"This company did make salty and wet films before, but judging from last night's scenes, it seems that it has really transformed."

"Didn't the director say during the interview that he wanted to make a police movie, and it would be based on Lame Hao and Inspector Lei Luo?"

"If that's true, then I must watch it!"

"My ancestors are also Chaozhou people. Brother Luo and Brother Hao are the pride of Chaozhou people. I will definitely not owe you the movie tickets. I will take the whole family to watch them together."


The discussion of these melon-eating citizens came.

Chu Feng smiled slightly.

It seems that Niu Xiong did bring someone over last night to check.

And he kept his promise and brought reporters with him.

It seems that the plan promoted by the police has initially achieved results!

Now Chu Feng wishes Niu Xiong could come more often.

085 The crew’s explosives, testing, blasting!

"Come on, let's go in."

Chu Feng waved his hand and walked towards the door.

"Brother Feng."

The security guard at the door was still on guard against the onlookers entering, but after seeing Chu Feng, he came out to say hello and opened the access control lever.

Chu Feng nodded and walked in directly.

It wasn’t long after I entered the set.

"Chu Feng."

"Brother Feng."

In the distance, two voices came.

One of the voices was gentle and soft as water, while the other voice was as sweet as a silver bell.

Chu Feng looked up and saw You Caini and Qiu Shuzhen walking out of the studio.

After You Caini saw Chu Feng, her eyes lit up slightly.

Do not know why.

Since the last time I communicated with Chu Feng on that bench and got to know Chu Feng.

When You Caini returned to school, she found that the shadow of Chu Feng would always appear in her mind unconsciously.

I even had some mild insomnia at night, tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep.

Originally, she had an important lecture today and wanted Qiu Shuzhen to come by herself.

But when I woke up.

You Caini still asked for leave by accident and came to the set with Qiu Shuzhen.

After seeing Chu Feng, You Caini felt relieved for some reason, as if a stone had fallen to the ground.

She subconsciously walked a little faster.

But after a while, he still suppressed his walking speed and came to Chu Feng politely.

"You came so early today?" Chu Feng greeted the two women with a smile.

"Chu Feng, this is for you."

You Caini handed the milk tea in the bag to Chu Feng.

Each of them was holding a cup in their hands. It seemed that You Caini bought it directly for three people.

Chu Feng saw this and smiled: "Last time you invited me to drink milk tea, and this time it's you again, I'm a little embarrassed."

Hearing this, You Caini was obviously a little panicked, "No, when Ah Zhen and I came here, we happened to see the milk tea shop. We were planning to wait for Ah Zhen to drink when she was thirsty after filming."


You Caini just finished speaking.

"No way." Qiu Shuzhen's big eyes narrowed into crescent moons next to her, "When we just came here, Director McDonald's said you were coming, so Teacher You ran to buy milk tea. When it got cold in the middle, he went there specially Got a drink instead.”

Speaking of it.

Qiu Shuzhen smiled playfully: "It seems that Teacher You specially prepared it for someone."

"Azhen, you..." You Caini blushed immediately upon hearing this.

Although You Caini is in her 20s, she is older than Qiu Shuzhen.

But her personality is gentle and submissive, and she usually prefers to be quiet.

If she talks about classroom knowledge, she will naturally leave Qiu Shuzhen behind.

But if you want to talk about being funny, ten You Caini can't compare to one Qiu Shuzhen.

Chu Feng also saw that You Caini was a little alarmed, and shook his head with a smile.

After chatting with the two of them for a few words.

Chu Feng went to the office to find McDonald's Bear.

In the office, McDonald's Bear was reading the script, and there was a middle-aged man next to him.

The middle-aged man was wearing a suit and looked like he was here to discuss business.

McDonald's Bear quickly stood up when he saw Chu Feng coming.

"Brother Feng."

McDonald's Bear said hello quickly.

After saying hello.

McDonald's eyes rested on Age behind Chu Feng.

As Xiu, Lan Yanke, and Ah Jin, the McDonald's Bear was naturally ready to eat.

But what is going on today?

Brother Feng went out, why did he bring a half-year-old child with him?

at this time.

The middle-aged man in a suit also stood up and quickly came to Chu Feng.

"You are Brother Feng, I have long admired your name!" The middle-aged man bowed slightly and stretched out his hand, with a hint of humility in his smile.

In Hong Kong Island, the master is the elder brother.

Although the middle-aged man is much older than Chu Feng, he still puts his status very low in front of Chu Feng.

McDonald's Bear quickly introduced: "Brother Feng, he is the props supplier signed by our crew."

Hearing this, Chu Feng shook hands with the middle-aged man and asked, "Are there any restrictions on your supply?"

"No, as long as there are documents, I can provide you with as many documents as you want." The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

"Show me the contract," Chu Feng said.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man quickly took out two copies of the contract from his briefcase.

After confirming that it is correct.

Chu Feng signed his name on it.

Seeing the order signed, the smile on the middle-aged man's face became even brighter.

"Brother Feng, the contract has been signed."

"In another two hours, the first batch of explosives will be delivered. Then you can pay cash on delivery."

"Happy cooperation!"

After saying that, the middle-aged man shook hands with Chu Feng and McDonald's Bear again.

He originally wanted to treat him to dinner, but Chu Feng refused. In the end, the middle-aged man left after saying a few more pleasantries.

After the middle-aged man left.

"Brother Feng, you just said that explosives will be delivered soon?"

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Ag asked with a somewhat excited expression.

Chu Feng glanced at Age and found that his whole body had become extremely excited, and even his hands were trembling slightly.


McDonald's Bear thought that Ag was scared after hearing the word "dynamite".

"These are performance explosives, not very powerful."

McDonald's Bear said with a smile, and then looked at Chu Feng, "Brother Feng, is this your relative? This kid has a tough head and a tough brain."

When Agge heard this, he became impatient.


Two bombs appear in hand.

"Who dares to say that I am a child in the future? I will destroy him!"


two hours later.

The roar of the truck came from outside the set.

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