A large piece of the blade has broken off.

Ah Xiu's shoes were specially made by Chu Feng.

The sole on the short foot is much thicker than the normal sole, and it is covered with a full half-inch steel plate.

He is an agility player. With his strength, he can pierce a person's soles of his feet, but piercing a steel plate is simply a dream. 10

"Really a master!"

Zhao Ji narrowed his eyes and rubbed his aching wrist.

The dagger in his hand had fallen apart, but Zhao Ji still held it tightly.

At this time, he no longer had any contempt.

Looking at the silent Ah Xiu in front of him, Zhao Ji's eyes showed unprecedented solemnity and heat.

Hotness is naturally the pursuit of challenging the strong.

And solemnly, it was because he realized that even if he had the weapon in his hand, he was not sure he could defeat the man in front of him with one long and one short leg.

Even if there are flaws in the body, they all have such terrifying strength. If they are intact...

I can't imagine it in my heart.

at the same time.

Ashiu also had a bloodthirsty expression on his face.

What he merged with was Feng Yuxiu's template.

After the templates were fused, Ash found that there was no one around him who could fight, and he couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

Now, I finally met someone who was a little more powerful.

Of course, you have to have fun.

Zhao Ji's attitude toward Ashu is to go all out.

As for Ah Xiu, he didn't take Zhaoji seriously at all. In his eyes, Zhaoji was only slightly more powerful.

Judging from the momentum alone, the two of them are already different.


Just when Ah Xiu was about to practice his skills with tricks.

"Axiu, fight quickly." Chu Feng's voice sounded.

Hear this.

Ashiu's expression suddenly turned cold, and he casually picked up an iron rod from the ground.

This, like the iron rod, is the hydraulic support on the bar deck. It goes without saying how hard it is.

Soon, the two fought together again.

This time, there was no suspense at all.

At the beginning of the recruitment, he could still find a few tricks, but after being hit on the head a few times by Ash, his mentality gradually became unbalanced. Although his tricks looked fierce, they were actually messed up.

Not a few moves were made.

The iron rod in Asiu's hand hit Zhao Ji's wrist.

His wrist was already injured, and the dagger that shattered in his hand flew away and fell to the side.

Without the accumulation of weapons, he is no match for Asu.

Ashiu's hands were like lightning, and he quickly reached out to all the joints in Zhaozhu's body.

While clasping the joints, the fingers exerted force.



There was a sound of bones being dislocated.

Under the severe pain, Zhao Ji bit his tooth crown and let out a muffled groan that was not like a human voice.

It will take a while.

All the key points of his limbs were removed by Ash, and he fell to his knees.

The Wang Bao gang members who were lying on the ground were immediately frightened when they saw this scene.

Zhaoji is the number one master under Wang Baobao!

Unexpectedly, in front of this young man with long and short legs, he didn't even pass ten moves!

at the same time.

Ashiu also took a step forward, turned one hand into a claw, and grabbed Zhao Ji's throat.

With just a little bit of force, the accumulated throat bones can be broken directly.

"Don't kill him yet, I have something to ask him." Chu Feng said to Asiu.

When Ash saw this, he immediately let go of his hand.

At this time of recruitment, the joints throughout the body have been disassembled, and before they are reattached, they are like a useless person.

Chu Feng came to Zhao Ji.

"Recruitment, do you want to live?"

Zhao Ji raised his head, glanced at Chu Feng, and said nothing.

Chu Feng smiled when he saw this scene.

"Wang Bao is looking down on me, Chu Feng, by sending so many of you to ruin my situation."

"Tell me, what was the specific content of the secret conversation between Wang Bao and Jiang Tiansheng? What are the benefits of accepting Jiang Tiansheng?"

Chu Feng looked into Zhao Ji's eyes and asked.

"Kill me! It's impossible for me to betray Brother Bao." Zhao Ji's voice was firm, with madness in his eyes.

He himself is indifferent to life and death.

Death is not a terrible thing for recruitment.

To be defeated by a master like Asu, even if it meant death, it would be a comfort for the rest of his life.

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled slightly.

"How could I let you die? At least you'd be safer than ever without asking what I wanted to hear."

"Tell me, what is Wang Bao's number?"

Chu Feng asked.


As if his heart was iron-hearted, Zhao Zhu simply closed his eyes and stopped looking at Chu Feng.

"Still tough."

"There are not many short mules out there nowadays who are as loyal as you..."

"But just because you don't say it doesn't mean that others don't say it."

said here.

Chu Feng turned around and called Ah Jin over.

"Ah Jin, where is your gun?"

Upon hearing this, Ah Jin quickly assembled his right prosthetic leg into a pistol.

After seeing Ah Jin getting ready, Chu Feng turned his head and glanced at the injured Wang Bao gang members.

"From now on, I will call the 410s one by one."

"Whoever you click on doesn't speak, Ah Jin, give them a peanut."

Upon hearing this, Ah Jin loaded the pistol with a click.

Chu Feng walked slowly to the first member of Wang Bao's gang.

At this time, these Wang Bao gang members had their hands tied behind their backs and lined up in a row.

"What's Wang Bao's number?" Chu Feng asked.

The member of Wang Bao's gang was shaking violently and did not speak.

"I count to three."

"three two……"

Ah Jin's pistol, while Chu Feng was counting down, pressed against the head of Wang Bao's gang.

"Don't kill me, I said!"

"Master Bao's number is 24..."

The boy quickly told Chu Feng Wang Bao’s phone number.

"Very good, you can live."

"get out!"

Chu Feng said to the Wang Bao gang member.

When the Wang Bao Gang heard this, they felt as if they were being pardoned. They didn't care about the pain on their bodies, stood up and ran outside.

After the gang member left.

"You guys keep an eye on them all and don't let them run away." Chu Feng said to the yellow scarf warriors.

Upon hearing this, the yellow scarf warriors immediately held down Wang Bao's younger brothers.

at the same time.

Chu Feng also returned to the office and picked up the phone.

"By the way, the one who ran away just now, Asiu, go and deal with it and make it clean." Chu Feng said to Asiu.

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