Chen Haonan covered his face, his smile disappeared instantly, and his eyes were filled with disbelief, which was replaced by anger a moment later.

Big D actually slapped him in front of everyone.

This was completely beyond Chen Haonan's expectation.

He just wanted to show off in front of everyone, and he also knew that Big D was arrogant.

But he never expected that Big D would be so arrogant! .

127 Chu Feng: Do I have the habit of arriving early?

Upon seeing this, all the Hongxing talkers stood up immediately.

"Big D, what are you doing!?"

"This is not the place for you to be arrogant!"

"Big D, do you want to fight our Hong Xing?"

All the talkative people angrily denounced.

"What? Bullying the minority with more people?" Big D laughed when he heard this, "You Hong Xing randomly pulled out a gang member, do you dare to fight me, Big D?"

Big D's eyes swept over the faces of all the people talking about Hongxing,

"Do you dare? Do you dare?"

Everyone who was looking at Hong Xing's words subconsciously avoided his gaze.

If we just talk about the combat effectiveness of each court, there is no talker in Hongxing who can compare with Big D.

Only the prince looked unkind, "Big D, if you want to beat me, I will accompany you. You can beat us Hongxing people if you want. What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Big D turned to look at Chen Haonan, "It's okay for your prince to shout loudly to me. At least we have equal status. Who is he? You're talking loudly in front of me?"

Chen Haonan's face turned red.

"What, you're not convinced?" Big D stared, "This spank is 10 slaps, no matter how big or small I slap you without respecting etiquette."

"I..." Chen Haonan was speechless when he heard this.

As Big D said, at least he is not the talker in Hongxingtang yet.

I really don’t have the right to speak loudly in front of Big D.

Even if Mr. Jiang comes forward to tell the story, what makes sense becomes unreasonable.

Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, Jiang Tiansheng arrived.

"Big D, why are you so angry?" Jiang Tiansheng came to Big D.

Facing the leader of Hongxing, Big D finally restrained his arrogant and domineering character.

"This Hong Xingzi doesn't know the rules. He is no big or small in front of me. I will teach him the principles of life." Big D glanced at Chen Haonan and said.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled softly, "We people from Hongxing can teach ourselves. Do you have anything else to do?"

"It's okay." Big D turned around and glanced at Chen Haonan, "Remember little Zha San, you are Shi Jiugong, so don't pretend to be Grouper and be the boss."

Chen Haonan covered his face and remained silent.

"Let's go!" Big D turned around and left with Changmao and all his men.

Wait until Big D leaves.

"Anan, are you okay?" Jiang Tiansheng came to Chen Haonan's side.

"Sheng Jiang, I'm fine." Chen Haonan shook his head and forced a smile.

Big D slapped him in public, but he really didn't dare to do anything.

Even if he becomes a talker in Causeway Bay, Causeway Bay has already been visited eight times and is no longer a place of profit and water.

If Big D really brings people to sweep, what can he, Chen Haonan, do to stop him?

"Is it your fault, Jiang Sheng, that I didn't support you?" Jiang Tiansheng asked with a smile.

"No, no." Chen Haonan shook his head repeatedly, "I didn't follow the etiquette just now. It was my fault."

Jiang Tiansheng patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder, "To be a talker, you need to be able to bend and stretch. If you have this idea, you are already much better than someone else."

"It's all Jiang Sheng's good teaching." Chen Haonan said quickly, and his mood suddenly improved a lot.

The person Jiang Tiansheng was talking about was naturally Chu Feng.

Compared to being the talkative person in Causeway Bay, what does a slap in the face mean?

The storm passed quickly.

Hong Xing and all the talkers returned to their original state.

After a while, everyone forgot about the unpleasantness just now and started talking about other things.

Chen Haonan still walks among the major talkers, but his smile is no longer as natural as before.

A full hour has passed.

Jiang Tiansheng looked a little impatient, "Who is not here now?"

Chen Yao heard this and said: "The talkative people in Kowloon are busy with the chicken stall and can't get over it. Apart from him, the only ones left are Liang Zaifeng and Liang Kun."

A gloomy look flashed across the god's face.

Liangkun was on the wrong side of him, and Chu Feng was on the wrong side of him as well. What made him even more angry was that the two of them were wearing the same pair of pants.

Now, it's already a full hour late.

Isn't this deliberately staged for him?

"Forget it, don't wait!"

Jiang Tiansheng stood up and looked around, "Dear hall masters, the speech selection meeting has officially begun."

When everyone heard this, they immediately became serious.

"What's going on with Pretty Feng? Why hasn't he arrived yet?" Thirteenth sister looked a little anxious.

Han Bin on the side shook his head, "I don't know. I just called him, but no one answered."

Pretty Mom was also a little worried, "If you don't come, you will be regarded as abstaining from voting, and Chu Feng will not be eligible to run."

There were solemn looks on the faces of the three people.

Finally, the pretty mother spoke up, "Sheng Jiang, pretty boy hasn't arrived yet, why don't you wait?"

She used to be Jiang Tiansheng's mistress, but she was abandoned by Jiang Tiansheng after her figure got out of shape. Now she is the only one suitable to say this.

Jiang Tiansheng frowned when he heard this, "It's already been delayed by an hour than expected. Although he is on the list of candidates this time, he hasn't arrived so late, so it can only be regarded as giving up..."


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tiansheng closed his mouth and looked towards the door.

at the same time.

Everyone else also turned their heads and followed Jiang Tiansheng's gaze.

It was Chu Feng and Liangkun who came to the door.

The two seemed to ignore everyone's gaze and came to the hall talking and laughing.

When Chen Haonan saw this, he stood in front of Chu Feng with a gloomy face.

"Chu Feng, you're late." Chen Haonan said coldly, as if he wanted to give Chu Feng a blow.

The election has not yet started, and the two candidates are already facing each other.

at the same time.

The other talkers also pricked up their ears.

Today's protagonists are undoubtedly Chen Haonan and Chu Feng. Now that the two are directly facing each other, they naturally don't want to miss it.

460 at the same time.

Everyone also wanted to know what reason Chu Feng would give.


Just when everyone thought that Chu Feng would defend himself in every possible way.

"Do I have a habit of arriving early?"

Chu Feng replied calmly, and then sat down directly next to Pretty Mom and others.

From beginning to end, he didn't even look at Chen Haonan.


When Chen Haonan saw this, his suppressed anger rose again.

It was okay to be humiliated by Big D at first, but he didn't expect that just how long had passed before he was ignored by Chu Feng again.

at the same time.

All the talkers in Hongxing looked at each other in confusion.

Too embarrassing!

They thought a lot about Chu Feng's ways of dealing with questioning.

But I didn't expect that Chu Feng would be so stubborn!

at the same time.

Liangkun's hoarse voice also sounded: "These days, cats and dogs can bark in front of people, thinking they are something."


Liangkun also came and sat down next to Chu Feng.

Chen Haonan was stuck on the spot, not knowing what to do.

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