Only within the Kowloon Walled City could such a big movement be made.

After a while.

Chen Guozhong ruled out this idea again.

Although the Kowloon Walled City is not under the control of Hong Kong Island, some people from Hong Kong Island will come to the Kowloon Walled City to observe the movements of the Kowloon Walled City at all times.

Among all the information on Hong Kong Island.

There is absolutely no prefix or committee member in the Kowloon Walled City with such terrifying strength.

"Who is it!"

Chen Guozhong thought to himself that at the same time, he was also observing his surroundings.

Wang Bao was still shooting randomly.

With the last gunshot, the last of Wang Bao's men fell into a pool of blood.

After a moment.

"Bah! Bah!"

Two gunshots rang out, and blood mist bloomed on Wang Bao's chest.

Wang Bao's plump body suddenly froze, and then he slowly fell down.

I saw no one of my own around.

Wang Bao's eyes were filled with despair.

Chen Guozhong saw that although Wang Bao's chest was injured, he seemed to be wearing a ceramic body armor and was not dead.

There was also a pistol on the ground next to Chen Guozhong.

see this scene.

Chen Guozhong gritted his teeth and crawled towards the pistol with difficulty.

at the same time.

When the Eight-faced Buddha saw that Wang Bao's men were almost dead, his firepower also weakened.

"Launch the ship and prepare to retreat!"

The Eight-faced Buddha shouted loudly to the people behind him, then picked up the two leather bags of money on the ground and prepared to leave.


Just when the Eight-faced Buddha was hunched over, ready to escape.

"Da da!"

The still and quiet night was once again broken by the sound of gunshots.

In an instant.

The bag held by the Eight-faced Buddha broke instantly, and the leather bag filled with money fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the Eight-faced Buddha suddenly lost his soul.

The other party's two shots were obviously warning him not to touch the money!

Even the belt on the bag can be broken accurately, let alone his head?

While moving at high speed, it interrupts such a slender target.

Even the mercenary kings active in the Golden Triangle area are not so accurate in their marksmanship!

"Go, let's go!"

In panic, the Eight-faced Buddha no longer cared about the money on the ground.

He quickly ran to the side of the boat, jumped on it.

His men quickly started the moored boats and quickly sailed towards the vast sea.

And just as the Eight-faced Buddha thought.

After I let go of the two bags of money, there was no gunshot.

120 Pretty guy, who are you?

As the Eight-faced Buddha's boat moves further and further away.

The entire Kowloon Pier gradually became silent.

Wang Bao's group of men were all dead without even wailing.

As for Wang Bao.

At this time, he was sitting behind a pile of containers, his chest was bleeding heavily, and he kept coughing up blood.

His group of men all wore ordinary bulletproof vests.

Anti-pistol bullets - no problem.

After all, in Hong Kong Island, even if you are a fan, you can only carry a pistol at most.

And just now.

Those gunshots in the dark were obviously coming from rifles, and ordinary bulletproof vests naturally couldn't withstand rifle bullets.

Although Wang Bao was not shot directly, the ceramic body armor on his chest had been completely cracked.

The bullet was embedded in his body and had already damaged his lungs.


Wang Bao coughed out a mouthful of blood and sat there paralyzed in despair.

Tonight, the outcome has been determined.

Not only has all his years of hard work been in vain, but he will also be confessing here today.

Just when Wang Bao was about to struggle to get up.

The phone suddenly vibrated.

Wang Bao glanced at it, picked up the phone with difficulty, and answered the call.

"Hello? Husband? Why aren't you back yet?" Wang Bao's wife's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Hearing his wife's gentle voice, the pain on Wang Bao's face suddenly lightened a lot.

"I'm busy. Is the baby asleep?" Wang Bao forced a smile, his voice was extremely weak.

"The baby just went to bed, when will you be back?" Wang Bao's wife asked.

"I...ahem, I'll go back soon." Wang Bao's voice became weaker and weaker.

"Husband, why is your voice so weak? What happened?"

"No, it's nothing. I have something to take care of here. I will go back when it is finished. You and the baby are waiting for me at home."

"Husband, you... hello, hello?"

The worried voice of Wang Bao's wife also came from the phone, and Wang Bao hung up the phone directly.


He used his remaining strength and struggled to stand up.


"Who the hell is it!!!"

Wang Bao roared angrily.

At this moment, he no longer wanted to live, he just wanted to see who was on the other side at the end.

As long as he can know who his opponent is, Wang Bao can die in peace.

at this time.

"No, don't move-"

"Wang Bao, you are done, surrender!"

Chen Guozhong's weak voice sounded next to Wang Bao.

At this time, Chen Guozhong had already picked up the gun and pointed it at Wang Bao with difficulty.


Regarding Chen Guozhong's threat, Wang Bao seemed not to hear it, and just looked at the boundless darkness of Kowloon Walled City.

Now, he just wants to see who did this!

After a while.

"Master Bao, are you satisfied with today's gift?"

In the darkness, a clear voice came.

"Chu Feng!?" Wang Bao's expression changed instantly.

This voice was naturally Chu Feng's, and he was very familiar with it.

Under Wang Bao's dumbfounded gaze.

In the darkness, Chu Feng's figure slowly appeared.

Behind Chu Feng are Age and Ajin.

After that, there were the desperate gunmen under Chu Feng and the grenadiers.

"As expected, it's you, what a good trick!" After Wang Bao saw Chu Feng, anger appeared on his face, and he was also surprised in addition to anger.

The reason why he was angry was naturally that his Wang Bao's family fortune was gone.

And surprised because.

How could Chu Feng's men have such terrifying power?

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