"We'll see what happens next."

Wang Bao said ambiguously.

Chu Feng didn't say anything and got into the car directly.

It will take a while.

Chu Feng's motorcade left Wang Bao Villa.

Wang Bao returned to the villa and watched Chu Feng's vehicle leave with a gloomy look on his face.

A gunman came over: "Master Bao, do you want us to directly..."

As he spoke, the gunman made a pistol gesture.

Wang Bao hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

"not the right time yet."

The most important thing now is the deal with the Golden Triangle, other things can be discussed later.

"The most important thing now is to wait for recruitment to come back!"

"After the recruitment comes back, immediately arrange for him to pick up the goods. Once completed, I will definitely kill Chu Feng with my own hands!"

Having said this, Wang Bao punched the railing next to him hard.

The terrifying force directly hammered the iron railings into deformation.

Wang Bao was used to being domineering in Wan Chai, so naturally he would not be aggrieved by this injustice.

Thinking of the Spine Restaurant, Wang Bao lit a cigar and started smoking.

There was a long pause.

"Arrange a few people!"

"A fire will burn your backbone!"

Wang Bao looked fierce and said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Bao's men were stunned.

"Master Bao, do you have any backbone?"

"That's your hard work!"

said the subordinate.

Wang Bao sighed slightly,

"I won't make it easy for Chu Feng. He thinks my backbone is so easy to get?"

"Let's put it on fire first and let You Guangqian close down for a few days. Chu Feng will also be busy decorating the restaurant and will have no time to care about us."

"After he finishes decorating, and I have finished handling the matters here, I will kill him in one go. The backbone is still mine!"

Wang Bao's eyes were cold and his tone was cold.


at the same time.

Inside Chu Feng's car.

"Brother Feng, I always feel that Wang Bao will not give us the Guanqi Restaurant so easily." Ashiu said coldly.

at the same time.

Ah Jin on the side also nodded: "Wang Bao's character is that he must retaliate. Although we threatened him today, he agreed too happily."

Lanyan Ke also thought thoughtfully: "Isn't this contract a Yin-Yang contract?"

"I have read the contract and there is no problem." Chu Feng said with a smile, "But Wang Bao's behavior is indeed too abnormal."

Wang Bao is not afraid of death.

If he was afraid of death, he would not be in his current position.

Although Chu Feng threatened his life just now.

But Chu Feng also felt that Wang Bao agreed too readily, and he should at least bargain for a while.

"There must be something weird in here!"

Chu Feng rubbed his chin and thought slowly.

Agjiejie smiled strangely and said: "Brother Feng, I will do whatever you say. If it doesn't work, I will go back and blow that Wang Bao up into the sky."

When Chu Feng heard this, he shook his head slightly.

Wang Bao's home is on Hong Kong Island, and the attack just now did not cause any casualties.

If Wang Bao's villa is really blown up to the sky, let alone talk about it, I am afraid that even the entire police station in Hong Kong Island will target him.

After all, there is more than just one senior inspector in Hong Kong, Chen Guozhong.

Chu Feng frowned and thought for a moment.

"How about this!"

"Axiu, take a few of your brothers to the Guangqi Restaurant to observe the situation and hand over the restaurant at the same time."

"But you have to always pay attention to what's going on around you. I feel like this handover may not have gone so smoothly."

"As for recruitment, I'm going to waste one person. After the restaurant is transferred, I'll hand him over to Wang Bao with 410."

Chu Feng ordered to Asiu.


in the afternoon.

Chu Feng returned to the crew.

After chatting with You Caini for a while, Ah Xiu led the people back.

"Brother Feng, it's done." Asiu handed various documents from Guangqi Restaurant to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took the document and took a look: "Is there nothing special happening?"

"Of course there is. As expected, Brother Feng, you were right."

Ashiu said quickly, "After the handover, some of Wang Bao's men were sneaking around with a few oil barrels. They wanted to burn him down."

"Is it solved?" Chu Feng asked.

Ash nodded, murderous intent flashing across his face: "It's solved, it's handled very cleanly."

"very good!"

Chu Feng put down the contract and said, "Then let's put the recruitment back."

"No problem, Brother Feng." Asiu nodded and left.

Not long after Ash left.

Li Shan walked in hurriedly.

"Li Shan? Didn't I ask you to integrate the pharmaceutical factory in Kowloon?" Chu Feng frowned.

Li Shan nodded: "Brother Feng, it's true that I am integrating the pharmaceutical factory, but there is something wrong with Jiulong now."

When Chu Feng heard this, he immediately looked serious: "What's the situation?"

Now the Kowloon Walled City is Chu Feng's real rear area, so it naturally needs to be treated with caution.

Li Shan looked calm: "Brother Feng, I saw today that Senior Inspector Chen Guozhong came to our Southern District with a few confidants and plainclothes men."


113 Crazy Wang Bao!I want Wang Bao’s life!

"Chen Guozhong? What are you doing in our southern district?"

Chu Feng suddenly frowned, "Don't the rules of the city prohibit police officers from entering?"

"They are all plainclothes, and they are all dressed as coolie workers." Li Shan blamed himself, "We in the Southern District are consolidating manpower and expanding the venue recently. There are many workers. By the time I found them, they had already come in. .”

Hearing this, Chu Feng nodded: "Well, I don't blame you for this."

Although Kowloon Walled City is not big, it has a lot of people.

Coupled with the mixed crowd, it was impossible for Li Shan and the others to monitor every new face.

"Brother Feng, how about... I go and persuade them to leave?" Li Shan asked.

If it were an ordinary policeman, anyone who dared to break into the Kowloon Walled City would die without knowing how.

But Chen Guozhong is different. After all, he is a senior inspector.

Even if Master Jiu knew about it, he would only treat the guests to dinner to show their friendship as a landlord, and then send the guests away in a friendly manner.

Chu Feng secretly pondered in his heart.

"Is this guy here to deal with me?"

"It doesn't make sense. His enemy should be Wang Bao."

"Wang Bao...wait!"

At this moment, Chu Feng seemed to realize something and his expression suddenly changed.

"Wang Bao... Kowloon South District... Pier."

"That guy Wang Bao made his fortune by relying on followers, and the trading place is probably the Kowloon Pier."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng's eyes suddenly brightened, "No wonder that guy Wang Bao is willing to trade his courage for recruitment. I had guessed that Wang Bao would make some big move, and it turned out to be this!"

Li Shan on the side listened in confusion: "Brother Feng, I don't understand what you mean."

Chu Feng did not answer Li Shan's words, but asked, "Li Shan, where is the most rampant place in Kowloon for fans?"

"The most rampant place..." Li Shan thought for a moment, "It should be the East District. The East District has the most fans."

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