When Chu Feng heard this, he sneered: "Master Bao, the secret you mentioned is the person behind you, right?"

When Wang Bao heard this, his expression changed slightly.

Don't wait for him to speak.

Chu Feng continued: "Master Bao, you don't have to worry about these things. I know who wants to kill me the most in the world."

Chu Feng did not name him.

But the meaning is very obvious.

When Wang Bao heard this, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes: "You mean, you don't want to be friends with me, Wang Bao?"

"make friends?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Everyone who works on the road knows that you are either brothers or enemies. Friends are always in the middle. The person who stabs you is most likely the so-called friend, Mr. Bao... Do you think we can still reconcile? Is it possible?"

Hear this.

Wang Bao suddenly fell silent.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng could analyze the situation so thoroughly.

In fact, it was just as Chu Feng thought.

Wang Bao's main purpose this time was to appease Chu Feng.

For Wang Bao now, the business with Golden Triangle fans is the most important. After finishing this matter first, Wang Bao will be free to take care of Chu Feng.

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

until then,

Wang Bao's attack must be thunderous!


Chu Feng was actually able to see through this situation in advance.

thought here.

A murderous intention suddenly flashed through Wang Bao's heart.

Since you can't hold it off, let's cut through the mess quickly!

First kill Chu Feng, and then talk about the deal with the Golden Triangle!

Even if there is no recruitment by then, Wang Bao can still go out and recruit people in the future when there is more money. Sooner or later, he will be able to recruit talents like Zhaoji.


Wang Bao snorted coldly, "I respect you, handsome man, for being brave, but since you are so disrespectful and don't recognize me as a friend, Wang Bao, then don't blame me for being rude!"

...... 0


Wang Bao raised his hand and smashed the goblet on the table to pieces.


As the glass shattered, there were also bursts of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

Not for a while.

More than 20 gunmen poured into the living room from all directions, pointing their cold guns directly at Chu Feng and others.

"Beautiful Feng, I'm giving you one last chance!"

Wang Bao's eyes still flashed with danger.

Chu Feng sneered: "Let go of recruitment? Simple! Where is the transfer contract of the restaurant?"

When Wang Bao heard this, his eyelids jumped: "Are you, Chu Feng, really not afraid of death? If you let go of the recruitment, I can let you leave safely today!"

"What if I don't?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Then don't blame me, Wang Bao!" Wang Bao's voice was cold, "I have a few Rottweilers in my backyard. Even the police couldn't find anything. They would just think that you, Chu Feng, suddenly disappeared."

When Chu Feng heard this, he immediately laughed.


In full view of everyone, Chu Feng stood up directly and came to Wang Bao's side.

"Master Bao, do you really think that my handsome Feng comes out to fool around just because of his courage?"

"How could I come to your villa if I wasn't confident enough?"

Chu Feng came to Wang Bao and patted Wang Bao on the shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Wang Bao asked.

Chu Feng chuckled: "Age, give them a ring."

When Age heard this, his body suddenly trembled, and he quickly took out a remote control and pressed it hard.


A violent explosion sounded immediately, and many windows were shattered in an instant!Several.

111 Master Bao, my hands tremble easily, please give me a ride!

The huge roar was deafening.

At the same time, the glass of the villa was shattered instantly!

in an instant,

The villa, which was originally tense, suddenly became eerily quiet.

There is no sound, and the needle drop can be heard.

Wang Bao originally planned to let his men kill Chu Feng directly.

But now,

Caught off guard, Wang Bao's head was buzzing with the roaring sound, and he didn't know what happened for a moment.

at the same time.

The gunmen also looked at each other with doubts and horror in their eyes.

"Where did the explosion come from?"

"The sound seems to be coming from the kitchen. Is it a gas leak?"

"I do not know……"

The gunmen said subconsciously.

at this time.

A gunman seemed to have come to his senses and stared at Agger behind Chu Feng: "No, no [-]! It was that kid who pressed the detonation button!"

Hear this.

Everyone immediately shouted, Chu Feng gave the order just now, and the explosion happened only after the little man pressed the explosion button.

At the same time, Wang Bao also came to his senses and stared at the detonator in Agge's hand.

at this time.

The door was pushed open suddenly.

"Master Bao, the kitchen was bombed!"

"But there were no casualties."

A man dressed as a housekeeper came in and reported to Wang Baohui.

Wang Bao suddenly fell silent when he heard this.

There was a long pause.

"Did you do it!?" Wang Bao's eyelids twitched and he stared at Chu Feng dangerously.

"Master Bao said yes, that's it." Chu Feng shrugged, neither admitting nor denying.

Wang Bao suddenly became angry and cursed: "Chu Feng, you are so unruly!"


Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Master Bao has wanted to keep me here from the beginning, so why should I follow the rules if my life is gone?"

"You..." Wang Bao suddenly became furious when he heard this.

Think carefully.

If it were him, in this desperate situation.

Not to mention explosives, he can do even more extreme things.

Just when Wang Bao's face was cloudy and uncertain.

Chu Feng glanced at Ag next to him with a smile.

"Give Mr. Bao a nice dick!"

Hearing this, Age quickly reached for his backpack.

It will take a while.

Explosive packs, mines, bombs, detonators, and all kinds of messy things were thrown onto the table by Ag.

see this scene.

Wang Bao suddenly stopped talking.

at the same time.

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