"Brother Feng, I have long admired your name."

"Kill Ba Kuan, kill the bad gambling bear, force Big Boss B to death, and also become the Southern District Committee Member of the Kowloon Walled City. I am in full swing."

Chen Guozhong said with a smile.

Of course, it goes without saying much about the intelligence capabilities of the police station.

Chu Feng became a committee member of the Southern District, and now only Hongxing Jiulong talker knows about it.


Chen Guozhong got the news so quickly.

When Chu Feng heard this, he denied it repeatedly: "Sir, you are just spreading rumors. I am in a serious business. I can only apologize to them for the death of those gentlemen. But if you spread rumors, I will I’m going to sue you for defamation.”

When Chen Guozhong heard what Chu Feng said, he didn't take the initiative to expose it. He just smiled and said nothing.

Niu Xiong stepped forward: "Young man, don't be ignorant. We are here this time to save you."

"help me?"

When Chu Feng heard this, he chuckled, "When Wang Bao came, he said he was here to save me, and now you also say he is here to save me. Which side should I believe?"

"You..." Niu Xiong wanted to say something else.


Before he could say anything, Chen Guozhong suddenly shook his head.

Chen Guozhong is older than Niu Xiong, and his police rank is one level higher than Niu Xiong's.

Seeing this, Ushio Xiong could only shut his mouth angrily.

Then, Chen Guozhong looked at Chu Feng, "Do you know that Wang Bao wants to kill you?"

"Wang Bao?" Chu Feng pretended to be dumbfounded, "It's just that the business has not been settled. There is no need to do this, right?"

Chen Guozhong's face darkened: "Are you still fighting with me?"

When Chu Feng heard this, he ignored him.

Seeing this, Chen Guozhong could only sigh helplessly.

"In Jiang Tiansheng's villa, a servant became our undercover agent."

"Jiang Tiansheng met Wang Bao during the day and asked Wang Bao to kill you."

"You are pretending to be confused, but I think you can understand these words, right?"

Chen Guozhong stared straight into Chu Feng's eyes.

When Chu Feng heard this, his heart sank.

Sure enough, as he thought, Wang Bao must have reached some kind of deal with Jiang Tiansheng when he came to find him.

But now, Chen Guozhong told Chu Feng another news.

When Jiang Tiansheng was having a secret conversation with Wang Bao, Chen Yao was also there.

It seems that the person who sent him the anonymous message should be Chen Yao.

thought here.

Chu Feng sneered in his heart.

Chen Yao is definitely a man with enough brains.

But people with good minds are often good at adapting to the changing circumstances.

But even though I thought so.

Chu Feng still shook his head: "Officer Chen, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Seeing that Chu Feng was still speaking vaguely.

No matter how good-tempered Chen Guozhong is, he still can't hold himself tight.

"Beautiful Feng, do you think you can hide this from me?"

"Don't think that if you deny the things you did, it will be fine. Our Royal Police Department's intelligence is not for nothing."

Chen Guozhong's tone was unkind.

When Chu Feng heard this, he sneered and said nothing.

Chen Guozhong's main enemy is Wang Bao. Even if Chu Feng pretends to be stupid now, Chen Guozhong can't do anything to him.

Chen Guozhong couldn't help but soften his tone a bit when he saw that Chu Feng was not making any progress.

".'But if you are willing to cooperate with us, I can open a door for you."

"Not only will you survive, but as long as you don't do anything excessive, we will also give you some help within our capabilities."

Chen Guozhong looked at Chu Feng sincerely and began to draw a pie.

Chu Feng asked with interest: "What kind of help?"

"Kill Wang Bao!"

Chen Guozhong's eyes flashed coldly, "You come forward to kill Wang Bao, and I will ensure that nothing happens to you."

When Chu Feng heard this, he suddenly understood.

It seems that

Chen Guozhong already knew that he had terminal cancer, otherwise he would never have been so crazy.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng couldn't help but sneer.

He has seen many things like painting cakes.

(That’s right) Chu Feng’s damn boss before liked to give Chu Feng a talking point.

The results of it?

Now that the boss is dead and the files are sealed, even Chen Guozhong and Niu Xiong in front of them don't know Chu Feng's identity.

"I'm sorry, officer, I don't know what you're talking about and I don't want to be involved in any of this."

"If you have nothing else to do, please leave."

"Even if they are public servants, they cannot hinder legitimate Hong Kong Island citizens from doing business, right?"

Chu Feng directly issued an eviction order.

The conflict between him and Wang Bao will naturally be resolved personally.

Let Chen Guozhong and others intervene, and things will become more troublesome.

Seeing Chu Feng like this, Chen Guozhong had no choice but to look at Chu Feng deeply.

"Pretty boy, I'll give you time to think about it."

"I hope you can think it over carefully before making a decision."


Chen Guozhong didn't stop either, and got into the car with Niu Xiong and left Fu.

Chapter 104 Beauty Pageant!beware!

Wait for Chen Guozhong and others to leave.

Chu Feng's side was finally cleared up.

It was afternoon, and Han Bin's talents were belatedly arriving.

"Why are you here so late?" Chu Feng glanced at Han Bin and asked.

Han Bin's close relative is named Ah Wei.

Chu Feng had already seen him when we had dinner at Youguangqi Restaurant yesterday.

"Sorry Brother Feng, Brother Bing has something to do, so I'm delayed." Ah Wei came to Chu Feng's money and handed over a briefcase.

Chu Feng took it and opened it to take a look.

There is no more or less in it, exactly 200 million Hong Kong dollars, all with a face value of [-] yuan.

Although the other party was a little late, Han Bin was willing to help in this matter, and Chu Feng didn't say anything.

"Brother Feng, if nothing happens, I will go back first."

"There are still things to deal with over there."

Ah Wei saw that the money had been handed over and was ready to leave.

"What's going on? Why are you so anxious?" Chu Feng was a little confused.

Ah Wei felt a little unnatural and said vaguely: "It's a matter of Bingo International business."

"Go back and tell Binnihu that if you need my handsome face in the future, just ask." Chu Feng did not ask further questions, but asked Awei to give Han Bin a message.

"Okay Brother Feng, I'll go back first." Ah Wei waved his hand and then drove away.

Wait until Ah Wei leaves.

"Follow 410 and I'll go out to the east corridor."

Chu Feng, Asiu and others said.

Last night, Pretty Mom and Thirteenth Sister said they wanted to find some girls to come to Chu Feng’s rescue.

Now that even Han Bin's money has arrived, those girls should have arrived as well.


After half an hour.

Chu Feng's motorcade has arrived at the East District Corridor.

The venues that were involved in Lian Sheng have now all been owned by Chu Feng.

These places, except for a teahouse.

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