"Good come!"

The yellow scarf warrior roared angrily, and actually grabbed the thief from Wang Bao Gang who was killed by him before, making a fierce argument.

Those who were hit by Wang Bao's gang had their brains exploded in an instant and fell into pieces like wheat.

"With this little ability, how dare you go against the Great Master!?" The yellow scarf warrior's eyes were scarlet, and they were as wide as copper bells.

Immediately, he grabbed another person's ankle, and the two of them rushed directly towards the other Wang Bao Gang members.

When the other yellow scarf warriors saw his fighting style, their eyes suddenly lit up, as if they had opened the door to a new world.

For an instant.

The mace in his hand suddenly became dull.

"Come here you!"

Another yellow scarf warrior also followed the same example.

Under the horrified gaze of a Wang Bao gang member, the yellow scarf warrior directly grabbed his leg and began to swing it.

Other Yellow Turban warriors also followed suit.

Seeing these strong men suddenly using such terrifying tactics, all the members of the Wang Bao Gang were completely dumbfounded.

I've seen people use knives and steel pipes as weapons.

What the hell is using people as weapons?

In an instant.

A breath of death spread crazily in their hearts.

"Crazy, all crazy..."

"Run! These guys are not human at all!"

"What kind of people are we fighting?"

The gangsters from the Wang Bao Gang immediately cried for their fathers and mothers, and either ran away like crazy, or hid under the table and looked around, begging not to be discovered.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

In less than 10 minutes, the entire scene turned into a crushing situation!

The terror of the Yellow Turban Warriors has caused psychological and physical trauma to these Wang Bao Gang members that cannot be healed in this life.

"Call the police, call the police!"

From somewhere, the sound of Wang Bao's dwarf mules could be heard.

Those short mules with communication tools heard this, quickly picked up the phone and dialed 999.

For them little mules.

Calling the police means shame.

But now how can they care about shame?They just want to survive now.

When the yellow scarf warriors saw this, they immediately laughed angrily.

"Nima, there was a fight in the club, did you call the police?"

"Is it shameful?"

"Hurry up and fight quickly before the police come!"

The offensive of the Yellow Turban warriors suddenly became much more fierce, and the group of short mules from Wang Bao's gang were also walking at a deadlock.

Less than half an hour passed.

All Wang Bao's positions in Wan Chai were easily taken over by Chu Feng's men.

at the same time.

"Brother Xiu, everything has been dealt with!"

Ali, the leader of the Yellow Turban Warriors, reported to Asiuhui.

Ash nodded after hearing this: "Clean up the scene immediately, clean up the blood stains, and then lock the rolling shutter door."

"Yes!" Ali said quickly.

Later, Asiu called Li Shan.

"Li Shan, it's me!"

"Everything has been done here in Wan Chai, but the policeman is on his way over now. After the policeman leaves, you can ask the Kowloon decoration team to come over."

After saying that, Ash hung up the phone.

The Kowloon Decoration Team is a group of talents that Chu Feng is looking for in Kowloon City.

Compared with Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Walled City's sanitary and public security conditions are a bit worse, but its advantages lie in its low labor force and low prices.

It won't cost much at all to let the Kowloon City decoration team come over to decorate.

The Yellow Turban warriors quickly cleaned the battlefield, then pulled down the rolling shutter door and locked it.

It will take a while.

The piercing siren sounded, and Niu Xiong led a large group of people to the scene in person.


Niu Xiong scratched his scalp after seeing Wang Bao's place with all the rolling shutters closed.

"Eh? Didn't someone just say they were ruining the place? Why is there not even a single person there?"

Later, Ushio came to the rolling shutter door.

The places that had been burned before had been cleared by the Yellow Turban warriors.

Niu Xiong smashed the rolling shutter door, but there was no response for a long time.

"Is anyone here?"

"I am Inspector O, Ushio!"

Niu Xiong's rough voice sounded.


But there was no response at all.

"It seems there are no signs of a fight. Could it be that someone made a false police report?"

"Forget it, close the team!"

After a while, Niu Xiong led others away again.


at the same time.

Kowloon Walled City, Southern District Committee Office.

"Brother Feng, Ashiu just called and said it's done!" Li Shan said to 427 Chu Feng.

"Yes, it's very fast!" Chu Feng nodded, "In the future, we will also have territory in Wan Chai!"

The Eastern District Corridor, Wan Chai, and Causeway Bay are all very close to each other.

Now, under Chu Feng, the three territories are directly connected into one piece. From now on, Chu Feng has the final say on this piece of territory!

"By the way, have you counted the money from Wang Bao clearly?" Chu Feng asked.

Li Shan nodded: "Let's be clear. The total is 300 million US dollars. If converted into Hong Kong dollars, it would be more than 1000 million."

"More than 1000 million Hong Kong dollars?" Chu Feng's eyes lit up.

With more than 1000 million Hong Kong dollars, you can participate in a high-level lottery.

I don’t know what kind of talents will be drawn out this time.

However, at this time.

Chu Feng's phone suddenly rang.


"Brother Feng, it's me!" Liangkun's voice came from the other side.

"Akun, what's going on?" Chu Feng asked.

"Jiang Tiansheng, please call for a meeting." Liangkun said.

When Chu Feng heard this, he was slightly startled.

If Hongxing had a meeting, his CALL machine should be able to receive information, but now no information is displayed.

It will take a while.

Liangkun's voice came again: "This time during the meeting, that guy Jiang Tiansheng sent me a separate message and asked me to inform you directly."

"That's it, I understand."

Chu Feng sneered and hung up the phone.

123 Fusion of Li Rongfeng template!Elite level!

After Li Shan and others left the office.

Chu Feng touched the leather bag directly with his hand.

In an instant, the leather bag shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the money in the bag also disappeared.

at the same time.

In Chu Feng's mind, the amount of money in the personal panel also changed accordingly.

"A total of more than 800 million, which is already enough for the advanced lottery!"

Chu Feng couldn't wait and started to draw the lottery.

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