Others are entertainment venues such as karaoke and dance halls.

Chu Feng went directly to Hesheng Bar.

"Brother Feng!"

The yellow scarf warriors who were watching the scene saw this and immediately came over to say hello.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "How is the decoration going?"

The yellow scarf warrior scratched the back of his head: "Brother Feng, everything has recovered as before. There are many beautiful girls here today. It is estimated that we can open the business tonight at most."

"Where are those women?" Chu Feng asked.

Yellow Turban Lux: "It's in the dressing room at the back."

Chu Feng nodded: "Take me to have a look."

Under the leadership of the yellow scarf warrior, Chu Feng came to the dressing room.

As soon as I walked in, the smell of perfume and cosmetics hit my nose. (babh)

There were more than 20 young girls in the dressing room.

"Brother Feng is here, why don't you call someone?" said the yellow scarf warrior who was leading the way.

When these young girls heard this, they immediately stood up to say hello.

at the same time.

Pairs of eyes looked at Chu Feng curiously.

Chu Feng has been very popular recently. These girls are all little girls who come out to hang out, so they naturally admire men like Chu Feng.

The eyes of many little girls have an intriguing taste.

Many of these little girls came from pretty mothers, so they naturally knew some rumors about pretty mothers.

At that time, the beautiful mother won Jiang Tiansheng's favor based on her appearance. Although she later became old and shabby, she also relied on this relationship to sit on the throne of Sham Shui Po's talkative person.

In their view, serving their eldest brother is not shameful, but something worth showing off.

Perhaps, after being favored by Chu Feng, his status could skyrocket.


As long as Chu Feng waved, they were willing to take off their clothes.


After a moment.

These little girls noticed the little stutter behind Chu Feng and the girls from Baituo Mountain.

After seeing the faces of Chu Feng and his female companions, the beautiful girls in the ballroom couldn't help but lower their heads, their expressions of shame flashed across their faces.

Although they are young, they are not bad in appearance.

But compared with the female companions around Chu Feng, there is still a big gap.

While they were looking at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was naturally looking at them as well.

After seeing the makeup of these girls, Chu Feng couldn't help but frown.

"Is there only such a small number of people?" Chu Feng looked at the yellow scarf warrior beside him.

The yellow scarf warrior quickly shook his head: "No, there are probably more than 100 girls, and they are now distributed in all venues."

"Call them all." Chu Feng waved his hand.

The yellow scarf warrior did not dare to neglect and ran out quickly.

After about ten minutes.

A bunch of Yingying Yanyan came to the dance hall of Hesheng Bar.

There are more than 100 of these girls in total, and there will definitely be no room for them in the dressing room.

"Come on, everyone, get out, I have something to tell you." Chu Feng said to the girls in the dressing room, and then left the room.

Not for a while.

The girls in the dressing room ran out one after another and stood on the dance floor of the ballroom, looking at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's eyes slowly swept over the girls, and he shook his head slightly.

Figure, age, these girls have nothing to say.

Although the appearance is not very good-looking, it is not bad.

The reason why Chu Feng was dissatisfied was their dress.

These girls are so dressed up, and many of them have afro hair that only black people have.

Or maybe he had a thick layer of foundation on his face, and his eyes were darkened.

As soon as I walked by, the powder on my face fell off.

It's true that it lost some points.

"You can't dress up like this. Please change all your current makeup and put it into a young and pure look."

Chu Feng decided to let all these girls change their clothes.


Chu Feng selected some older girls from among them.

These women are older, about 27/8 years old.

But her figure is completely different from other girls.

Because of their age, they have matured in all aspects, and their bodies are also more red wine glass shaped.

"You are different from them. You have to dress in a mature style, but not like you are now. You can refer to those ladies from the upper class."

Chu Feng told the women he selected about his new plan.

After all this is done.

Chu Feng called the golden warrior over again.

This yellow scarf warrior is Ali.

Among all the Yellow Turban warriors, his combat effectiveness was the highest, so Chu Feng simply selected him as the leader.

"Tell brothers to be careful these two days, someone may come to cause trouble." Chu Feng said to Ali.

Chu Feng was naturally worried about Wang Bao and others.

As for the studio, Chu Feng wasn't too worried.

After all, in addition to Chu Feng, Liangkun also has shares on the set.

Although Liangkun is only the hall master, among all the halls in Hongxing, Liangkun has the greatest power, and even Wang Bao does not dare to offend him easily.

But the scene in the East End Corridor is different.

This place is all supported by Chu Feng alone. If Wang Bao cannot win over him, he will definitely give Chu Feng a blow. The preferred demonstration location is most likely the East District Corridor.

"Brother Feng, I'll go back and tell the brothers right now!" Ali said quickly.

Chu Feng nodded: "I will transfer people from Kowloon Walled City to help later, and you will be responsible for arranging them then."

"Understood, Brother Feng!"


105 Wang Bao’s night attack!Chu Feng really guessed it!

At the same time, Wang Bao Villa.

Wang Bao was sitting in his luxurious living room, smoking a cigar.

"Master Bao, are you sure you only bring 20 people?"

The killer in white, Zhao Ji, stood beside Wang Bao and asked tentatively.

"Well, 20 people are enough." Wang Bao nodded.

When he came back, he decided to give Chu Feng a warning.

And the best way to give this warning is to hurt Chu Feng.

On the one hand, it was to show Jiang Tiansheng, and on the other hand, it was to beat Chu Feng.

In fact, Wang Bao's wishful thinking was very loud.

If after some beating.

If Chu Feng can be more sensible and join his Wang Bao Gang, then nothing will happen.

If Chu Feng was not frightened, it would be a matter of course for Wang Bao to kill Chu Feng. He would have an explanation for Jiang Tiansheng and others on the road.


If you want to destroy Chu Feng, twenty people are enough.

Just go over and smash them, then run away, there's no need to go all out.

"Twenty people are enough. You choose these people and try to choose well."

Wang Bao said to Zhao Ji beside him, "Remember, don't be too eager to fight tonight. Run away after smashing them. Don't make any trouble."

Wang Bao was still very impressed with the disabled people around Chu Feng.

He is a master himself, and his sense of masters is extremely keen.

When it comes to kung fu, Wang Bao has a feeling.

Next to Chu Feng, the thin guy with one long and one short leg was probably not inferior to him.

Although Wang Bao was very confident in his recruitment, he did not want any trouble caused by the recruitment.

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