And Chu Feng's eyes swept over the faces of these Hong Xing Da Di.

Chu Feng had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions.

After a while.

Chu Feng spoke slowly,

".'Everyone comes out to get money. I don't blame you for dealing with me."

"But it's unfair to be the boss. I've done so much for the club, but I ended up where I am now."

"Uncle Xing is diligent and dedicated to the club. You also saw what he was like just now..."

"I made my position clear from the beginning."

"First, I am not interested at all in the talkative people in Causeway Bay."

"Secondly, what I did was simply because I felt unworthy of Uncle Xing."

"Uncle Xing and I are actually not very familiar with each other, but if I stand aside today and disaster strikes me in the future, who will cheer for me?"

Chu Feng's voice was a little low.

But every word was clearly passed into the ears of every Hongxing Dadi.


In an instant, the whole place was in an uproar! .

139 Hong Xingzi is not kind, Jiang Tiansheng panics!The whole place belongs to Chu Feng!

After hearing Chu Feng's words, all the members of the Hongxing Society looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

His expression gradually became more complicated.

Chu Feng's words undoubtedly touched them greatly.

They took action against Chu Feng just to get a position, to get the dividends from Haojiang, and for the 100 million bonus.


Think carefully.

Since Chu Feng joined Hongxing Society, he has been squeezed out in the hands of Big Brother B. He has endured humiliation and made great achievements for Hongxing.

The results of it?

After arriving at Jiang Tiansheng's place, he was still not reused.

Both Jiang Tiansheng and Xi B spent their resources on a waste.

what is this?


"I don't want that 100 million bonus. When you go out to hang out, you can't forget the word meaning."

"Chu Feng has done so much for the club, but he ended up being kicked out of Hong Xing. If his brothers hadn't been brave enough, they would have been taken to the execution hall by now."

"I've done so much for the club, but ended up like this. It's really sad."

"How heartbreaking must it be to be attacked by a group of people after you have done so much?"

"Yeah, yeah...that's not fair."

"Chu Feng has done so much and ended up so miserable. Can Chu Feng get those benefits if we win 460? Don't believe in trying to make a big pie!"

"Today it's Chu Feng, tomorrow it might be us!"

In an instant.

The Hongxing guys who were still eager to give it a try were all in chaos!

Many people whispered, overtly or covertly, about Jiang Tiansheng's injustice.

Many people looked at Jiang Tiansheng with an intriguing light in their eyes.

They did this, although only a few of them sincerely expressed their grievances for Chu Feng.

But most people are also thinking about their own future.

The association cannot set this precedent!

If Chu Feng is dealt with today, then those low-level leaders will never be able to get ahead in the future!

And Hong Xing's so-called fairness will also become Jiang Tiansheng's words.

This infringes upon their interests and they will never agree!

Let’s talk about Jiang Tiansheng.

He could naturally see those Hong Xing Da Di's eyes.

Angry, angry, intriguing...

All kinds of looks made Jiang Tiansheng feel like a ray of light on his back, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

How could he not see it?

Even if he now orders these Hongxing soldiers to capture Chu Feng, these people may not obey his orders.


It may even arouse the anger of these Hongxing people, which will have the opposite effect.

But now if the situation is allowed to develop, even Jiang Tiansheng will not be sure to clean up the mess.

Looking at the Hongxing people in the audience, Jiang Tiansheng didn't know what to do.


Just at this time.

"Jiang Sheng, you can't be angry!" Chen Yao came to Jiang Tiansheng's ear without leaving any trace and whispered.

"Ayao, what should we do now?" Jiang Tiansheng asked.

Chen Yao thought for a while: "We can't provoke Chu Feng any more. If he wants to leave, let him go. We can wait until the situation calms down."

Jiang Tiansheng gritted his teeth when he heard this.

Naturally, he was unwilling to do so.

Seeing that Jiang Tiansheng was still hesitating, Chen Yao couldn't help but said anxiously: "Sheng Jiang, if you lose the territory, you will lose it. The territory Chu Feng has conquered is only six places in the East District Corridor. After he leaves the club, it will be ours." enemy."

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he nodded with a gloomy face and motioned for Chen Yao to continue.

Chen Yao said again,

"With Liang Zaifeng's character, he must have made many enemies outside. Without Hong Xing's protection, other societies will naturally want to get a piece of his pie. When the time comes, killing people and killing people will work!"

"If those big brothers outside are capable and really do something to Liang Zaifeng, then we will take back those places in the name of revenge for Liang Zaifeng."

"In this way, we not only gain territory but also gain a good reputation on the road. Why not do it?"

Chen Yao said slowly.

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng nodded thoughtfully.

What Chen Yao said is indeed reasonable.

At present, this method is undoubtedly the most appropriate (babh).

thought here.

Jiang Tiansheng picked up the phone,

"Okay, then let's count four, four, eight, eight, three, three, six, six, clearly."

"Everything you win belongs to you. Hongxing has nothing to do with you anymore."

As soon as this word comes out.

Those Hongxing Dadi who had been making a big noise finally became quiet.

But even so.

Jiang Tiansheng's persona in their hearts has half collapsed.

All Hongxing Dadi have their own little Jiujiu in their hearts at this time, and they are all thinking about the future and how to maximize their own interests.

And Chu Feng, after hearing what Jiang Tiansheng said.

There was no expression on the surface, but there was a slight smile in his heart.

What I want is these words from you, Jiang Tiansheng!

Paused for a moment.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Sheng Jiang, this is what you said. As the leader of Hongxing, you shouldn't do anything to default on your debt, right?"

"I, Jiang Tiansheng, have been in the Tao for so many years. If I don't have any credibility, how can I govern Hongxing?" Jiang Tiansheng hated Chu Feng in his heart, but he smiled lightly on the surface.

In his opinion.

All Chu Feng wanted was the six establishments in the East District Corridor.

Give it.

I just don’t know if Chu Feng can hold it on his own.

Thinking that the situation was developing in the direction Chen Yao said, Jiang Tiansheng showed a satisfied smile on his face.

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled slightly and said,

"Then I'll just believe you for once."

"But since we are leaving Hongxing, we should also clean up our previous accounts..."

said here.

Chu Feng turned to look at Asiu who was standing aside, and winked at Asiu.

Ash suddenly understood and stared at the prince with a warning look before turning around and leaving.

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