"Where's Feihong?"

There was no sign of Feihong around.

Liangkun looked a little speechless: "Feihong has just returned after delivering the car. We also need him to handle the next batch of car orders!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Feng nodded slowly.

After asking Feihong.

Chu Feng glanced at Fang Ting: "You are..."

Chu Feng directly pretended that he did not know Fang Ting.

After all, he was just a big boss in Hongxing Society and had never met Fang Ting.

But Chu Feng had seen movies in his previous life.

So even though I had never seen her before, I still recognized her at a glance.

Liangkun leaned close to Chu Feng's ear: "She is the first lady of Hongxing, Jiang Tiansheng's woman, and his sister-in-law Fang Ting."

Hear this.

Chu Feng suddenly pretended to be enlightened.

"It turned out to be sister-in-law."

"I wonder what my sister-in-law has to do when she comes to our place?"

Chu Feng asked pretending to be curious.

"Are you the pretty boy Feng?" Fang Ting glanced at Chu Feng with interest. After a moment, surprise flashed in her eyes, "Yes, there are indeed handsome boys. If you make a movie, you can make money just by looking like this. .”

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Chu Feng replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner, and then looked away.

see this scene.

Fang Ting couldn't help but be a little surprised.

She had obtained all Chu Feng's information, including photos, from Jiang Tiansheng.

As for the surprise in her eyes just now, she wasn't pretending.

She found that Chu Feng looked much better than in the photo.

And what surprised her most.

Chu Feng's attitude towards her was neither humble nor arrogant, unlike other young and Dangerous boys at all.

I remember the last time Chen Haonan and his group, who were at odds with Chu Feng, went to her villa.

She was still swimming at the time.

The guy named Pheasant kept staring at her, his eyes almost popping out.

As for the others, although their eyes were not so direct, they still glanced at her from time to time.

And naturally she came here today to persuade Chu Feng not to fight Jiang Tiansheng.

But he found out.

After Chu Feng greeted her, his eyes moved elsewhere.

Thinking of this, Fang Ting glanced at Chu Feng a few more times.

This little look.

Liangkun next to him was stunned.

Sister-in-law is worthy of being a sister-in-law.

Every move has a natural charm.

Chu Feng was stared at by Fang Ting, which made him feel uncomfortable for a while.


At present, the fight with Jiang Tiansheng is only secret and has not reached the stage of open fight.

There is no need for Chu Feng to embarrass a woman.


Fang Ting did not answer Chu Feng's question.

"You still know that I am the sister-in-law? Are you going to let the sister-in-law stand outside and talk to you?"

Fang Ting had a faint smile on her face and her voice was charming.

Chu Feng was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face: "Sorry, sister-in-law, a movie is being filmed inside. Unless you are an actor or have a pass, you are not allowed to enter casually."

"Really?" Fang Ting raised her eyebrows after hearing this, "Then can I come here to apply for an actor job?"

"Applying to be an actor?" Chu Feng frowned.

Immediately, he sneered inside.

Originally, Chu Feng was still curious about what Fang Ting was doing here suddenly, but now Chu Feng understood.

...... 0

Fang Ting definitely came here to gather information.

And the reality was just as Chu Feng thought.

Fang Ting's first purpose when she came here was naturally to persuade Chu Feng to work for Jiang Tiansheng.

If you can't be convinced, just apply for an actor here.

Anyway, she is also a star, and her acting skills are not bad.

Not only will there be plenty of opportunities to persuade in the future, but you will also be able to find out Chu Feng's daily movements.


Fang Ting thought so in her heart.

Chu Feng would naturally not let her succeed.

"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, all the actors have been recruited." Chu Feng refused in a calm voice.

How could Fang Ting be sent away so lightly.

Hearing Chu Feng say this.

Fang Ting's face suddenly became serious: "What? You don't even give me, the first lady of Hongxing, face? I have acted before, and I will never let you down."

Seeing Fang Ting like this.

Chu Feng's expression suddenly darkened.

Since Fang Ting didn't know how to advance or retreat, Chu Feng naturally had no reservations.

Having watched the movie in his previous life, Chu Feng knew the details of Fang Ting.

When Fang Ting first debuted, she made her debut through salty and wet films.

Only later, he quickly transformed and made serious movies.

And he also erased the previous incident of filming a salty and wet movie.

at this point,

Jiang Tiansheng didn't seem to know.

thought here.

Chu Feng smiled: "Sister-in-law, since you said so, please come in."

"Brother Feng..." Liangkun wanted to say something else.


Before he could speak, Chu Feng stepped aside a few feet.

096 You go back first, I will take my sister-in-law over there to see the scenery

Fang Ting glanced at Chu Feng in surprise.

She didn't expect that Chu Feng would step aside so directly and let her in.

After talking to Liangkun for a long time, Liangkun didn't let her in, but now Chu Feng didn't even stop her. After asking a simple question, he just let her go.

This time, she came here to persuade Chu Feng and to find out information about the set.

Chu Feng must also know this.

But now Chu Feng is so straightforward, which she never expected.

But when I thought about it, it didn't matter.

Now that Chu Feng got out of the way, she must go in and take a look.

Although Chu Feng and Jiang Sheng are at odds now, at least they haven't broken up yet.

In Fang Ting's view, Chu Feng couldn't do anything to herself.

"This is where Hong Xing is!"

"Not as stingy as some people."

Fang Ting rolled her eyes at Liangkun next to her and entered the set with an elegant "[-]" step.

Chu Feng also followed Fang Ting and walked in.

"Hey, you..."

Liangkun wanted to say something, but seeing that Chu Feng didn't even block him, he could only sigh helplessly and follow him in.

The three of them walked towards the office.

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