thought here.

Chu Feng sneered and said: "You want me to publish the book, fine, yes! But there are some accounts that we have to settle clearly!"

138 If I stand aside today, who will cheer for me in the future?

"Settling accounts? What accounts are being settled?" Jiang Tiansheng asked in a bad tone.

He really didn't know what kind of debt he had to settle with Chu Feng.

"Whose belongs to those fields I won?" Chu Feng asked straight to the point.

Jiang Tiansheng was startled for a moment, then warmed up and said: "Of course you belong to Hong Xing. Chu Feng did bring some success in killing Ba Guan, but when he was cleaning up the corridor in the East District, he also used my people from Hong Xing. You can't use these people." All the credit goes to you, right?"

"People from Hongxing?" Upon hearing this, Chu Feng sneered and looked at Jiang Tiansheng with eyes full of contempt.

Jiang Tiansheng frowned and said, "Why are you laughing?"

"What are you laughing at?"

Chu Feng shook his head and glanced at Chen Haonan who was leaning in the corner.

"I, Chu Feng, and this Dan San joined the club at about the same time."

"But what about B? What did he give me?"

"Chen Haonan can do business in oil and water fields and collect tens or even millions in fees every month."

"But what about me? I was assigned to Qingshui Street, and all my brothers are old, weak, sick and disabled who have been disabled for life fighting for Hongxing."

"Not only are we responsible for the living expenses of these brothers, but we also have to pay HK$5 in field fees every month."

"Do you know how poor Qingshui Street is?"

"Do you know that the per capita income in Qingshui Street is only a pitiful [-] Hong Kong dollars?"

"In a place like this, I can't even collect 2 yuan a month. I have to pay the [-] yuan in fees all out of my own pocket!"

"I have to pay for the performance fees myself, and I have to find ways to use the money to recruit people. This is the benefit that Hongxing has brought to me."

Chu Feng sneered and said to Jiang Tiansheng.

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he was immediately unable to get off stage.

at the same time.

Many of the talkers, and even a few Daudi, nodded in deep agreement.

Although these Hong Xingzi also want millions of bonuses and the benefits of Haojiang.

But one size fits all.

Even if you let an outsider look at it, you can see it.

It’s really unfair for Xiao B to be the boss!

Chu Feng not only had to take care of the old, weak, sick and disabled in Hongxing, but also had to pay venue fees and recruit people.

The management site could only receive a pitiful 2 yuan.

If so.

Not to mention paying fees and recruiting people.

Even if you provide food and drink to those injured brothers and pay for soup and medicine, it's not enough!

However, at this time.

Chu Feng suddenly took a few steps slowly.

Finally, he walked to stand in front of Chen Haonan, picked up the water from the table next to him, and poured it directly on Chen Haonan's head.

"What are you doing? Pfft--"

Chen Haonan was extremely angry and was about to get up.

However, as soon as he moved, he felt severe pain in his chest and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Ashu's kick was not easy to receive.

Chen Haonan would have to stay in the hospital for at least ten and a half days.

at this time,

Chen Haonan could not move and could only let water pour on his head.

The feeling of humiliation spread in my heart instantly.

Fortunately, the water in the pot was warm. If it had been hot water, pouring this pot of water would definitely burn Chen Haonan's skin and flesh.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do!?"

Jiang Tiansheng was shocked and angry when he saw this scene.

Chu Feng didn't answer, and poured all the water in the pot. Then he threw the pot aside casually and clapped his hands.

"Sheng Jiang, you were wrong from the beginning."

"I really don't care about the position of the people talking about it in Causeway Bay."

"That's your mistake. You shouldn't compare this egg powder with me!"

Chu Feng pointed at Chen Haonan on the ground.

"He has a better life than me, and he is praised to the heavens by his wife."

"Collecting the most venue fees and raising the most boys, who didn't know the name of Handsome Nan from Causeway Bay at that time?"

"But how does Pretty Nan do things?"

"I went to be a bhakta, but the bhakta died at the hands of my brother."

"I haven't made any achievements for so many years. I only listened to Big Brother B and killed each other with my fellow students, reported Liangkun's situation, burned down Fatty Li's newspaper office, and caused discord among my fellow students!"

"He enjoys the best resources, but what contribution has he made to the society?"

"Okay, you can say he did Brother Fu!"

"But this matter, inside and out, four, four, eight, three, three, six, six, you should be clear about it!"

"There are some things I just don't want to say, but that doesn't mean I don't know!"

"Without you paving the way, can these sick cats in Causeway Bay be able to get rid of Brother Fu?"

"But what about me?"

"I have no money and no one. I have to pay the venue fees out of my own pocket, and I have to take care of the old, weak, sick and disabled in Qingshui Street."

"But how do I do things?"

"I did a baguan, swept the East District corridor, and slapped Big D in the face."

"I have not relied on anyone to do these things. Everyone here knows it clearly!"

"Xi B is blind, are you blind too? Compare me to this kind of beauty."

"He's worthy too?"

Chu Feng asked loudly.

As soon as this word comes out.

Many people who were originally eager to try out the soles were a little shaken.

More or less, they have all heard about Chu Feng.

Some of them also knew about the conflict between Chu Feng and Chen Haonan.

Now, after Chu Feng said these words, it undoubtedly had a great impact on their hearts.

Come out to mix, for what?

Make money, stand out, and become a master!

Chen Haonan and Chu Feng joined Big Boss B at about the same time, but what did Big Boss B do to them?

Those who are incompetent are praised by the heavens, while those who are capable go to places like Qingshui Street where they have to pay for the admission fee out of their own pockets.

If Chu Feng hadn't exposed Big Brother B, I'm afraid he would still be ostracized by Big Brother B to this day.

But even if Big Boss B dies.

What did Jiang Tiansheng do?

Just like Chu Feng said.

There is no comparison between the achievements of the two!

This is equivalent to a rich second generation working hard at home and a poor person starting from scratch working hard.

The rich second generation, with their background and capital, can’t make as much as a self-made man earning 1000 million even if he makes [-] million.

not to mention.

In terms of merit, Chu Feng did much better than Chen Haonan.

Even if Chen Haonan became Brother Fu, Chu Feng's words just now woke them up.

No matter what you say, Brother Fu is still the leader of the Daquan Gang.

Without Jiang Tiansheng paving the way, could it have been done with just five sick cats in Causeway Bay?

In an instant.

Many soles showed hesitation on their faces.

If they weren't thinking about the million-dollar bonus and the benefits of Haojiang, I'm afraid they would have given up all by now.

There were even a lot of energetic people, and their eyes were full of dissatisfaction with Jiang Tiansheng.

Jiang Tiansheng looked ugly.

None of the talkers spoke.


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