"Uncle Xing is right. We choose people to talk to and deal with for the future development of Hongxing."

"And the person who talks about it also depends on who has worked harder and made the greatest contribution to the club, then who should have this position."

Having said this, Jiang Tiansheng winked at Dayu who was standing aside.

Dayu understood and immediately said: "That is also Chen Haonan's great achievements. After all, we have already intervened in the lucrative land of Haojiang. After killing Brother Fu, Hongxing's reputation will become even louder in Haojiang. In the future, we want to It’s much easier to get in.”

As soon as these words came out, Ma Wangjian, the prince and others also supported him.

"Yes, I also think Anan deserves a lot of credit."

"We have already intervened in the oily land of 460 Haojiang. Haonan did a great job this time."


It's just that they support it.

Pretty Mom, Thirteenth Sister, Han Bin, Fatty Li, and Brother Ji all remained silent.

Brother Ji is a person who never lets go of rabbits.

He doesn't have much ambition. He just wants to settle down on Hong Kong Island. The Haojiang thing doesn't have much temptation for him.

As for the others, not to mention.

Fat guy Li originally made newspapers, and he learned his newspaper-making skills from Haojiang.

The Haojiang market is already saturated with newspapers.

Even if Hong Xing really planted a flag in Hong Kong, it would not be of any benefit to the fat man Li.

As for Pretty Mom and Thirteenth Sister, what they lack now is not territory, but manpower.

The market on Hong Kong Island is far from saturated for them.

Not to mention Han Bin.

Han Bin's business has gone abroad, and he has cooperated with powerful people from various countries in Southeast Asia. One more piece of Haojiang's cake is not too much, and one less is not enough.

However, at this time.

Liangkun spoke with a smile on his face again.

"I don't know what's going on in Haojiang."

"All I know is that we still have a lot of land on Hong Kong Island that we haven't eaten yet."

"The food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. It is not a good thing to aim too high."

"It's easy to pull off the balls!"

"If nothing else, when you are the talker, you must convince everyone, whether it is within Hongxing or the entire Hong Kong community."

"Now, no one on the street knows the name Liang Zaifeng? But what about the name Liang Zainan? How many people have heard of it?"

"The last time I was hacked by Dasha and I jumped into a river to escape, the news has spread. Instead of letting handsome guy be the one to talk about it, let a guy who jumped into the river to escape be the one to do it? Anyone with no brains would know what to choose."

Having said this, Liang Kunpi looked at Jiang Tiansheng with a smile, "Jiang Sheng, do you think what I said is right?"

Jiang Tiansheng felt secretly resentful when he heard this, but he couldn't show it at this time. He could only smile slightly and maintain his leading demeanor.

As soon as Liangkun said this, Liangma and others immediately responded.

"Yes, pretty boy Feng killed Ba Guan, and He Liansheng also suffered a loss. He has become famous in the world, and everyone in the world will recognize him for what he did in Causeway Bay."

"It is undeniable that Anan has also done great things for the club, but his reputation is not as good as that of Liang Zaifeng. People on the road may not recognize him."

"The most important thing is that Haojiang is too far away from us and will not be of any substantial benefit to us for the time being."

"The selection of Liang Zaifeng as the seat manager in Causeway Bay is highly anticipated both internally and externally at Hongxing. If we don't choose him, what will outsiders think of us? Even someone as talented as Liang Zaifeng can't be the seat manager, so how can those newbies get ahead? Join us in Hongxing?"

"I also agree with babh Feng. Let's not talk about what happened in Haojiang. Babh Feng's appointment will definitely shock other associations. If Anan is allowed to do it, people from other associations will definitely start a fight. Don't talk about it then. What about Haojiang and Causeway Bay? The chaos started first."


Pretty Mom and others expressed their opinions one after another.

But what Fat Man Li said was much more unpleasant to hear.

"If outsiders know that in the future, we will be slapped by Big D when we sit in Causeway Bay, and we won't even dare to fart, then our reputation in Hongxing will be bad in the future."

As soon as this word comes out.

Even Uncle Xing, who always acted for the benefit of the society, changed his expression slightly.

Fatty Li's words touched upon Hong Xing's pain points.

Just now,

Big D slapped Chen Haonan directly in front of all the people talking in Hongxing.

Although it was Chen Haonan who was neither big nor small first, Chen Haonan did not handle this matter beautifully.

Not only did he fail to regain the game, but he was slapped by Big D so hard that he didn't even dare to fart, which was a loss of Hong Xing's face.


When Chu Feng heard this, he looked at Chen Haonan with a half-smile.

No wonder Chen Haonan covered his face intentionally or unintentionally when he was talking to him just now.

At first, Chu Feng thought that Chen Haonan had a toothache due to anger.


He was slapped by Big D because he was afraid that Chu Feng would see the fingerprints on his face.

As for Chen Haonan, seeing that his embarrassing story was exposed, he even wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng, who was standing on the stage, narrowed his eyes slightly and his gaze became dangerous.

These words matter to a person, but he actually doesn't do things according to his wishes?

Jiang Tiansheng's eyes slowly swept over the faces of Pretty Mom and others.

None of these people were promoted by themselves, but now they are openly contradicting themselves.

It seems that it is necessary to give them a beating.

thought here.

Jiang Tiansheng winked at the prince.

The prince immediately understood and stood up, "Everyone, please listen to my fair words."

The prince's speech immediately attracted everyone's attention.

As the God of War of Hongxing, the prince can even be said to be the spokesperson of Hongxing to a certain extent, and he has a stronger voice than other officials.

When the prince saw that everyone was looking at him, he cleared his throat.

"Do you know how much profit there is in Haojiang?"

"As long as we, Hongxing, can plant our flag in the casino over there, the profits will definitely not be comparable to that of several nightclubs."

"Jiang Sheng said a long time ago that we in Hongxing over the Haojiang River must get a share of the cake. Don't forget it."

Speaking of it.

The prince's eyes swept over Pretty Mom and others, and his meaning was obvious.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

On the one hand, Liang Ma and others are afraid of the prince's strength.

On the other hand, it was because the prince's words were too obvious.

To make it clear, it was Jiang Tiansheng who wanted to push Chen Haonan to the top.

You have to give this face whether you give it to me or not! .

130 Vote?It’s not your one-word statement from Jiang Tiansheng!

All the talkers were silent.

Even Thirteenth Sister and others looked at each other in shock.

Just now they could pretend to be confused and directly attract votes for Chu Feng.

But now that the prince has spoken, the meaning is very obvious.

At this time, if you stand up to solicit votes again, you will be openly opposing Jiang Tiansheng.

Although they really want Chu Feng to take the position of talker in Causeway Bay, they don't have the capital to be tough with Jiang Tiansheng yet.

Pretty Mom and others looked at each other.

In the end, it was the pretty mother who winked at Chu Feng.

At this time, Chu Feng needs to speak out.

If Chu Feng can stand up and state his attitude directly, then Liang Ma and others will also directly state their attitude.

By then, even if Jiang Tiansheng wants to take any action.

He was facing the second largest power group in Hongxing besides himself.


in the eyes of the crowd.

Chu Feng still looked calm and sipped the tea slowly.

To be a big brother, you have to behave like a big brother, calmly and calmly.

When will this happen?

Chu Feng believed that even if he didn't speak, someone would stand up and speak for him.


Liangkun was the first to feel unhappy after hearing what the prince said.

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