at the same time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement [Gunsmoke], the template quota +1."

The system beep sounds.

After a moment.

Chu Feng led everyone away from the Kowloon Pier. The pier was silent, with only blood stains on the ground and scattered corpses, which seemed to still be telling the story of the tragic battle just now.


at the same time.

Wan Chai.

Ah Xiu, three hundred yellow turban warriors, and one hundred speedsters have quietly come over.

As for the scene in the East District Corridor, Chu Feng had already mobilized Jingkun’s people to watch it.

At this moment, Asiu's call phone suddenly rang.

Ash took a look at the message and said, "The side of Kowloon Pier has succeeded. Wang Bao is dead! The copycat is doing his job. The target is all the sites under Wang Bao's command!"

"it is good!"

A group of yellow scarf warriors picked up the crude maces in their hands, with fierce expressions on their faces.

The crowd divided into more than a dozen waves and headed to different venues.

at the same time.

Those motorcycle gangs also all got on their motorcycles.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The roar of motors sounded as these motorcycle gangs raced through the streets of Wan Chai.

at the same time.

In each hand, they also carried a simple Molotov cocktail made of spirits.

These Molotov cocktails have been set alight.

It contained a high degree of alcohol, and even at extremely fast speeds, it was not blown away by the wind.

Every time this group of motorcycle gangs passed by Wang Bao's restaurant, four or five Molotov cocktails would be thrown at the windows and the door would be smashed.



The moment the Molotov cocktail shattered, a large amount of alcohol was carried away.

In an instant, the entire Wang Bao area turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The sudden change caught the spectators by surprise.

Seeing the blazing fire, their eyes suddenly showed panic.

"It's on fire!"

"Someone threw a Molotov cocktail and caused a huge mess!"

"Damn it, who doesn't have the guts to dare to attack Tai Sui?"

"Don't you know this is Master Bao's place?"

"You guys, you think we are vegetarians!"

Wang Bao's subordinates were copying the guy one by one and preparing to rush out the door.

Wang Bao is the overlord of Wan Chai.

They, a group of horse boys, relied on Wang Bao's reputation to dominate this generation and were used to being domineering.

Although this was the first time I saw someone causing trouble like this, they all yelled and cursed, picked up their weapons and prepared to go out to see who was causing trouble.

However, they were not out yet.

The Yellow Turban warriors rushed in with maces in their hands, beating people from Wang Bao's gang and smashing things they saw.

This group of young men who were still shouting suddenly stopped when they saw a humanoid monster in front of them. 0

The maces held by these monsters were almost as thick as their thighs.

Just a face to face.

Wang Bao and his subordinates were beaten to a pulp, crying for their father and mother.

"Damn, where did these monsters come from?"

"Looks like he's a pretty guy!"

"We can't stand it anymore, call Mr. Bao quickly!"

Wang Bao's men were in chaos, shouting in terror.

at the same time.

Some senior executives at the venue also called Wang Bao.


I called a dozen times, but no one answered.

"What are you doing, Mr. Bao? Answer the phone, answer the phone!!!" The senior executives were almost crying.


No matter how they called, there was only a busy signal on the other end of the phone.

He wanted to go out to find support from other venues, but as soon as he opened the window and prepared to jump down, he saw that other venues were also ablaze.


Come prepared and have planned for a long time!

In the desperate eyes of this senior executive.

A large number of brothers had their heads smashed with maces, or had large pieces of flesh and blood scraped off.

Wang Bao went to Kowloon Pier and took away all the elites.

The remaining people are just ordinary dwarf mules. How can they be the opponents of the Yellow Turban Warriors?

Although the members of Wang Bao Gang are far more numerous than this group of yellow scarf warriors.

But at the beginning.

Those Molotov cocktails from the motorcycle gangs had scared them half to death.

Seeing how ferocious these yellow scarf warriors are now, will anyone stop them from defending? How can they still have the courage to continue fighting?

"Damn it, if I don't run away, I'm afraid I'll have to leave 1.7 generations here."

"Master Bao, I'm sorry!"

"It's not that brothers are unkind and righteous. What brothers can do has already been done."

The senior executive gritted his teeth, ran to the office, gathered together the money that he had not had time to give to Wang Bao in the past two days, and prepared to leave.


As soon as he walked out, he was kicked hard in the chest.

The senior executive felt as if his chest had been hit by a locomotive, and he flew backwards.

While flying out, blood and large pieces of internal organs were spurted out.

As he lay dying, he only saw.

Not far away, stood a young man with short legs and a stern expression.

"You...who are you?" the senior executive asked with difficulty.


As soon as he asked this question, his vision went dark, and his internal organs ruptured and he died instantly! .

122 All Wang Bao stalls are closed!Hongxing Talkers Conference!

The fighting in the field is still continuing.

Although Wang Bao's men have lost their fighting spirit, they still have strength in numbers.

Although Wang Bao relied on those elites to join the ranks of the second-rate societies, now those elites have died with Wang Bao.

But there were more than 2000 young people watching the show at Wangbao's major venues, including those who walked over.

There are only three hundred yellow scarf warriors on Chu Feng's side.

However, this group of yellow scarf warriors are fierce and terrifying in size, like iron towers. After rushing in, they are overwhelming.

Their loyalty is inherently fanatical. Fighting for Chu Feng will naturally bring out great fighting power!

Even if he was surrounded by several enemies, with the giant mace in his hand, no one dared to get close for a while.


A yellow scarf warrior smashed the mace in his hand.

Wang Bao's gang members who were resisting in front had the steel pipes in their hands thrown away by the smash.

At the same time, the power of the mace continued unabated, and the iron ingots on it were firmly embedded into the skulls of Wang Bao's gang.

The member of Wang Bao's gang died on the spot.

at the same time.

The mace in the yellow scarf warrior's hand also broke instantly.

"His weapon is gone, brothers, do it to him!" Upon seeing this, 10 people from the Wang Bao Gang immediately swarmed up, preparing to take the opportunity to attack.


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