The gunmen, who were still so arrogant at first, also fell into silence.

Be nice!

With such a large amount, if it really detonated, everyone present would probably not be able to survive.

Many gunmen even had the intention of running away.

Looking at today's situation, it is really possible that the fish will die and the net will be broken!

They and Wang Bao are just trying to make money.

But this time.

It's very inappropriate and unreasonable to risk your own life!


Just when everyone was in a state of confusion.

"Master Bao, can we continue to discuss business?"

Chu Feng smiled and looked at Wang Bao opposite, "Since we want to discuss business, we must be sincere. Now that you have seen my ability, Master Bao, shouldn't it be time to show your sincerity?"

Wang Bao heard this and continued to remain silent.

But judging from the look in his eyes, he should be weighing the pros and cons.

The Spine Restaurant was Wang Bao's lifeblood, and he didn't want to give it to Chu Feng at all.

But now.

If he doesn't give it to Chu Feng, not only will he not be able to get his savings back, but he will also be unable to protect himself.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Fine beads of sweat appeared on Wang Bao's forehead.

There was a long pause.

"Okay! Don't you want to have some backbone? I'll give it to you."

Wang Bao gritted his teeth and said.

"That's right!" Chu Feng came to Wang Bao with a smile, "Everyone comes out to get money. I think you, Mr. Bao, should be a decent person who understands current affairs."

"Shuai Zaifeng, you have the guts!"

Wang Bao said fiercely, then turned around and said, "Call Lawyer Wang."

One of the gunmen closest to the door ran right out.

It will take a while.

Lawyer Wang, whom Wang Bao mentioned, walked in wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

He also held a laptop in his hand.

In this day and age, laptops are a complete rarity.

But Wang Bao is not short of money, and he also values ​​​​lawyers. All the lawyers below are all highly qualified.

This lawyer specializes in serving Wang Bao. Naturally, he also lives in Wang Bao's villa. The explosion just now left him unconscious and in shock. 0

"Bao, Master Bao, what's the matter?" The lawyer came to Wang Bao and asked tentatively.

"Draw up a contract to transfer the Spine Restaurant to Chu Feng." Wang Bao said with a gloomy face and a look of pain on his face.

When the lawyer heard this, he glanced at Chu Feng and immediately understood what was going on.

The earth-shattering loud noise just now was probably caused by this young man.

Lawyer Wang did not dare to neglect and quickly drafted the contract.

When Chu Feng saw this scene, he sneered in his heart.

It seemed that Wang Bao had no intention of handing over the Guangqi Restaurant to him from the very beginning.

If Wang Bao had even a shred of will, this contract would have been drawn up long ago.

"Lawyer Wang, move quickly!"

"The explosion just now probably attracted the attention of the police. Once the police arrive, it will be time for Baoye and I to fight to the death." Chu Feng said with a smile.

When Lawyer Wang heard this, his hand movements suddenly became faster.

Although Wang Bao was his financial sponsor, he definitely did not want to be buried with Wang Bao.

After about 10 minute.

"Master Bao, the contract is ready."

Lawyer Wang respectfully handed the contract to Wang Bao.

Wang Bao looked aside with a gloomy face, and signed his name with some reluctance.

at the same time.

"Sign your name, and the Guangqi Restaurant is yours."

Wang Bao said in a bad tone and pushed the contract in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng looked at it for a while, and then signed his name.

"When will the recruitment come back at 1.7?" Wang Bao asked coldly.

"Master Bao, don't worry. I'm not as untrustworthy as you. I will come back to you after I leave." Chu Feng smiled and patted Wang Bao on the shoulder.

Wang Bao frowned and glanced at Chu Feng: "What? I've got the contract, why don't you leave?"

"Hehe..." Chu Feng laughed evilly, "Mr. Bao's villa is full of murderous intent. Once I am frightened by others, my hands will tremble easily. If I accidentally touch a lead or something, it will be terrible. That’s interesting.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Bao slapped the table: "Shuai Zaifeng, what do you want?"

"It's not that good." Chu Feng put his hand on Wang Bao's shoulder, "I hope Master Bao will give me a ride. Only with Master Bao on my hand can my hand not shake."

Wang Bao looked at Chu Feng and saw the cold smile on Chu Feng's face. In the end, he could only nod helplessly and agreed.

112 Wang Bao’s revenge failed!The recruitment is over!

"Master Bao, thank you for your warm hospitality!"

"Your villa is too big. It's a great place for everyone, and it's much better than my shabby Qingshui Street."

along the way,

Chu Feng hugged Wang Bao.

If you ignore Wang Bao's gloomy and scary face, the two of them look like brothers.

Wang Bao sneered: "Beautiful Feng, your methods are indeed amazing. It seems that even if Jiang Tiansheng wants to take advantage of you, he will probably fail."

During this period, he and Chu Feng fought several times.

Every time, Chu Feng suffered a big loss.

In terms of ability, Wang Bao asked himself, he is not much inferior to Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng's Hongxing can reach its current scale largely because of the foundation laid by Jiang Zhen's generation.

But Wang Bao is different. Wang Bao started from scratch and got there step by step.

The only difference between the two is that their starting points are different.

Wang Bao had a vague feeling in his heart.

If Jiang Tiansheng wants to deal with Chu Feng, he will probably suffer a big loss!

"Master Bao, Jiang Tiansheng asked you to deal with me. He should have paid a lot of money, right?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

When Wang Bao heard this, he fell silent immediately.

Although this is something everyone understands. 10

But if Wang Bao spoke at this time, it would undoubtedly be a violation of the rules, and he would naturally not say anything more.

When Chu Feng saw Wang Bao's silence, he didn't ask further questions and patted Wang Bao on the shoulder with a smile.


The two of them had arrived outside the villa and in front of Chu Feng's motorcade.

Wang Bao's group of gunmen also followed the two of them, looking like they wanted to get closer but didn't dare to.

"Let your men disperse."

Chu Feng looked at Wang Bao with a smile, "No matter how many people there are, what's the use, right?"

Wang Bao was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"Okay, you all disperse!" Wang Bao said to the gunmen behind him.

After hearing this, the gunmen immediately retreated into the villa.

Chu Feng continued to walk forward with Wang Bao until they reached Chu Feng's car before stopping.

This Hummer has a five-level military defense level. Wang Bao's small guns alone may not even be able to penetrate the glass.


Now in the street.

No matter how bold Wang Bao was, he would never dare to order his men to shoot and kill people in the street.

"Master Bao, I'm leaving first!"

"Although your home looks very grand, I feel uncomfortable here. My Qingshui Street is better."

Chu Feng chuckled and let go of Wang Bao.

Wang Bao's eyes were filled with uncertainty, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"A handsome young man, the green mountains will never change, and the green waters will always flow."

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