Even if the other party doesn't say it, Ash can still sense it.

These twenty people are not others.

It was the twenty grenadiers that were given as a gift when the Ziggs template was drawn before.

"Brother Feng."

Twenty grenadiers all bowed to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng nodded.

I also began to think about the current use of these grenadiers and Ag.

084 These people can definitely eat pork if they join the independent group!

At present, Agger and these grenadiers cannot be used easily.

Hong Kong Island police have a red line.

Unless they are forced into desperation, no one will take the initiative to use thermal weapons except Big Circle Boy.

Anyone who uses ordinary firearms and causes bad effects will be suppressed.

If it's a bomb.


Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Once a mistake is made in Happy Fun, it can easily cause a chain reaction.

However, now there is good news for Chu Feng.

That means his territory in Kowloon is guaranteed.

The outside world is not allowed to use bombs, but the Kowloon Walled City police can't control it.

As long as someone dares to get involved in Chu Feng's future business empire in Kowloon Walled City.

It will inevitably suffer a carpet-like blow of destruction.

"Age, are you okay with making explosives?" Chu Feng asked.

"Hey, of course it's okay!"

Agger screamed, "Whether it's black powder, yellow powder, high explosives, TNT, C4, as long as the materials are enough, I can make it!"

Chu Feng nodded, and then glanced at the twenty grenadiers.

"Let me see how well you can drop bombs."

After saying that, Chu Feng took the bombardiers and Ag directly outside the office.

Outside is a long and narrow street.

At the end of the street is a restaurant.

It is now 380 in the middle of the night, the restaurant has long been closed, and there are only a few empty food boxes outside the door.

Chu Feng made a visual inspection and found that the food boxes were about 100 meters away from Chu Feng.

As for the world record, the furthest bomb-dropping distance is 102 meters, and this is only the distance and not the accuracy.

Chu Feng pointed to the stones on the ground, "Try using these stones and throwing them into those frames."

Upon hearing this, the twenty grenadiers quickly knelt down and picked up some gravel.

Each piece of gravel is about the size of a palm, and its weight is only slightly lighter than a grenade.


Chu Feng ordered to everyone.



A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Basically every stone fell into the vegetable basket accurately.

There were only two stones that collided and scattered to both sides when they were about to fall into the vegetable basket.

This result can be said to be perfect.

"Not bad!"

Chu Feng glanced at these bombardiers and said, "It's a pity that there are no independent groups in this world. Otherwise, with your level, you would all be able to eat pork."

After verifying the strength of these bombardiers.

Chu Feng led everyone back to the house.

(babh) Back in the house, Chu Feng put a map on the table again.

After becoming a member of the Southern District Committee, Chu Feng bought a map of Kowloon Walled City and usually kept it together with the map of Hong Kong Island.

"You can just stay in these places normally..."

Chu Feng marked the locations of these bombardiers one by one on the map.

The position seems loose, but two people are in a group.

Just enough to seal off all the entrances to the South District from the outside.

In the narrow and cramped streets of Kowloon Walled City, two bombardiers who throw accurately and where to throw can definitely explode with terrifying firepower.

Because the streets are narrow, those who want to come and take advantage of the South District have no way to hide, let alone come in.

After all these grenadiers are arranged.

Chu Feng said to Agger again: "There is currently no way to introduce raw materials, but I will try to find a channel as soon as possible. Until then, Agger, just stay with me."

"Yes, Brother Feng!" Agger immediately agreed with a look of joy on his face.


Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Chu Feng was woken up by a phone call.

Little Stutter and the four white camel girls had already woken up and prepared breakfast for Chu Feng in advance.

"Recently I have been dreaming about those four thatched houses or horse racing. I haven't had a new nightmare for a long time..."

Chu Feng sighed with some disappointment.

Recently Chu Feng discovered.

Nightmares are very addictive.

When Chu Feng first dreamed about the four thatched houses, he felt that it was a little unreal, a little like a dream.


As time went by, similar nightmares occurred more and more, and Chu Feng discovered that he liked the feeling of having nightmares.

Not only that,

Chu Feng also expected that a new nightmare would appear.

"Who can call me so early in the morning?"

Chu Feng picked up the big brother next to him.

"Hey, Brother Feng!" McDonald's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"What's wrong? Xiong?" Chu Feng was a little surprised.

Because Chu Feng had more important things at hand, he had already explained before that McDonald's and Liangkun could be fully responsible for the film and television company's affairs.

Now McDonald's calls himself.

It was obvious that there was something he couldn't handle and he needed to deal with it himself.

"Brother Feng, isn't there a blasting scene and a car chasing scene here when chasing the dragon?"

On the other end of the phone, McDonald's Bear said, "We haven't found the car sponsor for the car chase scene yet, but the gunpowder dealer needed for the explosion scene has arrived and can sign an agreement with us at any time. Brother Feng, do you want to come over and sign it?"

Chu Feng wondered: "Where's Liangkun? He has full authority to make the decision on this kind of matter."

McDonald's Bear: "Brother Kun is not here. Some new machines arrived at Electronic City today, and he went to pick up the goods."

"Okay, I'll be right over." Chu Feng responded and hung up the phone.


after an hour.

Chu Feng’s motorcade arrived at the film and television company’s studio.

Just got out of the car.

Chu Feng noticed that many people were standing on tiptoe outside the film and television company and looking inside.

"Brother Feng, do you need to drive them away?" Asiu asked beside Chu Feng.

"No need for now." Chu Feng shook his head.

Judging from the way these people are dressed, they should be very ordinary Hong Kong Island citizens.

It doesn't look like he's here to cause trouble.

Although he didn't know why so many people gathered today, Chu Feng decided to understand the situation first.

As the distance gets closer.

The discussions of these people also reached Chu Feng’s ears.

"Did you also watch Hong Kong Island TV last night?"

"I've seen it. Sir O Ji Niu brought reporters to investigate."

"Looking at the footage taken by those reporters, this film company seems to be a serious film company."

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