at the same time,

The entire hall was instantly silent.

All the people talking could not help but turn their attention to Jiang Tiansheng.

Chu Feng's words not only directly criticized Chen Haonan, but also did not give any face to Jiang Tiansheng, the leader.

I don’t know what Jiang Tiansheng will do next.

128 Jiang Tiansheng: Wang Bao is missing?

At the same time, Jiang Tiansheng's face darkened.

Just now he went to look for Wang Bao, but failed.

Not only Wang Bao, not even the manager was found.

As a last resort, Jiang Tiansheng could only tip a waiter to inquire about the situation.

However, what he learned about the situation surprised Jiang Tiansheng.

The management of the entire Guanqi Restaurant was completely changed!

Jiang Tiansheng originally wanted to inquire about Wang Bao's whereabouts, and even suspected whether Guangchenglou had changed hands, but because the waiter's level was not high enough, even he himself did not know what was going on.

Jiang Tiansheng asked several people in succession, and they all got the same answer.

In desperation, he could only return to the Hongxing Conference.


Just when I came back, I saw Big D beating Chen Haonan.

With Jiang Tiansheng's status, it was impossible for him to expose this matter easily, but after asking, he found out that it was Chen Haonan who ran directly to collide with Big D.

Jiang Tiansheng was helpless. In addition, although Hongxing was also a first-class club, its strength was inferior to that of Liansheng. He could only swallow his breath for the time being and talk to Deng Bo later.

The matter was finally settled.

Chu Feng now came to give him eye drops again.

What do you mean by not having the habit of arriving early?

It’s okay to be late, but it’s too disrespectful to make yourself, the leader, wait for an hour!

Jiang Tiansheng understood that he had to react at this time.

Otherwise, if Chu Feng's move is not punished, his prestige as a leader will definitely be greatly reduced.

thought here.

Jiang Tiansheng coughed lightly and prepared to speak.

However, before he could speak.

"Sheng Jiang, I'm sorry."

"Chen Haonan had a questioning tone just now. I didn't control my emotions well."

"Actually, I could have arrived two hours ago, but I was busy with club matters, so I was delayed for an hour."

Chu Feng suddenly said to Jiang Tiansheng.

at this time.

Liangkun also said hoarsely: "I can prove that Chu Feng was really busy with things about the club just now, and it was a big deal."

Jiang Tiansheng's scolding words had already reached his throat, but he swallowed them back.

If Chu Feng used club affairs as an excuse at this time, it would be hard to blame him.

In addition, Chu Feng also said that it was because of Chen Haonan's questioning that he failed to control his emotions.

Jiang Tiansheng was a little helpless.

at the same time.

The other talkers also pricked up their ears.

When Chu Feng does something, he always either doesn't do it or does it shockingly.

Since both Chu Feng and Liang Kun said so.

Then things this time are definitely not simple.

Paused for a moment.

"What are you so anxious about?" Jiang Tiansheng put a smile on his face again, which was a little far-fetched.

However, when Chu Feng heard this, he smiled slightly.

"Sheng Jiang, it is more important to choose the spokesperson from Causeway Bay. Let's finish the selection first and then talk about it." Chu Feng said ambiguously.

Jiang Tiansheng felt quite helpless when he saw this.

When it comes to Chu Feng's ability to do great things, Jiang Tiansheng still believes in it.

Unfortunately, there is something wrong with this guy Chu Feng.


And if such a disobedient subordinate cannot find a way to make him obedient, he will bring trouble to himself sooner or later.

Immediately, Jiang Tiansheng stopped asking questions and looked at the others.

"Since everyone has arrived, I now declare that the Causeway Bay seated election meeting has officially begun."

The speakers below, as well as Hong Guan and Da Di, heard the words and immediately clapped their hands.

The applause lasted for more than ten seconds before Jiang Tiansheng slowly lowered his hands.

Wait until the hall quiets down.

