all Hongxing's cousins, can our brothers stop it?"

As Xiu and others heard this, their expressions darkened.

With the power we have now, we can block at most three halls. Even if we block them, there will probably be heavy casualties, let alone the entire Hongxing Society.

Moreover, other associations are also an uncertain factor.

At that time, we may face more than just pressure from Hongxing.

Ah Jin gritted his teeth: "If the matter is revealed, I will not implicate my brothers!"

Ah Jin's face showed a will to die.


Chu Feng sighed softly, "Ah Jin, do you know what the crime of seeking to inflict is?"

Ah Jin shook his head in confusion.

Chu Feng pointed to the photos of the talkers on the table.

"When we tell it today, everyone knows that I forced Jiang Tiansheng to kill Big Brother B."

"It won't take long for this news to spread throughout the city."

"If we kill Jiang Tiansheng, I will be the prime suspect."

"When others start to doubt me, it doesn't matter whether the murderer is me or not."

"Once Jiang Tiansheng dies, even if those who are talking to me will not take action against me without conclusive evidence, Hongxing will be leaderless and other societies will certainly not be able to sit still."

"What will they do then?"

"He insisted that I was the murderer and marked me with a bonus. Then in the name of integrity and loyalty, he attacked the leaderless Hong Xing."

"This will not only allow the territory that might have belonged to us to be divided up by others, but even us will be eliminated."

Having said this, Chu Feng looked at Ah Xiu and others with sincere eyes, "I brought you and those brothers here. Now that you are here, I will let you live well in this world."

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Hearing these words, the eyes of Asiu, the three of them, and the four White Camel Mountain girls behind Chu Feng all showed moved expressions.

The little stutterer may not understand what Chu Feng means.

But how could they not understand?

And the fact is just as Chu Feng said.

Until now.

None of the people summoned by Chu Feng, as well as the younger brother who was fused with the template, died yet.

Chu Feng paced in front of the three people,

"If you don't have the strength to override the rules, don't shake the rules for the time being."

"Although there is another way to pass through He Lian Sheng, if he passes to He Lian Sheng, Jiang Tiansheng will definitely take revenge on me without any scruples."

"Lin Huaile is a two-faced man. Whether he can keep me or not is a question."

...... 0

"Even if I pass without incident and I capture Hongxing in the future, then whose territory belongs to Hongxing?"

"As a person, I either don't do it, or I just want it all."

Speaking of this, Chu Feng's eyes became profound.

This is also the most important reason why Chu Feng stayed in Hongxing.

As long as he was in Hongxing, Jiang Tiansheng would not dare to deal with him blatantly and could only resort to small tricks.

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