The access control lever opens.


Trucks pulling props and explosives rolled in.

McDonald's Bear quickly asked people to come up to help and remove all the explosives from the car.

Today’s Hong Kong films, even all film and television companies.

When filming explosion scenes, explosives are used to directly shoot real scenes.

Although in this era, special effects already exist.

But also because of the limitations of electronic equipment in this era, except for those top special effects teams, the effects produced by ordinary special effects teams are very poor.

Moreover, doing special effects in this era is very expensive.

For profit reasons, it is most cost-effective to use explosives to detonate directly.

Just when the explosives in the car were almost removed.

"and many more."

Chu Feng turned to McDonald Bear and said, "First shoot a blasting scene to try the effect of explosives."

"Okay!" McDonald's Bear heard this and quickly asked people to prepare.

There happened to be a scene today where Henry's car was bombed.

The staff quickly buried explosives in the prop car.

McDonald's Bear was outside the venue, holding a loudspeaker: "Get ready, explode!"


The vehicle was directly blown two inches off the ground, and the flames of the explosion quickly rose to a height of more than one meter.

"Not bad, it's over!"

McDonald's nodded with satisfaction.

However, Chu Feng was a little dissatisfied.

The most attractive part of police and criminal films is nothing more than the brain-burning plot, gun battles, car chases, and explosions.

The explosive flames can directly stimulate male hormones.

Although any crew on Hong Kong Island can pass this explosion, Chu Feng believes that the visual effects are very poor.

086 Fixed-point blasting!The fire is soaring into the sky!I was so scared!

McDonald's Bear was naturally very satisfied with this explosion.

Before he cooperated with Chu Feng, he was already making movies, but he was just relying on Hong Xing.

McDonald's knew the quality of these explosives well.

I'm afraid that when all the film and television companies in Hong Kong shoot explosion scenes, the explosion effects they produce are comparable to this.


Just at this time.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "McDang Bear, the blasting effect is too bad. The height of the flame is only more than one meter, so you can't capture that feeling."

When McDonald's heard this, he was a little embarrassed.

But he still said: "Brother Feng, how about increasing the dosage of medicine?"

Chu Feng thought for a while: "If we increase the dosage of medicine, will the actors get hurt if they go such a distance?"

"Yes!" McDonald's gritted his teeth, "But when making a movie, there must be sacrifices. It should be no problem if we take protective measures."

When Chu Feng heard this, he took a deep look at McDonald's Bear.

Chu Feng had also heard about McDonald's professionalism.

When McDonald's "[-]" Xiong once made independent films, he only pursued reality and did not consider the feelings of the actors.

When I was filming a forced confession scene before.

According to the script, the actors will be locked in the car, then sprinkled with gasoline, and later set on fire using special effects.


In pursuit of authenticity, McDonald's even put the actor in a car, poured real gasoline in it, and set it on fire.

And this was done just to capture the actor's true frightened expression.

In fact, this lens is perfect.

After the filming, McDonald's immediately asked someone to put out the fire.

However, the fire was extinguished.

The actor was truly frightened. As soon as he got out of the car, he went to fight for the McDonald's Bear.

It is for this reason.

As a result, McDonald's reputation in the actor circle plummeted, so much so that later actors were unable to be found.

Andy Lau and Lui Liangwei still used tricks to force people to act by mailing bullets to people. Otherwise, it would be difficult to recruit actors based on McDonald's extremely stinky reputation.

"McDang Bear, we are no longer filming a salty and wet movie."

"For a serious film company, the most important thing is word-of-mouth, followed by program effectiveness."

"Otherwise, no matter how good your movie is, if no one comes to act in it, it won't be able to be made even if there is a script."

Chu Feng said to McDonald's Bear.

When McDonald's heard this, he immediately promised: "I understand, Brother Feng... Then I will find a better supplier."


Just at this time.

"No matter how many suppliers you find, it's useless."

Agger, who was following Chu Feng, suddenly shook his head.

McDonald's Bear glanced at Ag and said nothing.

Naturally, McDonald Bear didn't know about Ag's fusion of the blasting genius template.

Although he now knows that Agger is 28 this year and is just naturally smaller, but due to his height and appearance, he instinctively ignored Agger's suggestion.


Chu Feng asked doubtfully: "Age, how do you think we should solve it?"

Speaking of explosives,

Even if it was the kind of small-power explosives used in making movies, Agger looked excited.

"Because the safety of the actors has to be taken into consideration, the effectiveness of the explosives will definitely be reduced."

"No matter how good a supplier he finds, this problem will not be solved."

Ag shook his head, and then changed the topic, "But I have a solution."

As soon as this word comes out.

McDonald's heart sneered: "What can you do?"

The explosion flame effect is a headache for all directors in Hong Kong.

It’s not that they don’t want to shoot big scenes.

But the gunpowder used is not allowed at all.

McDonald's didn't believe that this man who looked like a half-grown boy could be so capable.

Agger took three steps and then two, and went to the blasting point.

After observing for a while, he quickly turned back.

"My solution is to add gunpowder!" Agger quickly ran back, "And the more gunpowder, the better, and the shorter the fuse, the better."

When McDonald's heard this, he shook his head speechlessly.

"Isn't this still the method I mentioned before?"

"But if too much gunpowder is added, it is very likely to hurt the actors."

McDonald's said helplessly.

He thought that Agger would be able to come up with some lofty words, but he didn't expect that the final solution was the same as what he said.

He had already mentioned this method before, and it had been rejected by Chu Feng.


Agger, however, didn't even pay attention to McDonald's Bear.

In terms of movie-making technology, McDonald's may be better than Ague.


Playing with explosives?

I am afraid that if you look at the entire Hong Kong Island, there is no one who knows more about explosives than Ager.

Chu Feng ignored McDonald's Bear.

"Age, how do you add gunpowder and how can you avoid hurting the actors?"

Speaking of bombs, Agger started chattering.

"The most important thing is fixed-point blasting!"

"In addition to fixed-point blasting, we must also consider the impact point of the object when it is blown up."

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