"Bo, wave~"

Feihong took the beer, stuck the mouths of the two bottles together, opened the beer, picked up one bottle himself, and drank it all.

"Beautiful Feng, it's my fault."

"This bottle of beer is my apology to you. If you ever need me, Changle Feihong, just ask."

Feihong handed the empty bottle to Huang Mao beside him, and then handed another bottle of beer to Chu Feng.


Facing the beer handed over by Feihong, Chu Feng did not take it.

When Feihong saw this scene, he immediately frowned: "I don't see you when you lower your head, but when you raise your head, what do you mean, pretty boy?"

Chu Feng glanced at Feihong,

"Brother Feihong, you have to be reasonable. I, Shao Zaifeng, am not an unreasonable person."

"If you are doing my karaoke, bathing, or nightclub today, then I will drink this bottle of wine to make friends with your brother Feihong."

"But this is a serious and legal film and television company, the kind that makes regular movies."

"I spent money to find people to promote and clean up the film, and finally managed to get this film company to make a salty and wet film that has nothing to do with the society."

"Now that you are doing this, all my early publicity will be in vain."

After saying that, Chu Feng glanced towards the gate.

Feihong looked back.

Sure enough, all the melon-eating videos outside the film and television company have gathered at the entrance guard and are pointing here.

Obviously, things are as Chu Feng said.

What happened on the set has attracted the attention of ordinary citizens.

Seeing this scene, Feihong's face suddenly turned ugly.

"Pretty Feng, what do you want?" Feihong turned his head and looked at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng shook his head: "I came out just to get money. As long as Brother Feihong can compensate for the loss of reputation of my film company, then this matter will be over. I am also willing to make friends with you, Brother Feihong."

Hearing this, Feihong suddenly fell silent.

There was a long pause.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Feihong said.

Obviously, he was ready to be beaten by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng thought for a while.

"Let's do this, Brother Feihong."

"I won't settle the maintenance cost of the access control pole with you. We will only calculate the compensation for reputational damage."

"Not much, maybe 500 million."


Chu Feng handed over the number directly to Feihong.



Feihong's eyes widened instantly, "Why don't you go and grab it?"

Although he was ready to be killed by Chu Feng, he never expected that Chu Feng would kill him so hard.


What concept?

Now, it is the late 80s in Hong Kong.

Although Feihong has many luxury cars under his name, the origins of these cars are not very clean, and even if they are disposed of, they are very cheap.

The compensation of 500 million yuan is undoubtedly a thorn in Feihong's side.


Chu Feng's words are not surprising and he will continue to die.

"Five million is just monetary compensation."

"In addition, your brother Feihong also wants to publish an apology in the newspaper, saying that this is a misunderstanding and has nothing to do with my film and television company."

"In this way, this matter is over."

Chu Feng looked at Feihong, who was full of anger, and said in a neutral tone.


Feihong was furious when he heard Chu Feng's words.

Forget it.

You want to apologize in the newspaper?

"Shuai Zaifeng, are you kidding?"

Feihong's tone also began to turn unkind, "Have you ever seen any young and Dangerous guy in Hong Kong publish an apology in the newspaper?"

When Chu Feng heard this, his eyes turned cold: "So, Brother Feihong, you don't want to reconcile?"

"Have you ever reconciled like this?"

Feihong said angrily, "Although we in Changle are not as good as you in Hongxing, we are not something you can humiliate if you want!"


The beer in Feihong's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

In an instant, the bottle fell apart.

Feihong was also anxious at this time.

I've seen bullying people, but I've never seen such a bully.

If he really apologizes in the newspaper, then Changle Feihong will no longer have to hang out.

"Okay, this is your choice."

Chu Feng sneered and said to the security guard, "Close the door!"

Upon hearing this, the security guard quickly closed the iron door of the film and television factory.

Although the access control rod is broken, the iron gate blocks the view of outsiders.

At this time, Feihong was ready to risk his life.

"Brothers, hit me!"

"Get a few people and go to the explosive depot!"

Feihong said to all the horses under his command.

Although angry, Feihong still had some scruples.

Rumor has it that Chu Feng is a desperado, ruthless and murderous.

If Chu Feng really detonated the explosive depot, everyone would die.

Feihong simply shot a few horsemen to seize the location of the explosives warehouse.

In his opinion, the remaining people were enough to subdue Chu Feng, those behind Chu Feng, and the security guards led by McDonald's Bear.


Just at this time.

"Axiu, do it!"

Chu Feng suddenly shouted loudly.

When Asiu heard this, his whole body instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Feihong.

In close combat, Feihong also has certain strength.

However, what he faced was Chu Feng's number one fighter, Ashiu.

Before Feihong could react.

Ashiu was already in front of him, and his knuckles like iron claws were embedded into Feihong's neck.

090 Send Feihong to heaven!Isn’t it just riding a horse for 500 million?

"If you move, I'll crush your neck."

Ah Xiu stared straight at Feihong, his eyes cold and devoid of any emotion.

His right hand turned into a claw and struck Feihong's throat.

With the strength of Asu's fingers, As long as Feihong made any movement, Asiu could easily crush his throat.

As Xiu suddenly took action, Feihong was undoubtedly unexpected -.

Seeing Ah Xiu being so fierce, Feihong was even more frightened.

Isn't this the cripple behind Chu Feng?

How is it so fast?

Feihong glanced at Asiu subconsciously.

However, when he saw Ah Xiu's cold eyes, he felt a thrill in his heart.

he knows,

Ash didn't lie.

If he really dared to make any move, the lame but very strong man in front of him could easily crush his throat.

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