When the two sides were at war with each other, there was no look of panic on Brother Ji's face.

He even looked at Jiang Tiansheng several times, but hesitated to speak.

However, Jiang Tiansheng's sharp eyes were turned back every time.

After all, in Jiang Tiansheng's eyes, Brother Ji's vote had already been cast for Chu Feng. When Brother Ji spoke, he must have spoken for Chu Feng.

read to the end.

Chu Feng closed the ledger and looked at Jiang Tiansheng with a sneer.

"Sheng Jiang, do you have many questions in your mind?"

"How come Hong Xing owes so much money? Why is the amount Chen Yao reported to you even more than this amount?"

Chu Feng closed the account book and handed it to Wang Zhi next to him.

As for Jiang Tiansheng, his face was gloomy and he didn't know what he was thinking.

...... 0

So many years.

Chen Yao and those talkative people all squandered a lot of money from Hong Xing!

Although they took the money, it was within Jiang Tiansheng's expectation.

But Jiang Tiansheng never expected that Chen Yao would actually falsely report by a full [-]%!


The consumption of Ma Wangjian and others was also recorded in Hongxing's account!

This is true for a man with integrity.

Not to mention other places?

Jiang Tiansheng's face was uncertain, his eyes were extremely hard to see, and his body exuded a cold aura.

As for Chen Yao and others, they were already as silent as cicadas at this moment.


At this moment, Chu Feng’s voice came again,

"But having said that, this is Hongxing's internal matter and I have no control over it."

"Since we have to live separately, let's make it clear."

"That conversation with Liansheng was all because of me. This account can be written off."

"But in addition to this account, Hongxing now owes a total of 140 million yuan!"

"Do you want this money to be returned?"

Chu Feng asked with a sneer.

This account originally belonged to Wang Bao.

But now that the Guangqi Restaurant has become Chu Feng's, all the accounts have naturally been transferred to Chu Feng's account.

Although the Wang Baobang is at the top of the third-rate society, in the final analysis, it is still a third-rate society.

Why do Deng Bo, Jiang Tiansheng, and many giants in the world have to give Wang Bao face?

It’s because there is a restaurant with integrity.

By not collecting so much debt, Wang Bao was obviously taking money as a favor.

But now that You Guangchang Restaurant has been owned by Chu Feng, Chu Feng will naturally collect these accounts!Several.

141 Jiang Tiansheng was stunned and found Wang Bao’s body!

"Jiang Sheng, what are you doing standing still? Let's give in!" Chu Feng looked at Jiang Tiansheng with a sneer.

At the same time, Jiang Tiansheng's expression turned extremely ugly at this moment.

The anger in my heart kept rising.


Chen Yao actually squandered so much money!

Unexpectedly, Hong Xing's gossips would go out to eat and drink, and directly blame Hong Xing.

It made him even more angry.

As a leader, he didn't know anything about these things!

However, after thinking for a moment.

Jiang Tiansheng still suppressed the anger in his heart.

Although Chen Yao, Dayu, Ma Wangjian, Prince, Wuliang and others were at fault, at this time, they were the only ones willing to stand on their side.

If this is the time, pursue the matter.

Then I'm afraid there won't be any supporters around.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tiansheng forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

When "[-]"'s top priority is to deal with Chu Feng first!

"As the leader of Hongxing, I naturally keep all accounts clear."

"I know all the numbers A Yao gave me."

"Although the unscrupulous people have Hongxing's debt, they will explain the situation to me every time. They only go to socialize for the development of Hongxing."

Jiang Tiansheng opened his eyes and told lies.

Chen Yao, who was originally worried, and those who were named by Chu Feng to speak up, finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

It seems that Jiang Tiansheng does not intend to pursue this matter.

After a while,

Jiang Tiansheng's voice sounded again,

"I will naturally provide Hongxing's external accounts, and I can afford them."

"But what does this have to do with you, Chu Feng?"

Jiang Tiansheng said in a pretentious manner.

At the same time, Ma Wangjian, Wuliang, Prince, Dayu and others also nodded.

"That is, our Hongxing family has a great cause, how can we rely on this small account?"

"Shuai Zaifeng, you are an outsider now, why are you meddling in our Hongxing affairs?"

"You'd better take care of yourself first, Shao Zaifeng, how long can you survive without Hong Xing's blessing?"

"Some people, with six or seven businesses under their control, just pretend to be the big brother, young and energetic."

The unscrupulous people and others just say something to me.

After seeing that Jiang Tiansheng did not pursue the accounts, they could only stand by Jiang Tiansheng.


Chu Feng sneered, "This is my account, why don't I collect it?"

"Your account?" The prince raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then sneered, "What a loud tone!"


The prince is simple-minded, but that does not mean that others are simple-minded.

Jiang Tiansheng had already felt that something was wrong long ago, but he never had the energy to think about it.

Now Chu Feng said this.

Jiang Tiansheng's expression changed slightly.

at the same time.

A look of regret also appeared on Chen Yao's face.

Although he is a Hongxing white paper fan, he is also famous for being a wallflower, but his methods are better than Brother Ji's, and his person is more sinister than Brother Ji.

It's also because of his arrogant personality.

So he sees things more clearly than the average person.

Seeing that the new manager of Guolou was so respectful to Chu Feng, Chen Yao already understood something in his heart.

Paused for a moment.

Chen Yao rolled his eyes and thought about it.

"A Feng, you said the Guangqi Restaurant is yours?" Chen Yao asked directly.


Chu Feng hasn't spoken yet.

Brother Ji, who had been holding it in, stood up.

"You all listen to what I have to say!"

Brother Ji held the big brother in his hand, "Everyone knows that Brother Ji, I usually pay the most attention to the word "faithfulness"."

Hear this.

All the talkers, including Pretty Mom and others, couldn't help but laugh in their hearts.

Who doesn't know that your gay brother can't afford to be early without any benefit?

Will Xinyi?

The amount of trust you can get out of money is pretty much the same.

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