Feihong glanced at the direction of the office: "You mean, he can really make us money?"

"Yes! It seems you are not stupid."

Liangkun rolled his eyes at Feihong, "Think about it, why was I so happy after I heard you talk about a partnership just now? Because with your car sponsorship, we can make more money!"

Hear this.

Feihong finally came to a complete enlightenment.

Liangkun is a very shrewd person. Since Liangkun said so, Feihong can only choose to believe it.

It seems.

At least you don’t have to lose money on the vehicles you sponsor.

Paused for a moment.

"it is good!"

Feihong hammered his palm with his fist, "Then let's get the money first. After we get the money, we brothers will go out and work alone."


He wanted to say this.


Liangkun slapped Feihong directly on the back of the head.

Feihong was caught off guard and was stunned by Liangkun's slap.

"What are you doing?"

Feihong glared at Liangkun, "I'll provide the car, and you'll provide the venue. What else do you want him to do? The two of us will share the money when we go out to work alone."


Liangkun became even more angry when he heard this.

"Feihong, Feihong, luckily you are still the eldest brother of the Changle Gang, why are you getting more and more stupid as you get around?"

"What is the most important thing in making a movie? The script!"

410 “The script was provided by Liang Zaifeng.”

"And if there was no handsome guy, how could Lame Hao agree to make this movie?"

Liangkun came to Feihong and shouted sharply.

Tumo Xingzi sprayed Feihong in the face.

Hear this.

Feihong was completely dumbfounded.

"Akun, you said... before this movie was made, the handsome guy went to see the lame hao?"

"And, was it the script he provided?"

Feihong asked a little confused.


Liangkun nodded, looked at Feihong who was covering his head, and his tone became slightly softer,

"Feihong, you have just met Brother Feng and don't know what Brother Feng is like. Now that you have such thoughts, I don't blame you."

"Although Brother Feng is ruthless, he is only for outsiders, not for our own people."

"As long as we follow him wholeheartedly, he will not be stingy when it comes to making money."

"We come out here just to make money."

"I, Liangkun, can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal."

Liangkun said slowly beside Feihong.

When Feihong heard this, he was stunned for a long time.

About 5 minutes passed.

"it is good!"

Feihong nodded firmly, "Since you said so, Kun, then I will take a gamble with you and Handsome Feng!"

When Liangkun heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, within three days, you will become like me."


093 Advertising placement, Qiu Shuzhen’s coming-of-age ceremony!

at the same time.

Inside the office.

Andy and other leading actors were waiting in the office for filming.

Chu Feng walked into the office with McDonald's Bear.

"Brother Feng, Brother Xiong!"

Andy Lau, Lu Liangwei, and several other actors saw the person in charge of the set and the director coming and greeted them quickly.

This time, the attitudes of Andy Lau and Lu Liangwei were completely different from before.

previous time.

Because of McDonald's reputation and Liangkun's threat, these actors were still trepidatious even when they came to film.


Since Chu Feng’s last explanation.

McDonald's attitude towards these actors is much better than before.


Hua Zai, Lu Liangwei and others also understood that what Chu Feng said before was not just for the occasion.

Chu Feng's purpose was indeed to make the film successfully while ensuring the safety of the actors, and he promised to increase their remuneration by another [-]%.

After understanding the general situation.

The actors were also relieved and naturally acted very hard.

They were very confident in this movie. Although the company has just started, they also have plans to leave an extra escape route.

If the movie is a hit.

Their reputation will naturally increase.

After hearing Chu Feng's deeds.

In order to make friends with Chu Feng, Andy and Lui Liangwei turned down all their film appointments so that Chu Feng could find them as starring roles in future filming.

When it comes to making movies, I naturally work even harder.


When making a movie, the two of them will also give McDonald's some reasonable suggestions because of their in-depth understanding of the characters.

After listening to Chu Feng's words, McDonald's Bear.

His attitude towards these actors has also improved a lot. If they have suggestions, he will happily discuss them with them and finally decide whether to accept them or not.

right now,

The script of "Chasing the Dragon" probably remains unchanged.

But compared to the original version, it has become more detailed and deeper.

Chu Feng was thinking about placing advertisements.

Seeing that these leading actors and other actors were there, I simply decided to discuss it with them.

But at this moment.

You Caini suddenly pulled Qiu Shuzhen forward.

"Chu Feng, I have to take Ah Zhen back first and come back tomorrow." You Caini said goodbye to Chu Feng.

"Why did you leave so early?" Chu Feng glanced at the two of them in confusion.

You Caini smiled and said: "There is another class in the afternoon. This class is very important. Not only do I have to prepare for it, but A-Zhen can't be absent either."

at this time.

After hearing this, McDonald's Bear disagreed: "Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Ah Zhen's expressions and movements were remarkable during the filming. In addition, she is also beautiful. This movie will definitely be a hit when it is released. Huo, I won’t worry about acting in movies from now on.”

As soon as this word comes out.

Andy Lau and Lu Liangwei also nodded.

One of them plays the role of Lai Hao, and the other plays the role of Lei Luo. Naturally, they have also played opposite Ah Zhen.

Both of them also recognized Ah Zhen's acting skills.

"Brother Feng, I have to say that Ah Zhen is a genius when it comes to acting."

With a signature smile on his face, Andy said, "If she is willing to take the actress route in the future, she will definitely become very popular."

Andy already has a certain reputation and has made many movies.

The advice given is natural and pertinent.

When Ah Zhen heard this, a strange movement flashed in her big eyes.

However, after a while.

She still shook her head slightly.

"Brother Feng, I'd better go back first."

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