Chu Feng suddenly understood why his beautiful mother was looking for him.

Pretty Mom's own business is nightclub business, and Sham Shui Po is also a prosperous place, so Pretty Mom naturally makes a lot of money.

It seems that now,

Sham Shui Po can no longer satisfy Pretty Mom, and it seems that Pretty Mom wants to expand.

However, if they can cooperate, Chu Feng will naturally accept it happily.

Now those yellow scarf warriors are still watching the scene in the East District Corridor and supervising the decoration.

After such a long time, it should have been almost decorated.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng held the phone and smiled.

"Yes, pretty mom."

"You are well-informed. Those venues were taken from He Liansheng. Those girls in the venue are close to He Liansheng. Even if the venue reopens, I don't want those people." .”

Chu Feng told his beautiful mother his thoughts and expressed his demands at the same time.

When the pretty mother heard what Chu Feng meant, she immediately knew what he meant.

Although neither party has said anything about cooperation.

But a question and an answer have established a simple relationship between supply and demand.

thought here.

The beautiful mother’s smile became even bigger: “How about we make an appointment tonight and let’s talk about cooperation at the Spineful Restaurant last time?”

"Okay!" Chu Feng smiled and nodded.

After the two agreed on a time, Chu Feng hung up the phone.

However, at this time.

The office door was suddenly pushed open.

Shaqiang walked in panting.

"Brother Feng, Brother Kun called you to help!" Shaqiang said breathlessly.

Chu Feng frowned when he heard this: "What's the matter?"

Shaqiang took a few breaths: "Brother Feng, there is a woman outside, Brother Kun really can't handle it."

"Why is there another woman you can't handle?"

Chu Feng frowned and said.

Last time, Liangkun couldn't handle Caini and Qiu Shuzhen. Unexpectedly, it had only been so long before he encountered this situation again.

"Who is it?" Chu Feng asked.

Shaqiang swallowed hard and said, "'s my sister-in-law! Jiang Sheng's woman."

"Jiang Tiansheng's woman?"

Chu Feng's eyebrows were filled with confusion, "Fang Ting?"

"Yes!" Shaqiang nodded, "My sister-in-law just came to the film and television company. She said she wanted to see you by name."

"Why are you seeing me?" Chu Feng pondered in his heart.

Fang Ting is also an actor.

She is Jiang Tiansheng's wife and the first lady of Hongxing Society.

Last time I was at Youguchi Restaurant.

Chu Feng forced Jiang Tiansheng to execute Big Boss B, and a conflict arose between the two.

Jiang Tiangui is the leader.

Being refuted by Chu Feng in public, he naturally felt resentment in his heart.

you could put it that way,

The conflict between the two is basically irreconcilable.

Even reconciliation.

There will also be grudges between the two of them, and it will be difficult for Chu Feng to make a difference in Hongxing Society.


Knowing that Jiang Tiansheng would be detrimental to him, Chu Feng just kept doing nothing and continued to stay in Hongxing to develop.

on the one hand,

Staying in Hongxing can ensure his safety to the greatest extent. Even if Jiang Tiansheng wants to deal with him, he will not dare to blatantly do so.

on the other hand,

Chu Feng also wanted to leave a certain buffer space for his own development.

As long as the strength is enough.

By then, let alone playing dirty tricks, even if Jiang Tiansheng wants to deal with him openly, he won't be afraid anymore.

Even then.

Even Jiang Tiansheng had to act based on his own face and directly turned against the guest and asked Hong Xing to change his surname.

Fang Tinggui is the first lady of the Hongxing Club and the sister-in-law of all the club members. She is actually looking for her at this time?

What happened?

Could it be... related to Jiang Tiansheng?

Chu Feng was confused.

"Forget it, I'll go take a look!"

After a moment of pause, Chu Feng led Asiu and others directly out of the office.

Although I don’t know why Fang Ting is looking for her.


After all, he is still a member of Hongxing Society.

The struggle with Jiang Tiansheng was also carried out in secret, and the superficial skills still had to be in place.

Under the leadership of Shaqiang.

Chu Feng walked towards the entrance of the set.

095 Fang Ting’s Xiao Jiujiu!Take advantage of the situation!

Under the guidance of Shaqiang.

Chu Feng walked towards the gate of the studio.

At this time, a women's sedan was parked at the gate. Next to the access control gate, a woman wanted to come in, but was stopped by Liangkun.

The woman has a very voluptuous figure, a red wine glass figure of later generations, with a bulging front and a curved back.

Her skin is extremely fair, but very healthy. Her eyelashes are curved, and she has a pair of charming apricot eyes.

The lips were painted with aunt-colored lipstick, which was plump and plump.

Paired with that sky blue hip-hugging skirt, it will definitely turn heads on the road.

This woman is no one else.

It is none other than the current first lady of Hongxing Society, Fang Ting.

"I have to say that Jiang Tiansheng's aesthetics is quite good. -"

Chu Feng glanced at the woman and said lightly.

Shaqiang next to him seemed to have some concerns when he heard this.

But when he saw that there was no respect in Chu Feng's eyes next to him, he immediately let go.

"Yes! Mr. Jiang is very good at choosing."

"When Jiang Sheng was watching a movie, he immediately fell in love with Fang Ting who was filming. Then he spent a lot of money to transform Fang Ting from an actor into a sister-in-law of Hongxing Society."

"It's great to have money."

Shaqiang muttered a little enviously.

A woman like Fang Ting, especially a celebrity, is something that a short mule would never dare to think about.

After all, to be a celebrity, you need to get a hotel and a sports car.

Ordinary short mules may look majestic, but in fact their pockets are cleaner than their faces. How about giving them a sports car to their apartment?Where can I afford it?

The two chatted without saying a word.

Chu Feng saw it.

At the entrance of the studio, Liangkun opened and closed his mouth as if he was saying something.

Fang Ting, on the other hand, stood there, looking at Liangkun calmly, with a polite smile hanging on her lips.

An actor's self-cultivation.

In addition, for so many years, he followed Jiang Tiansheng in and out of high society.

Fang Ting has become a successful lady in terms of temperament.

"Si Qiang, you go ahead and do your work. I'll take care of it here." Chu Feng said to Si Qiang when he was about to enter.

"Okay, Brother Feng, then I'm going to do something." Upon hearing this, Shaqiang turned and left.

Chu Feng walked forward calmly.

"Brother Feng, take care of her!" Liangkun glanced at Fang Ting, his eyes filled with helplessness.

Chu Feng first looked around.

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