Jiang Tiansheng looked at Chu Feng and Chen Haonan with a smile on his face,

"The person who talked about the incident in Causeway Bay was originally Xi B, but I didn't expect that Xi B would do such a thing. This is something that none of us could have imagined, and it is also a shame for our Hongxing."

"However, Causeway Bay cannot live without its gossips, just like Hong Kong Island cannot live without its governor."

"What we have to do today is to elect a new speaker of Causeway Bay. No matter who wins the throne of speaker, we hope that he can develop and expand Causeway Bay."

"Anan, Afeng, you are the protagonists today. What you have done for the club is obvious to everyone."

"Anan killed Daquan and helped Brother Fu, and established our Hongxing reputation in Haojiang, laying the foundation for Hongxing to plant its flag in Haojiang."

"A Feng defeated Heliansheng Hongbangbaguan, conquered the East District Corridor, and established the prestige of our Hongxing Society."

"Both of them are outstanding talents in Hongxing. The position of the talker will naturally be won by the one with the greatest merit. I think everyone can see which one has made the greatest contribution."

"Now, everyone can speak freely."

Speaking of this, Jiang Tiansheng glanced at the talkers in Hongxing.

Although he had already made up his mind to let Chen Haonan be elected.

But the cutscene still had to go, and before the people in Hongxing could speak freely, Jiang Tiansheng had already secretly expressed his wishes.

These people are all smart, so how could they not know that Jiang Tiansheng wants to support Chen Haonan?

Jiang Tiansheng finished speaking.

The talker from the Western District stood up unscrupulously, ".'I think that although Liang Zaifeng was responsible for defeating Ba Guan and sweeping away the league victory, Anan's contribution is undoubtedly greater."

As soon as this word comes out.

Kwun Tong Dayu and Chai Wan Ma Wangjian also nodded in agreement.

"We at Hongxing also want to expand externally. Now that our territory on Hong Kong Island is saturated, it's time to enter Haojiang."

"Yes, I think so too. You can make more money gambling in Haojiang than in Hong Kong Island. Anan's operation is undoubtedly a key to our Hongxing flag in Haojiang."

The two of them expressed their opinions in tandem.

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he immediately cast approving glances at the two of them.

As soon as he opened his mouth, two talkers came out to echo him, which was enough to prove his influence.


After a while.

"When did you two (the king) become blind?" Liangkun's hoarse voice sounded, "In terms of contributions to the society, who has done more than Ah Feng? He has been excluded by Big Boss B for so many years without any complaints. We also defeated Ba Guan and won the He Lian Sheng position. If it were all of you who were doing it, who would be so loyal to the club?"

"You..." Ma Wang Jian suddenly became furious.

Dayu rolled his eyes, "Baguan is just a red stick. Although Daquanzi has many branches, Brother Fu's Daquan Gang can already compete with ordinary third-rate societies. What Anan did this time pretty."

"You are lying to yourself." Liangkun smiled hoarsely, "Return to a third-rate club? Who doesn't know that the people under Brother Fu have been poached by Ye Shiguan. How many of them are there? If he kills Ye Shiguan, I have nothing to say, but it's just a mere one Brother Fu..."

Say it all here.

Liangkun glanced at Chen Haonan who was silent, his expression full of ridicule.

This had just begun, and the two sides were quarreling extremely fiercely.

129 You have to give even if you give, and you have to give even if you don’t!

at this time.

Uncle Xing, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Everyone, we have to proceed from the interests of the society. We all come out to get money."

Uncle Xing is a veteran talker in Hongxing and a veteran of two dynasties.

In his opinion, whether it is Chen Haonan who is the talker in Causeway Bay, or Chu Feng who is the talker in Causeway Bay.

As long as he sincerely serves the society and can bring greater benefits to the society, he will support him.

When Jiang Tiansheng saw what Uncle Xing said, he immediately borrowed the donkey from the slope and nodded pretendingly.

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