Before anyone could speak, Fatty Li walked up to them and lowered his voice.

"As you know, I also support Liang Zaifeng as the talkative person in Causeway Bay."

When Pretty Mom and others heard this, they immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Back then, Big Boss B and Fat Guy Li had a feud.

Although the newspaper that burned Fatty Lai was instigated by Big Brother B, it was the Causeway Bay Five headed by Chen Haonan who did the work.

Fat guy Li was naturally not willing to let Chen Haonan sit in the conversational position.

126 A big D came out halfway and slapped Chen Haonan!

Although the entire wine table seemed harmonious, everyone was talking and laughing.

But invisibly, they were divided into two factions.

Pretty Mom, Thirteenth Sister, Han Bin, Fat Guy Li, and Brother Ji, the five of them are sitting together, supporting Chu Feng.

The other talkers either supported Chen Haonan or simply came to watch the fun.

It seems like they are talking and laughing, but in fact it is turbulent.

at the same time.

Many of the talkers also whispered.

"When has this been? Why haven't Pretty Nan and Pretty Feng come yet?"

"I don't know, Mr. Jiang is not here either."

"Jiang Sheng is the leader after all, and he must be the last to arrive. But for the two juniors, it would be too much for them not to arrive at this point."

"I don't know who will end up in the Causeway Bay chat room."

"It must be Liang Zai Nan. Jiang Sheng asked Liang Zai Nan to do this thing about Brother Fu. If "Four Four Three" is not Jiang Sheng's intention to support him, why should he be allowed to do it?"

"It's not a voting election. Does it really have to be decided by default?"

"What Mr. Jiang means is for us to vote for Chen Haonan. We should decide first and then vote."

"It's just rumors. Mr. Jiang shouldn't be so arbitrary."


Except for Pretty Mom's group, everyone else was talking in low voices.

Pretty Mom and others looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

It seems that this time, if Jiang Tiansheng really wants to speak out, it may be difficult for Chu Feng to sit in the seat of the talker in Causeway Bay.

at this time.

"Hush, please keep your voices down, Mr. Jiang is here!" the prince said to everyone.

After hearing this, all the talkers immediately looked towards the door.


Jiang Tiansheng walked in accompanied by Chen Yao and a group of close men.

At the same time, everyone's expressions changed.

Behind Jiang Tiansheng, there was also a group of people from Causeway Bay headed by Chen Haonan.

"Chen Haonan? How come he is with Jiang Sheng?"

"Can't you tell? Jiang Sheng is expressing something to us."

"It seems that it has been decided that Mr. Jiang will support Chen Haonan as the talkative man in Causeway Bay."

"It's obvious!"

Everyone in the conversation immediately understood Jiang Tiansheng’s intention.

Let Chen Haonan accompany you. This is so obvious. What else do you need to guess?

at the same time.

"Seniors, hello."

"Uncle Xing, you are in good health."

"Prince, long time no see."


Chen Haonan followed Jiang Tiansheng and greeted all the talkers in Hong Xing with a smile on his face.

From the looks of it, Chen Haonan was already preparing to establish good relations with the other talkers before the election started, and became familiar with them.

When he arrived at Pretty Mom and others, Chen Haonan was about to say hello.

"Hmph!" Fatty Li snorted coldly, "Some people act like talkers before they become talkers. It's really boring."

When Chen Haonan heard this, the smile on his face froze slightly.

at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng suddenly came out to smooth things over: "We are all on our own. Although Haonan is a junior, Haojiang did a very good job in that matter. Now that Xi B is dead, let all the grudges be over."

Fat guy Li could only shut his mouth when he heard this.

In his opinion, Chen Haonan was just a loser, but he had to give Jiang Tiansheng face.

"Anan, let's say hello to everyone first. I'm going to find a friend." Jiang Tiansheng patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder, and then left accompanied by Chen Yao.

Wait until you take a few steps.

Jiang Tiansheng lowered his voice: "Ayao, come with me to Wang Bao's office."

Since yesterday, Jiang Tiansheng has been contacting Wang Bao, but has been unable to contact him.

Now that I have the guts, I will naturally go to Wang Bao in person to discuss some matters.

Let’s talk about Chen Haonan,

After hearing Jiang Tiansheng's words, Chen Haonan also relaxed a lot and wandered among the major talkers.

In addition to the pretty mom and the others, the other talkers were also very polite to Chen Haonan.

at this time.

"A'nan is here, why isn't that guy Liang Zaifeng here?" The Tsim Sha Tsui talker looked around at the stage and sounded a little dissatisfied.

Chen Haonan heard this and smiled: "Brother Feng has been very popular recently. He probably has other entertainment, so he must be late."

Although he said this, his tone was full of yin and yang, with the intention of sowing discord.

The prince, who had the most hot temper, became angry under Chen Haonan's instigation, "I knew he had done Baguan and wiped out He Liansheng's field, but those who didn't know thought he had wiped out He Liansheng."

"Prince, don't be angry, you won't do it." Chen Haonan pretended to persuade, but he was already happy in his heart.

Although the position of the speaker has been decided.

But even Chen Haonan could not have imagined that Chu Feng would be late at this time. 0

There happened to be a chance to squeeze Chu Feng, how could he not let it go?


Just when Chen Haonan was about to continue talking.

In the distance, a domineering voice suddenly came.

"Damn it! That old guy Long Gen doesn't care about rabbits, he has long hair. Tell them later that you must choose me. Money is not an issue."

The sound was loud and immediately attracted the attention of Hong Xing's speaker.

The speaker was none other than He Liansheng D.

Big D happened to be having dinner at Youguchi Restaurant today, but it was in a private room on the other side, not in the lobby.

at the same time.

Big D also discovered the Hongxing group.

"Isn't this Hong Xingzai? Are you having a meeting here?" Big D walked over in three steps, with a provocative look in his eyes.

Although He Liansheng finished talking to Hong Xing last time, the two sides exchanged positions.

But the gap between the two has been forged.

When Big D sees the people in Hongxing now, he will naturally not look down upon them.

"Is it none of your business?" the prince replied directly.

Big D and Lin Huaile have been plotting against Tsim Sha Tsui for a long time, and they often have conflicts with the prince. Seeing that Big D is provocative first, the prince naturally has nothing good to say.

Hearing this, Big D sneered, "A guy with a simple mind and well-developed limbs can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth."


The prince stood up, "What are you talking about? Try telling it again?"

However, at this time.

Chen Haonan rolled his eyes and held the prince's shoulders.

He originally wanted to show off in front of everyone, and this was the perfect opportunity.

"Brother Prince, there is no need to be angry." Chen Haonan smiled and comforted the prince to sit down, and then came to the side of Big D with a smile.

Big D squinted his eyes, "Are you the one?"

"Causeway Bay, Chen Haonan." Chen Haonan stepped forward with a smile, "Big D, you are not welcome here, please leave."


The words came out.


A crisp slap sounded.

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