McDonald's face changed slightly: "Oh no, Brother Kun."

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng glanced at McDonald's Bear in confusion.

McDonald's Bear was a little anxious: "This morning, when Brother Kun went to buy goods, he took away many of the brothers in the market. At this time, someone is coming to destroy the market. We may not be able to withstand it."

Chu Feng thought for a while: "It's okay, I'll go take a look with you."

There was no need for Chu Feng to take action personally in this matter.

But those who dare to cause trouble now are either stupid or really powerful.

This movie was related to Chu Feng's first pot of gold, and even related to the future of the entire film and television company. Chu Feng felt that it was necessary for him to go and take a look.


Chu Feng took McDonald's Bear and others towards the entrance guard of the film and television company.

Although there are not many people around Chu Feng, A Jin, A Xiu, and Lan Yan Ke are all in good hands.

With the addition of Age, who could take out explosive packs and throw them around at any time, Chu Feng naturally had no scruples.

When approaching the door.

Chu Feng saw several sports cars and an access control pole that had been smashed into eight sections.

A few yellow guys were watching next to the sports car.

These yellow-haired men are shirtless, fierce-looking, and have tattoos all over their bodies. At first glance, they are not good people.

Except for these few people.

There was also a sturdy man wearing a Hawaiian shirt who was gesticulating with the security guards in the security hall, negotiating something.

Beside Chu Feng,

When McDonald's Bear saw the man, he was a little surprised: "Changle Feihong, how could it be him?"

"Growing Feihong?" Chu Feng frowned in confusion.

"Well, that's him!" McDang Xiong nodded, "This guy Feihong has a good relationship with Brother Kun, why would he come to ruin our place?"

Paused for a moment.

McDonald's Bear suddenly slapped his head: "Brother Kun, I understand."

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked confused.

McDonald's Bear whispered beside Chu Feng: "Isn't there a woman named Little Stuttering beside you? She is Little Stuttering's eldest brother."

Hear this.

Chu Feng suddenly realized 397.

Changle Feihong was given very few scenes in the film and television. He only appeared in one scene when he was narrating it to Big Boss B.

In the setting of the movie, Feihong is the little stuttering elder brother.

And now,

Little Stutter followed Chu Feng in a daze and did not pass directly.

Changle helps Feihong, so naturally he will cause trouble.

When I thought about it, the situation suddenly became clear.

"If I remember correctly, this Feihong should steal cars for a living." Chu Feng said to McDonald's Bear.

"Yes!" McDonald Bear nodded, "Even though he drives so many sports cars, many of them are stolen or water trucks."


Chu Feng looked at Feihong's luxury cars and rolled his eyes.

Paused for a moment.

"By the way, McDonald's Bear."

Chu Feng suddenly asked, "In addition to the explosion scene, there is also a car chase scene. Have you contacted the prop dealer who sponsored the vehicle?"

Hearing this, McDonald's Bear shook his head: "Not yet, but a few have come before, and the price has never been agreed upon."

Chu Feng heard this and smiled: "Now, doesn't this supplier already exist?"


McDonald's Bear was puzzled, then glanced at Feihong, "Brother Kun, are you talking about Changle Feihong? No... Although his car is a waterwheel, it is also very expensive."

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and patted McDonald Bear on the shoulder.

"It's not him who has the final say whether it's expensive or not, it's us who have the final say!"


088 Who doesn’t follow the rules?Feihong panicked!

"Brother Feng, Brother Xiong!"

Upon seeing this, the security guards from the security hall quickly said hello and trotted out.

at the same time.

Changle Feihong also looked towards Chu Feng.


When he saw Chu Feng's side, the corner of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

Chu Feng just paid it back, he looked like a human being.

But why are the four following Chu Feng so weird?

The blind are blind, the lame are lame.

There was also a guy with missing limbs and a half-grown child.

But after a while.

Feihong thought of the explosion scene just now and quickly came to Chu Feng's side.

"Are you handsome guy?"

"It's really different. Even the younger brothers around him are strange people."

Feihong glanced behind Chu Feng and reached out his hand.

Chu Feng did not move, but glanced at the access control rod.

"what happened?"

Chu Feng looked at Feihong in front of him and asked.

Feihong smiled: "'s all a misunderstanding. I didn't step on the brake just now and accidentally broke your access control rod."

Originally Feihong didn't intend to be so polite.

However, Agnar's explosion just now blew away a lot of his anger.


As soon as Feihong finished speaking, the security guard at the door ran over.

"Brother Feng, don't listen to his sophistry!"

"They showed off just now, and when they came in, they didn't even hit the brakes. They just came to destroy the place!"

The security guard ran to Chu Feng and said loudly.

"Are you here to cause trouble?" Upon hearing this, Chu Feng turned to look at Feihong, his eyes becoming sharp.

Paused for a moment.

Chu Feng looked at You Caini on the side: "Caini, take Ah Zhen back to the office."

You Caini also came over to see what happened.

Hearing Chu Feng suddenly call him Caini, his face couldn't help but blush slightly, but he didn't hear the second half of the sentence at all.

"Chu Feng, what did you just say? I...I didn't hear clearly." You Caini whispered.

Chu Feng's tone slowed down: "I say, you and A-Zhen go back first. There may be some scenes that are not suitable for children to watch."

Hearing this, You Caini understood immediately.

Seeing Chu Feng staring at Feihong with an unkind look, You Caini didn't think too much and pulled Qiu Shuzhen and ran back to the office quickly.

After the two women left.

Chu Feng turned to look at Feihong again.

"If I remember correctly, I didn't offend you Feihong, right?"

"Are you here to destroy my place?"

"If you don't give me an explanation today, don't even think about getting out of here."

Chu Feng said in a bad tone.

Feihong saw that he could no longer pretend, so he simply stopped hiding anything.

"Beautiful Feng, tell the truth, I came here specifically to ask for an explanation from you today." Feihong simply stopped pretending.

Chu Feng: "Explanation? What explanation?"

Feihong looked around: "Where's the little stutterer? She didn't even say a word. This is very against the rules."

"So it's because of this." Chu Feng smiled.

"Yes!" Feihong nodded, "It's okay for her to be a little girl and not follow the rules, but you, the eldest brother, since you cheated on me, you should tell me because of your feelings and reasons."

Feihong argued hard.

In Hong Kong Island, the passing of blue lanterns is not a big deal.

But due to emotions and reasons, when the time comes to pass, I have to say something to my former eldest brother.

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