If you have a holiday with your eldest brother.

Then after the transition, the new big brother should also come forward and have a table with the old brother, so that both sides can laugh away their grudges.

But what Little Stutter did was obviously against the rules.

After Chu Feng stopped his stuttering, he didn't even say a word to Feihong, which was even more unruly.

Feihong directly stated his purpose.

But his tone was much more polite than when he was outside.

The scrapped car was still parked next to his sports car, emitting black smoke.

The explosion just now really scared Feihong.

Paused for a moment.

Feihong pointed to the scrapped car again: "What's the condition of this car?"

"We are filming a movie, there is just a blasting scene." Chu Feng glanced at the scrapped car.

When Feihong heard this, his face suddenly darkened.


Cars were blown up and flew here from the set. Are you telling me this is a movie?

Isn’t this pure nonsense!

How can anyone make a movie with so many explosives?

And with the power of the explosives used in making movies, it is absolutely impossible to have such destructive power.

Thinking of this, Feihong swallowed.

He was originally here to cause trouble today.

But since seeing the car rising into the air, Feihong changed his mind.

He seriously suspected that Chu Feng secretly made explosives in the name of making movies.

Otherwise, how could the gunpowder commonly used in making movies be so destructive?

Just in case Chu Feng becomes anxious, light the explosive depot.

Then no one in my group can get out alive today.

thought here.

Feihong's tone became more polite: "Jiang Zaifeng, let's act according to the rules. Little Stammer should also come out and talk about the situation, right?"

said here.

Feihong inadvertently glanced at the scrapped car again, "... Pretty, Feihong, I also respect you as a man. As long as I come here and say something, then this matter will be over, and we will become friends from now on." .”


Hearing this, Chu Feng frowned.

"Feihong, you made two mistakes."

Chu Feng slowly stretched out two fingers,

"First, Little Stammer left your Changle Gang. If he followed me, then I didn't tell you. It is indeed my fault, but I am not her eldest brother, so even if it is against the rules, it is still Little Stammer. Not me, Chu Feng."

"Secondly, Little Stutter is my woman, instead of coming over to be my little brother. My woman is with me, do I still have to report to you Feihong?"

Chu Feng stared straight into Feihong's eyes, his tone a little unkind.


Feihong was stunned when he heard this, "Is Little Stutter your woman?"

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded, "It's good that you brought my woman into the club, and I didn't pick on you. Now (thank you, Nuo Zhao), you broke into my film company to cause trouble for me."

After hearing this, Feihong suddenly couldn't stand down.

He originally thought that Little Stuttering had arrived in Hongxing.

But I didn’t expect that handsome young man Feng turned out to be a stuttering man?

If this is the case, Xiaostammer will not be considered a pass, but can only be considered to have left the Changle Gang.

Although it was against the rules for Little Stutter to do so.

But this matter has absolutely nothing to do with Chu Feng.

He came here to cause trouble for Chu Feng, but he was in the wrong.

"Say it, Feihong Zhu!"

"How to solve this matter?"

Chu Feng glanced at the access control pole that was broken into eight sections.


Feihong hesitated for a long time.

Things are getting a little difficult.

Originally, I came to raise an army to question him.

But with just two words from Chu Feng, he was at fault?

I came here with great momentum, but I never expected that now I am the one who is unable to get off the tiger.

089 500 million compensation, apology published in the newspaper!

Feihong suddenly felt that things were a bit difficult to handle.

If the little stutterer was following Chu Feng, that would be okay.

But never expected.

Little Stutter actually became Chu Feng's woman?

This and passing through are completely different things!

at this time.

The boys in the van outside also followed Feihong in.

"Brother Feihong!"

The group of boys shouted at Feihong, and then looked at Chu Feng with unkind eyes.

Although Feihong wanted to put things to rest.

But he didn't have time to inform his subordinates.

Now these guys think that if they want to continue to cause trouble, they will naturally have bad eyes.

The total number of vans contained five and 60 people.


Chu Feng just glanced at it.

"Feihong, I have already told you clearly that you brought so many people here to destroy the place."

"You want to fight? I, Hong Xing, am not afraid!"

Speaking of it.

Chu Feng winked at the McDonald's Bear behind him.

The film crew quickly retreated, and McDonald's Bear came over with the security team.

Although he was at odds with Jiang Tiansheng, Chu Feng was still in Hongxing.

This tiger skin is useless if you don’t use it.


After hearing this, Feihong's face became even more gloomy.

It's been a long time.

"Beautiful Feng, it's my fault this time."

"I apologize to you!"

Feihong was also a bachelor. Seeing that he couldn't argue with the other party, he gave in immediately.

Although he has a total of five NO.60 people. 410

In his opinion, as long as there is a fight, his side will definitely have the upper hand.

But now.

What made sense has become unreasonable.

If it was Fei Hong Zhanli, even if Hong Xing wanted revenge after the fight, the Changle Gang would come forward to tell the story.

But at this time,

He became the unreasonable party.

After ruining Chu Feng's situation, even if Hong Xing and Chang Le were finally brought to tell the story, the Changle Gang would still be in the wrong.

Chang Le's strength is not as good as Hong Xing's, and Chang Le mainly steals cars. Ma Zai's combat effectiveness is not as good as Hong Xing Zai's.

In order to avoid a war between the two major societies.

The final result must be that the Changle Gang made Feihong pay for the trouble.

Feihong can still calculate this account clearly.

"Amao, here are the two bottles of beer."

Feihong said to Huang Mao behind him.

Upon hearing this, Huang Mao quickly ran to the car and took out two bottles of beer.

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