Immediately afterwards, grenades landed accurately on the soles of Wang Bao's men.

A few people with quick eyesight and quick hands picked up the grenades on the ground and threw them out.

However, before the grenade could be released, it exploded.

Obviously the other party took advantage of the time to throw it away.

In an instant, explosions sounded one after another!

Wang Bao's men were already bombed, and many of them were injured.

In addition, they were all crowded together, and there were many wounded lying on the ground.

Now being greeted by this pile of grenades, it is impossible to run away.

(Zhao Zhao) Some who reacted quickly tried to escape, but they were tripped over by the wounded on the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The sound of explosions was heard all of a sudden.

In this explosion, almost [-]% of Wang Bao's men were killed directly.

Everyone was stunned.

at the same time.

Whether it was the Eight-faced Buddha, Wang Bao, or Chen Guozhong, they all froze in place as if they were stupid!

Followed by.

"Da da da!"

There were bursts of gunfire, and every time a gunshot rang out, one of Wang Bao's men who had survived and was running away was shot to the end!

Just the blink of an eye.

Before anyone present could react, Wang Bao's one hundred elite men had all lost their combat effectiveness!

Most of them were killed, and a few had their heads blown off by black guns that didn't know where they came from.

As for those who are still alive, they are all lying on the ground with missing arms and legs. They will die of excessive blood loss soon! .

119 Wang Bao was shot!Wang Bao's elite group was destroyed!Who is it?

Wang Bao's people fell in pieces like wheat.

The remaining people didn't care about the transaction at this time. In extreme fear, they all fled for their lives in a hurry.

The terror of their opponents has completely shattered their psychological defenses!

These opponents in the dark directly use bombs, and the sound of gunshots is also the sound of rifles.

And Wang Bao's men only have pistols!

With such sophisticated equipment, Wang Bao's men are definitely no match.


Now they have suffered more than half of their casualties, but they can't even see the shadow of their opponents, and their psychological defenses have already collapsed.

In this case, the final outcome of staying at the Kowloon Pier will definitely be death!

All those who could move were trying their best to flee around, and even those who were half-dead on the ground were struggling to move their bodies to escape.

Some people even jumped directly into the sea out of fear, trying to escape by swimming.

at the same time.

Wang Bao was the first to react.

When Wang Bao saw that his subordinates had been killed by [-]% without even meeting him, Wang Bao's eyes were split with rage.



Wang Bao fired randomly at the source of the gunfire.

"Who! Who is it?"


"Do you dare to come out and see me!"

At this time, Wang Bao's carefully trained men were all in vain, and he had already lost his mind.

However, in the dark night, no one answered him.

Gunfire still rang out from time to time, and every time a gunshot rang out, one of Wang Bao's men would be missing.

But these bullets did not hit Wang Bao's body.


Wang Bao was furious and pulled the trigger crazily in the direction of the dark Kowloon Walled City.

In just a moment, all the bullets were gone.

at the same time.

The Eight-faced Buddha also looked at the bloody scene in front of him in shock.

He was originally a member of the national army, but after the defeat, he went to the Golden Triangle to develop.

In a place like the Golden Triangle, warlords divide the country and wars are commonplace.

But even so.

The Eight-faced Buddha was also shocked by these plain-masked enemies!

What kind of terrifying combat power is this?

A wave of grenade bombing took away most of them.

Moreover, the marksmanship is also extremely accurate. It is obviously in the dark night, but every time the sound of firing is heard, a person is shot and falls to the ground!

The Eight-faced Buddha subconsciously glanced at Wang Bao's men.

Those who were not killed were shot in the head or heart and lungs.

All are critical!

Even the regular army in the Golden Triangle does not have such terrifying combat effectiveness, and they will never be able to produce such terrifying firepower in a short period of time!

When did such a ruthless person appear in Hong Kong Island?

Who is it?

Why has he never heard of it!

"Hide them all, be careful!"

"These guys are very accurate with their marksmanship!"

The Eight-faced Buddha huddled behind the bunker and shouted to his men on the boat behind him.

He saw that the other party was attacking Wang Bao's people.

He immediately determined in his heart that this group of people should be Wang Bao's enemies, or people who wanted to cut off Hu, and immediately ordered his subordinates not to fight back.

As for whether the other party would attack him, the Eight-faced Buddha was not worried.

After all, although the opponent is powerful in combat, the Golden Triangle is not in vain.

No matter how powerful the big brother is, even those international giants, they must be polite when facing the Golden Triangle.

So, think about it from every angle.

The Eight-faced Buddha decided to wait and see what happened. After finding an opportunity, he took the money and ran away by boat.

at the same time.

Chen Guozhong was also stunned at the scene in front of him, with surprise and joy in his eyes.

Death is not terrible to Chen Guozhong.

For him.

He would rather trade his own life for Wang Bao's.

The only thing that made him regret was that he died and Wang Bao did not!

However, just when he was despairing.

The situation has undergone an earth-shaking reversal!

Basically all of Wang Bao's men were dead, and the whole process only lasted less than 5 minutes.

Although Wang Bao is still stubbornly resisting.

But Chen Guozhong also saw that the opponent's strategy was to cut off Wang Bao's (babh) wings first and then make other plans.

As long as all of Wang Bao's men die, then Wang Bao will surely die soon.

"God has eyes!"

"As long as Wang Bao dies, I will be content even if I die now!"

Chen Guozhong shouted in his heart.

At the same time, he was equally surprised.

Where did this group of people come from?

When did Hong Kong Island have such terrifying desperadoes?

Big guy?

However, the big circle boys usually only send out a few people, and they will never be able to produce such terrifying firepower.

If it’s not the big guy, then who is it?

Could it be those prefixes for Kowloon Walled City?

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