Chu Feng continued to ask: "What is the name of the East District committee member?"

"The name is Jin Tooth Handle." Li Shan replied.

"Golden tooth handle..." Chu Feng stopped talking after hearing this.

Paused for a while.

"Li Shan, go and find out for me immediately whether there have been any fan transactions in the East District recently. Remember not to let others know."

"Okay Brother Feng, I'll go right away!" Li Shan promised.

There are many chicken stalls in the Southern District. Chu Feng has become a committee member of the Southern District. These chicken stalls are all within Chu Feng's jurisdiction.

It couldn't be easier to glean information from these chicken stalls.

"Li Shan, this matter is urgent, so hurry up!" Chu Feng said to Li Shan.

"No problem!" Li Shan heard this and left quickly.

After Li Shan leaves.

Chu Feng was not idle either and went directly to his sister-in-law to continue discussing the script.


At night.

Li Shan turned back again.

"Brother Feng, I got the news!" Li Shan said to Chu Feng, "While drinking flower wine, the people under Jin Yagang accidentally revealed that there will be a pink boat docked in Kowloon from the Golden Triangle tomorrow night. pier."

When Chu Feng heard this, he clapped his hands immediately: "If that's the case, then it makes sense."

Li Shan was a little worried: "Brother Feng, are you going to attack the golden tooth handle? Is this... a bit of a violation of the rules?"

"Who said I was going to attack the gold tooth handle?"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes at Li Shan, "It's a long time coming to the Golden Triangle. They won't just do one business. In addition, there is no one in a place like Kowloon Walled City, so they will naturally have to do more businesses."

"Brother Feng, what you mean is..."

"What I mean is that Wang Bao will most likely take people to Kowloon Walled City to trade!" A murderous intent flashed in Chu Feng's eyes.

At this time, except for narrow eyes.

Others don't know that Chu Feng is the talker in the Southern District.

The Kowloon Walled City is no different than the outside, so there is no need to worry as much.

As long as the walled city is not blown up to the sky, the police outside can't do anything they want.

The recruitment is now useless.

If you want to trade with the Golden Triangle, Wang Bao must come in person!

Since Wang Bao wants to fall into the trap, Chu Feng will naturally not show any mercy.

It just so happens that during the day tomorrow, the number of primary draws will be refreshed.

thought here.

Chu Feng stood up directly,

"Go and call Ah Xiu and the others, as well as Ali and the others."

"Also, notify all the old men in the South District to come to the crew."

"Deploy the plan and do the work!"


At the same time, Wang Bao Villa.

Wang Bao was having dinner in the villa restaurant.

Since Chu Feng came today, Wang Bao has sent his wife and children away.

Although he knew that he would have to pay back sooner or later if he went out to hang out, he must protect his family well.

At this time, Wang Bao was holding a knife and fork to deal with the sirloin steak on the plate in front of him.

Occasionally, I’ll take a sip of red wine.

At this moment, a close man came to Wang Bao.

"Master Bao, Brother Ji is back." The close man glanced at Wang Bao with a complicated expression, wanting to say something but in the end he said nothing.

"Oh? Ah Ji is back?" Wang Bao's face flashed with joy, "Hurry up and bring Ah Ji here."

As long as the recruitment is back, you can go to Kowloon City to pick up the goods tomorrow.

".'Master Bao, Brother Ji..." The close man hesitated.

However, at this time, Wang Bao was silent in joy.

Seeing this close man squirming, he couldn't help scolding him: "What are you doing, mother-in-law? Why don't you bring Aji here quickly?"

"Yes..." The close man retreated obediently.

It will take a while.

I entered the restaurant after recruiting.

To be precise, he was carried into the restaurant by two people.

Wang Bao was slightly startled when he saw this scene.



The red wine glass in Wang Bao's hand was instantly crushed by him.

"Shuai Zaifeng, you are going too far!"

Wang Bao was furious, his eyes filled with blazing rage.

He had already seen that all the limbs and joints had been dislocated.

Even if it is connected now, it will take at least more than a month of recuperation to regain combat effectiveness.

At the moment, recruitment is basically no different from useless people.

"Master Bao... I, I let you down." Zhaoji glanced at Wang Bao with difficulty, his voice weak.

Wang Bao didn't speak, he just kept breathing heavily.

It's been a long time.


Wang Bao suddenly rose up and overturned the dining table to the ground.

He originally wanted to call Chu Feng to investigate.

However, when I thought about it, Chu Feng already knew about his burning of the Guangqi Restaurant and stopped it.

Both parties are not following the rules. Even if they call now, it will not help. They might be ridiculed by Chu Feng instead.


Wang Bao's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily.

It's been a long time.

Wang Bao's heaving chest calmed down.

"Young handsome man, you and I are at odds with each other!"

Wang Bao gritted his teeth and cursed.

With some difficulty, Zhao Ji asked: "Master Bao, where is that side of Kowloon..."

"I'll go there myself!"

Wang Bao gritted his teeth, "When this deal is completed, Liang Zaifeng will die!".

114 Lottery!Pre-Qin chariot summoning card!Super unit combination!

Early the next morning.

【Ding!The number of primary lottery draws has been refreshed! 】

Chu Feng, who was still having nightmares, suddenly opened his eyes and turned over to sit up.

 小,.':说7::;70.".:4!.,"62,.,!9;!?'34,,'!,中轉'..群君羊 “总算刷新了,不知道这次可以抽出什么东西。”

Chu Feng was looking forward to it and pressed the lottery button in his mind.

Although the money Chu Feng currently has is not enough to support a high-level lottery.

However, for Chu Feng, the amount of Hong Kong dollars consumed in the elementary lottery was basically negligible.

With a thought from Chu Feng, the big turntable began to rotate crazily.

"I hope we can get more people this time!"

"Powerful munitions are also available."

Chu Feng couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

For Chu Feng, what he lacks most right now is people.

Even though Chu Feng was red and purple on the road now, his subordinates, including the elite combat force in the South District of Kowloon City Walled City, only had a few hundred people.

Compared to He Lian Sheng, a first-class club with tens of thousands of people at every turn, it is simply a world away.

So this time.

Chu Feng desperately hoped to draw a unit.

Even if it was just a Yellow Turban Lux card, Chu Feng would be satisfied.

The big turntable in my mind was spinning rapidly. After a while, it stopped after the first rotation.

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