Casino bonuses are nothing short of gold and silver.

10 Not to mention these big ones, even Ma Wangjian, Daeyu and other powerful people who are not very powerful are sitting in the hall, but their hearts are moved.


Just when nearly a hundred people from Hongxing flocked to Chu Feng.

"Damn it, let's see who dares!"

Age let out a sharp roar and reached into his backpack.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Hongxing laughed.

"Who is this little man?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

"My hair hasn't even grown yet, and I'm just hanging out in the club, tsk tsk tsk..."

All the people looked down with contempt.

It's okay for Ash to be arrogant. If he can tie with the prince, he naturally has the capital to be arrogant.

They were also very afraid of Asiu.

But now, there are only four people around Chu Feng, including Ah Xiu.

So what if Asiu can fight, can he defeat more than 100 of them?

As for Age and others, they didn't take it to heart at all.


"I see who dares!"

Ashi took his hand out of the bag.

at the same time.

Whether it was Jiang Tiansheng, sitting in the hall, or these Hongxing shoes, they all took a breath of air-conditioning.

"Hey, boy, you are crazy!"

"Don't mess around!"

"If you do this, everyone will die!"

Hong Xing's bosses exclaimed, looked at Age with horrified faces, and took several steps back without leaving any trace.

at the same time.

All the major restaurants in Hongxing also stood up in an instant and retreated towards the back.

As for Jiang Tiansheng on the stage, he also stepped aside at this moment.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on Ag.

To be precise, it stayed in Agger's hands.

at this time,

A bomb the size of a basketball has appeared in Agger's hand, with a grimace painted on it!

As for Agger's other hand, it was unknown when a lighter had appeared, and the flames had already started.

The Hongxing bosses who originally wanted to take the credit from Chu Feng suddenly became timid when they saw this scene.


It's just a meal, do you need to bring a bomb?

When such a big bomb detonated, at least half of the people present would have to lie down!

These Hongxing warriors suddenly did not dare to step forward.

But they didn't give up on the million-dollar bonus and the Haojiang bonus. They looked at each other.

They all want someone to come forward, but they don't want to be the one who stands out.

"Hey, we all have something to discuss, don't let the situation fall apart!" Chen Yao hid behind the table and shouted to Age.

"The fish died and the net broke?"


Ag roared crazily, then turned his backpack over.

Explosive packets, grenades, mines, and bombs were all scattered across the table in an instant.

"My Nima!"

"Bombs, mines, bombs, explosives, explosives?"

"This man is crazy, run away!"

Seeing this scene, Hong Xing's bosses couldn't stand it anymore.

While yelling crazily, he looked at Age in horror, and then looked at Chu Feng.

Isn't Chu Feng just a big guy?

How come the younger brothers you have recruited are more powerful than the other?

A root prince is as good as him.

The other one took out all the bombs directly.

Everyone is here to hang out, not to fight but to fight!

in an instant,

Everyone rushed outside.

However, at this time.

Ah Xiu suddenly jumped up on the stage and grabbed the microphone from Chen Yao's hand.

"If you don't want to die, don't move at all!"

Under the amplification of the sound, Ash's voice was deafening.

The Hong Xingzi, who were originally preparing to escape, all stopped after hearing Ah Xiu's voice.

Naturally, they were very frightened.

But how could their running speed catch up with the burning speed of the fuse?

All that can be done at this time is to let it be.

As for Pretty Mom and others, they were all staring at each other at this moment.

They had originally planned to join forces to put pressure on Jiang Tiansheng, but they never expected that things would develop to this point!

Originally, the balance of victory still tilted towards Jiang Tiansheng.

But since Agger took out the bomb.

The nature has completely changed!

If it really detonates, there will be no winner in Hongxing. Both Jiang Tiansheng and Chu Feng will lose, and they will not even be able to save their lives.

Thirteenth sister was stunned and said, "Oh my god, what kind of people are A Feng's men?"

Although Han Bin and others did not speak, they all nodded in agreement.

They all come out to hang out, and they have seen people with guns and knives.

I even saw a big guy with a grenade.


This was the 460th time I saw a bomb the size of a basketball walking around the streets.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng also looked at Chu Feng with his eyelids twitching.

"Chu Feng, do you really want to defeat the enemy?"

"If something happens, you can't run away!"

"Even if you are lucky enough to play with bombs on Hong Kong Island, those cops will not let you go even if they chase you to the ends of the earth."

Jiang Tiansheng's tone was threatening.

But compared to just now, his tone was much softer.

Chu Feng saw this and smiled slightly, "You picked it, idol!"

Jiang Tiansheng fell silent immediately after hearing this.

In his opinion.

His own life was much more valuable than Chu Feng's gold, so exchanging one life with Chu Feng's was obviously not cost-effective.

Paused for a moment.

"Okay, I don't have to pursue it."

"Starting today, you, Chu Feng, are officially out of the book. From now on, you will have nothing to do with me, Hong Xing."

Jiang Tiansheng shouted to Chu Feng.

In his view, the top priority is to save lives first.

As for Chu Feng?

After you are safe, go and deal with him, and no one on the road will say anything.


When Chu Feng heard this, he sneered.

Leave Hongxing?Of course Chu Feng wouldn't.

If you leave Hongxing at this time, how can you ask Hongxing to change his surname?

Chu Feng not only wants to eat the big cake of Hongxing, but also swallows it in one bite!

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