At least for now, he doesn't want anything to happen to his recruitment.

Tomorrow, there will be goods from Kunsha that will enter the sea, close to the Kowloon Pier. Wang Bao will also send Zhao Ji to pick up the goods. If there is any damage to Zhao Ji at this time, then Wang Bao can only go there in person.


When Zhaoji heard Wang Bao's words, a look of dissatisfaction appeared on his face.

"Master Bao, you don't really want that Chu Feng to pass, do you?"

"In my opinion, he is just a loser, and he has a bunch of cripples under his command."

"As long as Mr. Bao nods, I will kill him tonight."

Zhaoji said with some annoyance.

Wang Bao promised Chu Feng that as long as Chu Feng passed the exam, Chu Feng would be the second-in-command of the Wang Bao Gang.

Although from the perspective of recruitment, this sentence is just a pie painted by Wang Bao for Chu Feng, but no matter what, even if there is only a [-]% probability, Chu Feng's passing is still a huge threat to recruitment.

Now, although the Wang Bao Gang does not have any second-in-command.

But with the prestige he gained in the Wang Bao Gang, he was basically no different from the deputy gang leader.

Due to emotions and reasons, he didn't want Chu Feng to pass.

Wang Bao naturally knew what he was thinking about recruiting.

"I'm afraid you can't get rid of him." Wang Bao sneered and put out the cigar in his hand, "Aji, I know what you are thinking. For me, if Chu Feng can win over me, I will win over him. If I can't, I will bring him down. , but I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Bao, it won't happen." Zhao Ji couldn't help but be moved.

"Well, remember what I said, don't be impulsive." Wang Bao patted Zhao Ji on the shoulder, "Remember! It's just a mess."

"It's Mr. Bao, I know." Zhaoji didn't dare to think about getting rid of Chu Feng this time, and quickly nodded in agreement.

He was an orphan since childhood and was adopted by Wang Bao.

In his heart, Wang Bao is like a father, so he naturally obeys Wang Bao's advice.

"very good!"

Seeing this, Wang Bao nodded with satisfaction, "Then tonight, I will wait for your good news."


into the night.

In the East District Corridor, Chu Feng's nightclub officially opened.

With a new girl and a new facade, naturally many young people came to cheer, and the atmosphere in every nightclub was extremely lively.

Ali and other yellow scarf warriors were assigned to various venues to watch the show.

With these strong men like The Rock watching, those who wanted to cause trouble naturally behaved a lot.


All nightclubs except Hesheng Bar.

At this time, there was no audience in the Hesheng Bar and the dance hall.

Naturally, Ali leads people to guard the Hesheng Bar, but now Ali is leading more than a dozen yellow scarf warriors in the office.

In addition to them, there were naturally Chu Feng, Asiu and others behind Chu Feng.

"Brother Feng, why don't you go back and rest."

Ali said shyly from the side, "Just leave small things like watching the scene to us. With us here watching, who dares to be presumptuous?"

The other yellow scarf warriors also nodded.

For outsiders, they hit hard, one child at a time.

But towards Chu Feng, they still acted very naive and shy.

"be careful and live long."

Chu Feng shook his head slightly, "I always feel that after we broke up with Wang Bao during the day, he will attack us."

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Ali was a little worried when he heard this: "Brother Feng, you are over there on the set..."

Now Chu Feng has three territories.

First, Kowloon City Walled South District.

Second, Plastic Brothers Productions.

Third, there are these nightclubs in the East End Corridor.

Needless to say, Wang Bao wants to cause trouble in Kowloon Walled City?I'm afraid it's not because the old man hanged himself because he thought he had a long life.

The only place I'm worried about is Plastic Brothers Production Company.

Now that Chu Feng is not there, if Wang Bao and the others make a sneak attack, the consequences will be serious.

"Don't worry, the production company is fine."

Chu Feng smiled and waved his hand, "Feihong and Liangkun are not vegetarians."

During the day, Chu Feng discussed with everyone and came to a conclusion.

...... 0

If Wang Bao wants to take revenge, he will most likely choose the East District Corridor.

First of all, the East District Corridor is the closest to Wang Bao's territory. For Wang Bao, he can advance, attack, retreat or defend.


Only then would Chu Feng bring Ah Xiu and others over.

As for the studio, Chu Feng also did not take it lightly.

When they came to the East District Corridor, Chu Feng had already told Liangkun and Feihong to take their Ma Zai to defend the territory of the studio.

Liangkun is the most powerful hall leader in Hongxing. Although he is not as powerful as Wang Bao's entire gang, Wang Bao will definitely not go out in force even if he takes revenge.

What's more, Liangkun has a fierce man like Feihong to help him?

"Okay, I'll spend the night here tonight." Chu Feng smiled and said to Ali.

Seeing that Chu Feng insisted on staying, Ali could only nod in agreement.

But at the same time, he had decided that no matter what happened, he would protect Chu Feng's safety to the death.


Just when Ali made up his mind.


Outside the door, there was a sudden sound of glass breaking.

Immediately afterwards, the noise of customers and the screams of girls came.

Then, the DJ's voice stopped abruptly.


Chu Feng smiled slightly, "I knew they would come from this way."

at the same time.

Ali was also shocked.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng actually guessed it!

"Brothers, what are you doing standing still? Copy the guy!" Ali yelled at the Yellow Turban Lux Gate behind him.

106 Defeat ten groups with one force, capture them alive and recruit them!

When more than ten yellow scarf warriors heard this, their eyes suddenly widened and even glowed faintly.

Their loyalty is a variant version of die-hard loyalty, fanaticism.

In their eyes, Chu Feng is their great teacher.

And when fighting around a great virtuous master, your combat effectiveness will triple!

Hearing Ali's fierce shouting, the golden warriors rummaged through the boxes and cabinets one after another.

It will take a while.

Wooden sticks as thick as legs were dug out from all corners.

The tip of the stick was studded with nails.

Although these weapons look simple, but with the size of the Yellow Turban Warriors and the giant nail-headed club, half of the body will be bloody and bloody if one blow is struck.

Coupled with that tendon meat, there are three words revealed all over the body - deterrence!

"The real master is here, let's go out and have a look." Chu Feng stood up and left the office under the escort of Ah "[-]" Xiu and others.

The person who came to the dance hall was none other than a group of people.

At this time, Zhao Ji was leading his men to smash things on the dance floor.

Zhao Ji naturally remembered Wang Bao's instructions.

This time I came here just to give Chu Feng a warning, so I only smashed things and didn't hit anyone.

When Chu Feng and others came out.

They were recruited to smash the booths and glass on the dance floor.


After a few hammer blows, those decks were not even broken.

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