The girls and customers around him all screamed and ran aside.

However, although the whole scene seems to be going crazy.

But those customers and girls had no intention of leaving.

Many of these girls are from Chu Feng.

As for those customers, they hang out in the bar all year round.

They could tell at a glance that these people were just here to smash things. Although they hid aside, they all stopped and chose to watch the fun.

Seeing Zhao Ji and others like this, Chu Feng couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, those glasses are bulletproof."

"Even if it hits your grandson before he is born, it may not be enough to break it."

Chu Feng took the microphone of the DJ next to him and said.

With the bar's loudspeaker amplified, Chu Feng's voice instantly suppressed the sound of smashing.

After Zhao Ji heard this, he immediately looked around.

After a long pause, he saw Chu Feng in the dim corridor of the bar.

After seeing Chu Feng.

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhaoji's eyes.

He came to the east corridor half an hour ago and began to observe the situation.

Several other venues were guarded, so he chose this place.

But what I didn't expect was that Chu Feng was also there.

For an instant.

Zhao Zhu had the idea of ​​​​stepping forward and capturing Chu Feng directly.

However, before he could take action, Wang Bao's instructions rang in his mind again.

In the end, he chose to obey orders.


The purpose of warning Chu Feng has been achieved, and the recruitment is no longer stopping, and he is ready to leave.


"Want to go? Can you go?"

Chu Feng sneered, "Ali, seal the door!"

In an instant.

The Yellow Turban warriors hiding in the darkness, led by Ali, appeared directly from the darkness and surrounded the entire gate.

Just now, the reason why Chu Feng asked Zhao Ji and others to smash the door for a long time was because he asked the yellow scarf warriors to block the door.

Chu Feng also saw that he recruited this group of people just to smash things. If anything happened, he was always ready to rub oil on his feet.


How could Chu Feng comply with their wishes?

The lights in the bar were dim. Taking advantage of Zhao Ji and others' attack, Chu Feng said nothing and directly asked Ali and others to go around to the door and block the way of Zhao Ji and others.

at the same time.

Zhaoji and his subordinates also saw clearly the tall and burly figure of the yellow scarf warrior at the door.

Zhao Ji's face looked a little cold.

As for his younger brothers, their expressions changed after seeing the nail-headed clubs in the hands of the Yellow Turban Warriors.

These strong men were not only taller than them, but also had thicker thighs.

Plus that big, intimidating stick.

How about going head-to-head with others with the knife in your hand?Isn’t that seeking death?

thought here.

The faces of the group of people who were recruited and led had panic on their faces.

Just the momentum of the Yellow Turban warriors frightened them into losing their fighting spirit and their courage.

"Since you're here, don't go back."

Chu Feng's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Clear the field, everyone, fight me!"

Those customers originally wanted to watch.

But when the girls in the bar heard Chu Feng's words, they immediately persuaded the customers to leave.

After people leave.

Ali raised the nail-headed stick in his hand and took the lead. 0

Other yellow scarf warriors also rushed forward.

"You dare to come and destroy our place, are you tired of living?"

"It's just these little arms and legs. I'll fight three of them by myself. Don't fight with me!"

"For the great virtuous teacher!"


A group of yellow scarf warriors rushed toward Zhao Ji and the others with their eyes wide open.

Just a moment of effort.

In the ballroom, hysterical wailing could be heard.

These wailings were naturally made by the people who had been recruited and brought here.

They were already frightened by the yellow scarf warriors. Seeing so many strong men rushing towards them, they could only raise their swords to parry in a hurry.


The knives and steel pipes in their hands are no match for the mace in the hands of the yellow scarf warriors.

With one blow of the stick, the group of people who had been recruited and brought along either had their household registrations broken, or they were thrown out even with their weapons and weapons.

Less than 2 minutes of work.

The people brought in during the recruitment either had their heads blown off by the yellow scarf warriors, or had a large piece of flesh and blood torn off by a nail-headed stick, and they lay on the ground and kept wailing.

Only by recruiting one person can we barely survive.

But even so.

He did not dare to fight head-on with the Yellow Turban warriors, so he could only rely on his flexible body skills to dodge the attacks of these huge Yellow Turban warriors.


After a while, Zhao Ji was out of breath.

"No, if this continues, I'm afraid I'll have to explain it here!"

Zhaoji glanced around.

 1.7 In such a short period of time, not all the people he brought over have fallen down, and no one is standing.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Ji felt a rare trace of fear in his heart.

There was sweat on his forehead now, and even his white shirt was soaked with sweat. It was obvious that he would be exhausted soon.

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime.

If you don't think of a way, I'm afraid you will have no choice but to let others slaughter you when your physical strength is exhausted.

"You have to think of a way!"

It causes the mind to turn sharply.

After seeing Chu Feng's direction, Zhao Ji's eyes suddenly lit up.

Capture Chu Feng!

Thinking of this, he tightly clenched the dagger in his hand and rushed in the direction of Chu Feng.


Before he could reach the front, the skinny young man with short legs behind Chu Feng quickly rushed out and rushed up to meet the crowd.

107 Forced confessions and recruitment!Set Wang Bao’s trump card!

"So fast!"

The pupils shrank at the moment of recruitment.

But from the speed, he could see that the guy with long and short legs rushing over was a master.

Asiu rushed over, and when he was still a few steps away from Zhaoji, he suddenly jumped up and kicked directly towards the door of Zhaoji.

Seeing this, Zhao Ji directly stabbed Asiu's sole with the dagger in his hand.

Both sides are extremely fast.

Judging from the situation, at this speed, even if the soles of Asiu's shoes were thick, they would be directly pierced.


The moment the sole of the shoe comes into contact with the dagger.


The dagger instantly drew a flash of fire, and the golden sound was deafening.

Zhao Ji felt a pain in his wrist, and was kicked back several steps by this powerful and heavy kick.

Looking at the dagger in his hand.

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