Wang Bao took Chu Feng and others to the villa.

While the security guards were leading the way through a garden, Chu Feng winked at Ag.

Aggar suddenly understood and got into the grass.

He was short in stature and looked like a child. The grass in the garden could completely hide him.

The security guard looked back.

"Huh? Isn't there four people? Why are there only three left?" the security guard asked with a vigilant look on his face, his hand touching his waist without leaving any trace.

Ah Jin narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this.

As long as the security guard dares to draw his gun, his movements will definitely be faster than the security guard.


Just when the two sides were fighting each other.

"That's a junior relative of mine, very naughty."

"I guess I can't bear it anymore, so let's go play."

Chu Feng said with a smile.

The security guard thought about it carefully and found that the missing guy was only 1.4 meters tall, had a baby face, and was carrying a big schoolbag. He didn't look threatening.

After hearing Chu Feng's words, he also let go of his doubts.

"I didn't expect Brother Feng to join a club and bring a child with him. He is really different."

The security guard smiled, removed his hand from his waist, and continued to lead Chu Feng towards the villa.

It didn't take a while.

Agger walked back from the other direction and secretly made an OK gesture to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng nodded without leaving any trace.

Then, led by the security guard, they entered the villa.

There was no one in the villa lobby.

There were only two Filipino maids sweeping the floor.

The atmosphere was very quiet, almost depressingly quiet.

"Brother Feng, you have murderous intent." Ah Jin whispered in Chu Feng's ear, "There are gunmen at seven o'clock and ten o'clock."

When Chu Feng heard this, he immediately looked in the direction Ah Jin said.

Sure enough, there was a slight sound of breathing coming from the doorways of the corridors on both sides.

One guy didn't seem to have hid it well, and his shoes were still leaking out.

Chu Feng nodded calmly and continued to follow the security guard.

It will take a while.

A few people went to the guest restaurant on the second floor.

"Brother Feng, Master Bao is inside." The security guard said to Chu Feng.

Hearing this, Chu Feng pushed the door open and entered.

After entering the door, I saw Wang Bao sitting at the western dining table with a napkin.

It looks like he is enjoying breakfast.

After seeing Chu Feng, Wang Bao showed a smile on his face.

It looked like what happened last night never happened.

110 Age, give Bao Ye a ring!

Chu Feng glanced around.

Behind Wang Bao, there were four close men standing.

These people all have bulging waists, and they are obviously carrying a lot of money.


Ah Jin and Lan Yanke also gave Chu Feng an early warning, and there were still many people hiding around them.

It seems that this time, Wang Bao is fully prepared.

Chu Feng sneered in his heart.

Seeing the smile on Wang Bao's face, Chu Feng also came to Wang Bao with a smile on his face.

"Master Bao, I haven't seen you for a day, I miss you so much!"

Wang Bao chuckled: "You come here so early, you haven't had time to have breakfast, right? Why don't you have some?"


Chu Feng was not polite and sat directly opposite Wang Bao.

The western dining table is very long.

The distance between Chu Feng and Wang Bao was several meters.

Behind Wang Bao, there are four close men.

Behind Chu Feng, there were also four people including Lan Yanke, Ah Xiu, Ah Jin and Ah Ge.

Although the number of people seems to be equal.

But those people behind Wang Bao couldn't help but show contempt on their faces after seeing the people behind Chu Feng.

Liang Zaifeng's group of close friends are each more unique than the last.

Either an arm or a leg is missing, and there is a half-grown child.

Can this group of people turn the entire Hongxing upside down?

Is there no one left in Hongxing?

These people laughed inwardly and couldn't help but puff out their chests, trying to put pressure on Chu Feng.


Ah Jin and others didn't even look at them.

Except for Bad Eye Ke, who was stroking his pathfinding staff, and Age, who had a crazy look on his face and his hands were trembling slightly.

Ah Jin and Ah Xiu just stared at Wang Bao.

As long as Wang Bao makes any move, both of them can react immediately.

It will take a while.

It was served by the Filipino maid early.

But no one moved their chopsticks.

Wang Bao looked at Chu Feng for a long time, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

"Beautiful Feng, you are indeed brave."

"You dare to break into my villa with these few eggs."

"No wonder guys like Ba Guan, Bad Dog, and Big Boss B can fall into your hands."

Wang Bao's eyes were somewhat intriguing, "If I ask you to do this for a few more years, I'm afraid Jiang Tiansheng will even fail."

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled but said: "Master Bao, you are kidding me. I am from Hongxing. How could I kill Jiang Sheng within a few years?"

"Young man, don't be too modest. I, Wang Bao, can never be wrong about people." Wang Bao said with a smile. He thought Chu Feng was being modest.


But he didn't know that Chu Feng's words had another meaning.

several years?

Is it useful?

Although there are not many people under Chu Feng now, they are all elite soldiers and strong generals.

For Chu Feng, what he lacks most now is time and money.

It doesn't take years.

Jiang Tiansheng will probably be offline in a few weeks at most.

Chu Feng didn't want to talk nonsense with Wang Bao, so he directly pushed the breakfast aside on the table.

"Just think I've eaten this breakfast."

"Master Bao, if you want to delay time, inviting me is not a wise choice."

"When the Guangqi Restaurant is under my name, I can go there for breakfast every day, right?"

Chu Feng said with a smile, "Where's the contract? Are you ready, Mr. Bao?"

Hearing Chu Feng get straight to the point, Wang Bao's expression finally changed.

But after a while.

There was still a smile on Wang Bao's face.

"Chu Feng, you also came out to hang out, and you have been around for a long time."

"The right way is to show your face and laugh at your long-cherished wish, and smile away the grudges."

"One more friend is better than one more enemy."

"If you are willing to reconcile with me, I will tell you some secrets, and I can also help you when you need it in the future."

Wang Bao said with a mysterious smile on his face.


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