"Shuai Zaifeng, you have the guts!"

"Even if I die, I will still have so many brothers behind me!"

"How can your people fight here? Can they beat so many people?"

Feihong threatened with a strong voice.

However, his neck was being pinched, and his words clearly contained a strong taste of internal erection.


Hearing this, Chu Feng suddenly laughed.

"Feihong, luckily you are still the leader of the Changle Gang."

"You should have heard about what my pretty face has been doing during this period."

"There are so many people on the street who want my life, but they can't do anything about me. Do you think you can kill me with your 50-odd horse boys?"

Chu Feng sneered and looked at Feihong, his eyes full of care for the wise young man.

"Humph! Bluffing!"

Feihong snorted coldly, then glanced at the horses behind him, "Fuck them, I don't believe what Chu Feng can do to me."

After hearing this, the group of boys immediately picked up the guy hidden in their clothes, prepared to rush towards Chu Feng, and subdued Chu Feng in one go.

However, at this time.


Ah Jin suddenly flicked the prosthetic leg on his hand.

The perfectly good prosthetic leg suddenly turned into a weird-shaped pistol, with the black muzzle pointing at the group of four-nine.

A Happy Brand blade also appeared in Lan Yanke's hand.

The scariest thing is Agger.

After seeing this group of people rushing over, Agger's face suddenly flashed with excitement.

As if conjuring magic with his hands, he directly took out two fist-sized mine bombs.

Those Changle Gang four-nine boys who originally wanted to rush forward were stunned when they saw this scene.

at the same time.

Feihong's eyes suddenly widened.


Playing with blades can also be regarded as a hidden weapon.

Playing with guns is considered normal.

What the hell is this guy playing with landmines?

I’ve seen young and Dangerous guys attacking their friends in the street, and I’ve also seen big-time guys shooting people in the street.

This guy has even made landmines?

After a brief moment of stupefaction.

"Damn it, handsome boy, what do you mean by setting up a few fake bombs?"

"Scaring me?"

Feihong yelled, scratching his neck.

When Chu Feng heard this, he ignored him and looked at Agger.

"Age, give him a ring." Chu Feng said lightly.

"Hey! Okay Brother Feng!"

When Age heard this, Jiejie suddenly laughed strangely, took out a fire and lit a mine bomb.

see this scene.

Both Feihong and the Changle Four-Nine Boys were all trembling.

I am Nima!


In the slightly horrified eyes of everyone.

Agger was still grinning, holding the mine bomb in one hand.


As it burns, the lead gets shorter and shorter.

However, Agger had no intention of throwing it.

Feihong was immediately happy when he saw this scene.

If it was a real bomb, how could that short man be so calm?

It's obviously fake!

"Beautiful Feng, you're lucky enough to come out and fool around."

"Put out a fake bomb to scare me?"

Feihong narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Don't be afraid, brothers, just do it for me..."


He wasn't finished yet.

Just when the fuse was about to burn out, Agger suddenly threw the bomb in his hand towards the open space in the distance.

Before it hit the ground, the entire bomb exploded instantly.


The flames were accompanied by billowing smoke, and the violent roar was deafening.

Although Agger was short in stature, his arm strength was astonishing due to the fusion of the demolition genius template, and he could directly throw the bomb from a safe distance.

But even so.

The air wave caused by the explosion still swept over.

While blowing Feihong's hair, it also made Feihong swallow the words he had not finished.

"Brother Feihong, do you want to let your brother try?"

Chu Feng looked at Feihong with a teasing smile on his face, "Let's see, are they stronger, or are these bombs stronger?"

Agger was also very cooperative.

After hearing what Chu Feng said, he took out another bomb in his hand and held a fire in the other hand.

As long as Chu Feng nodded, he would immediately light the fire.

Feihong subconsciously glanced in the direction of the door.

He expected those citizens outside to call the police.

But the door has long been closed tightly.

The melon-eating citizens outside could not see it, and could only hear it at most.

As for whether those citizens would call the police, Feihong was not sure.

However, at this time.

"Ager, continue filming the scene where you blew up the car. Do you still have enough gunpowder?" Chu Feng turned to look at Ager.

When Age heard this, he nodded repeatedly: "Enough, enough to blow up twice!"

"That's no problem." Chu Feng nodded.


Chu Feng looked at Feihong: "It just so happens that that shot is somewhat dangerous, so we can use Brother Feihong as a stand-in."

Hear this.

Feihong suddenly panicked.

How could he not know the meaning of Chu Feng's words?


After hearing this, Asiu couldn't help but drag Feihong to the set.

As for the four-nine boys under Feihong?

Those who come out to hang out are basically either seeking wealth or gaining status.

...... 0

On Chu Feng's side, they even took out pistols and bombs. Even if these four-nine guys had a hundred courage, they didn't dare to say anything.

Brother Feihong, if it wasn’t us, it would be you!

But the firepower on Chu Feng's side was really too fierce!

Ashiu dragged Feihong all the way to the set.

The prop car on the set was already ready, and Ah Xiu directly pressed Feihong into the car and locked the car.

"Age, bury the blast point." Chu Feng said to Age who was standing aside.

"Okay, Brother Feng!"

Agger immediately stepped forward with a smile, and at the same time ordered the field props to move out the explosives placed in the warehouse.

Feihong suddenly panicked when he saw that Chu Feng seemed to be playing for real.

"I'm warning you, handsome guy, don't act recklessly!"

Feihong shouted hysterically, "If you blow me up like this, even if the Changle Gang doesn't trouble you, those cops will!"

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