If Liangkun really knew what happened just now, I'm afraid Liangkun would embarrass him for the rest of his life.

Liangkun wondered: "Cooperation? What kind of cooperation?"

Feihong glanced at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng stepped forward with a smile and explained the need for vehicle sponsors.

As for Feihong being tied up in the car and almost not being sent to heaven, Chu Feng helped Feihong hide it.

After Chu Feng finished speaking.

Feihong also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


After listening to Chu Feng's words, Liangkun's face flashed with joy.

"Great Feihong!"

"I originally planned to talk to you about this today, but the goods from Electronic City were delayed."

"Now that you have reached an agreement with Brother Feng, there is no need for me to waste any more words!"

Liangkun came to the middle of Chu Feng and Feihong while talking, "When the time comes, we brothers will make a lot of money together, and the wealth will be rolling in!"

Liangkun was eloquent and confused Feihong when he said 1.7.

I haven't agreed yet!

Liangkun, why did you just agree for me?

When Chu Feng saw this scene, he smiled slightly and whispered a few words to the McDonald's Bear beside him.

"Okay Brother Feng, I'll go right away!"

When McDonald's heard this, he quickly ran all the way to the office.

It will take a while.

McDonald's Bear came out with a stack of documents, which was about the contract for Phenom's vehicle sponsorship.

"Brother Feihong, just like Brother Kun said, sign this."

"Let's make money together in the future."

Chu Feng placed the contract in front of Feihong.

Feihong subconsciously checked the contract.


He had narrowly escaped death and was still emotionally unstable.

In addition, he was double fooled by Chu Feng and Liang Kun. When he took the contract and checked it, he signed his name at the bottom of the contract in a daze.


092 Liangkun: I can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

after an hour.

"Boom boom boom"

At the entrance of the film and television company, the roar of trucks could be heard.

Two trucks drove in through the door.

The truck is used to pull cars. It has a plywood in the middle and has two levels in total.

On each floor, there are three cars parked.

These cars look like old cars at first glance. Although they are already among the oldest models, they are not worth much now.

But at that time, it was worth a lot of money.

As a car thief, Feihong is naturally a car lover.

Although these classic cars have now expired, they are all in Feihong's garage and are listed as his collection.

Now that the contract has been signed.

Feihong could only reluctantly take them out.

"I hope I can make my money back."

Feihong looked at these classic cars and thought to himself.

Under the dual pressure from Chu Feng and Liangkun, Feihong no longer wanted to ask for anything more.

I just want to get my money back.

Just don’t let the cars you sponsored lose all your money.

at this time.

beep beep-

Chu Feng's CALL machine suddenly rang. He picked up the CALL machine and saw that it was a message from Li Shan. 10

[Brother Feng, the pharmaceutical equipment is in place. Although some doctors have not yet reached an agreement, it is already possible to initially produce drugs - Li Shan. 】

"Baituoshan Bone Strengthening Powder and Dadi Huichun Pills are ready for production."

“It’s also time to think about how to place ads.”

thought here.

Chu Feng glanced at Liangkun and Feihong who were standing aside.

"Akun, you and Feihong deal with the car first."

"McDang Bear, come back with me and let's talk about the script. There are some things that need to be added."

Chu Feng invited McDonald's Bear back to the office to read the script.

Wait for Chu Feng to leave.

Feihong suddenly came to Liangkun, took out a pack of cigarettes and pulled out two.

"Akun, we have been brothers for so many years."

Feihong handed the cigarette to Liangkun, "If you still regard me as Feihong's brother, tell me honestly, were you coerced by Liangzaifeng into doing this movie business?"

Hearing this, Liangkun glanced at Feihong in surprise.

Feihong's heart suddenly sank when he saw Liangkun's expression.

It goes without saying that he has been around for so many years, and his ability to observe people's emotions goes without saying.

Although Liangkun didn't say anything, judging from Liangkun's expression, there was a high probability that Liangkun was also coerced by Chu Feng.

Thinking of this, Feihong was a little puzzled.

"He is just a Hongxing boss now. Although he defeated Ba Guan and won the Lian Sheng match, and his subordinates are ruthless and fierce, you, Liangkun, are still the leader of the hall, so there is no need to follow his lead. ?" Feihong asked Liangkun and lit the cigarette.

When Liangkun heard this, he immediately understood that Feihong had misunderstood.

"That's right, I was indeed coerced by Liang Zaifeng."

Liangkun said bluntly, "But Feihong, as a brother, you have to listen to my advice."

Feihong looked puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Don't have too many ideas, just do your job well!" Liangkun said straightforwardly.

Hearing this, Feihong couldn't help but feel even more puzzled.

"Akun, when did you become so loyal?" Feihong tilted his head, "Even if you talk about loyalty, you don't say it to Chu Feng. He has intimidated you."

Liangkun nodded his head.

"That's right, I'm not loyal."

"What is the word righteousness? The top is sheep, and the bottom is me."

"Together, I am the Lamb."

Liangkun poked his chest and said.

"Then you still..." Feihong wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Liangkun.

"Feihong, you know what I love most."

"Besides my mom, it's all about money!"

Liangkun said to Feihong.

Hearing this, Feihong nodded noncommittally.

Although Liangkun is a bit eccentric in his usual behavior, he is notoriously filial to his mother.

As for money, let alone it.

Liangkun is said to be the most profitable among the talkative people in Hongxing.

"Then what does this have to do with you and Liang Zaifeng?" Feihong asked even more puzzled.

When Liangkun heard this, he looked at Feihong as if he was mentally retarded.

"I'm telling you, Feihong."

"Although I was intimidated by Liang Zaifeng, I don't hold any grudge against him at all."

"Because he is my God of Wealth! I believe that as long as I follow him, I will make money."

"Whoever dares to touch him is tantamount to touching my God of Wealth. I, Liangkun, will be the first to have trouble with him. Even if he is a sworn brother, I will kill him."

Liangkun glanced sideways at Feihong.

These words can already be said to be a warning.

As long as Feihong has any bad intentions in his heart, he is an enemy to Liangkun.

Liangkun directly stated his position.

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