Everyone's eyes followed Asiu's movements, wondering what Asiu was going to do.

But even if Ash leaves.

At this moment, no one dared to step forward and attack Chu Feng.

After all, the bomb in Agger's hand is not a vegetarian.

Not for a while.

Ash walked in with a gentle-looking man.

"Brother Feng." This gentle young man greeted Chu Feng.

When Chu Feng heard this, he nodded slightly.

This young man, named Wang Chi, is the treasurer of Kowloon City South District.

Ten years ago, Wang Zhi was still in the Sakura Kingdom and was the treasurer of the Yamaguchi-gumi branch. He took tens of millions from the Yamaguchi-gumi but was hunted down, and then returned to the Kowloon Walled City.

Chu Feng discovered Wang Zhi when he asked Li Shan to integrate talent resources some time ago.

After confirming Wang Zhi's loyalty, it is above 70.

Chu Feng made him the treasurer of the South District of Kowloon Walled City.

Now there is Guqi Restaurant, and it is Wang Zhi who manages it.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng, those sitting in the hall, and Hong Xingzi all looked at Wang Zhi in confusion.

Wang Zhi was wearing the uniform of Guanqi Restaurant. I don’t know what Chu Feng wanted to do when he suddenly called Wang Zhi.

140 Jiang Tiansheng: When did I owe so much money?

"Who is he?"

"Looking at his clothes, he should be a decent restaurant worker."

"What is he doing here?"

The Hongxing boys all looked at Wang Zhi in confusion and discussed in low voices.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao on the stage were also confused by Chu Feng.

"Sheng Jiang, this uniform looks like the uniform of a restaurant manager with integrity."

"I remember that in the past, the manager of Guanqi Restaurant was still Wang Bao's number one think tank Avi. Now it seems that he has been replaced..."

Chen Yao whispered in Jiang Tiansheng's ear.

at the same time.

Jiang Tiansheng also looked puzzled.

Just now, when the Hongxing boys were making trouble, someone with integrity from the restaurant should have appeared.

But from the beginning to the end, there was no one with the guts to show up.

Although Jiang Tiansheng was a little confused, he was so angry after what Chu Feng said that he couldn't think about it in his heart.

But now.

A man with integrity from the restaurant suddenly appeared?

Not only that.

And it looks like someone has changed.

What exactly is going on?

Where is that guy Wang Bao now?

Jiang Tiansheng's thoughts changed rapidly, but after thinking for a long time, he finally couldn't figure it out.


Don't know why.

Seeing the manager of Guanqi Restaurant treating Chu Feng with great respect, Jiang Tiansheng had an unknown premonition in his heart.

Chu Feng was naturally too lazy to worry about what Jiang Tiansheng was thinking.

After seeing Wang Zhi coming.

Chu Feng whispered a few words in Wang Zhi's ear.

"Okay Brother Feng, I'll go right away!"

Wang Zhi nodded quickly and trotted away.

When everyone saw this, they were confused again.

How can you be so obedient if you have experience in Guqi Restaurant?

However, just when everyone was confused, Wang Zhi had already come to Chu Feng with a thick ledger.

Chu Feng took the account book and slowly spread it out in front of everyone's eyes.

"Since we are going to separate, we must make a clear calculation."

"Youguchi Restaurant has a history of a hundred years. We will forget what happened to Mr. Zhen back then and we will only count the past few years."

"Three years ago, Jiang Sheng celebrated his 40th birthday at Youguoqi Restaurant and owed 800 million yuan."

"Two years ago, Jiang Sheng was setting up a table at the Guangqi Restaurant and told Dongxing that he owed 100 million."

"Last year, Jiang Sheng celebrated Hong Xing's 50th birthday at the Guangqi Restaurant and owed 500 million."

"This year, Hehe Liansheng said the debt was 120 million."

"Including this time, the speaker's election, venue fees, catering fees and various other expenses add up to a total of 150 million."


Chu Feng recounted all the treasures Hong Xing owed at the Guangqi Restaurant.

These arrears were naturally owed when Wang Bao was still running the Guangqi Restaurant.

Now, Wang Bao is dead.

Youguchi Restaurant has been transferred to Chu Feng.

If Wang Zhi hadn't discovered this account book when he was cleaning up the accounts of Youguo Restaurant, Chu Feng really wouldn't have known that Hong Xing would owe so much money at Youguo Restaurant.


This is only Jiang Tiansheng's personal account and Hong Xing's account.

Soon, Chu Feng turned to the next page.

"Tsuen Wan Ma Wang Jian, owed 90."

"Xihuan is unscrupulous and owes 120 million yuan."

"Kwun Tong Daewoo owes 180 million."

"The Prince of Tsim Sha Tsui owes 190 million yuan... Oh no, including the nanmu table that he smashed just now, the total is 200 million yuan."

Chu Feng immediately reported all Hong Xing's accounts.

Every sentence.

Jiang Tiansheng's face became even more ugly.

at the same time.

Chen Yao's face also turned pale.

How did Chu Feng get a solid account book?

The amount he reimbursed Jiang Tiansheng for Jiang Tiansheng's expenses was [-]% more than this.

He was originally the treasurer of Hongxing and was in charge of all Hongxing's money.

The extra [-]% naturally went into his pocket.

at the same time.

Dayu, Ma Wangjian, Wuliang and others also changed their expressions.

According to Hongxing's system, when they consume, they have to pay the bill themselves, rather than reporting Hongxing's accounts!

And now.

Chu Feng revealed their names directly.

Taking Hongxing's public funds, they ate and drank.

This is a big no-no!

Even if this matter is revealed today, I still don’t know how to explain it to Jiang Tiansheng in the future.

As for fat guy Li and others, they looked at each other.

When they saw that Chu Feng didn't pronounce their names, they slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother Ji, Fatty Li, and Pretty Mom all have accounts at the Guangqi Restaurant.

In the entire Hongxing, among all the talkers, there was no one who had the guts to take the blame. There were only three people, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, and Uncle Xing.

As for Brother Ji.

Catalog looked gratefully in the direction of Chu Feng.

He just answered the phone and already knew a lot of things.

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