And Brother Ji didn't care at all about the looks of these Hongxing talkers, and kept talking to himself.

"Think about it, why did I directly vote for Ah Feng just now?"

"I am the most loyal person. Anan has contributed to the society, and Ah Feng has also contributed to the society. Why did I choose to vote for Ah Feng without hesitation?"

Brother Ji asked as his eyes swept over the faces of the people talking.

This sentence can be said to have touched the hearts of all those who spoke.

Naturally, they didn't even believe in the punctuation marks that Ji Ge said he meant.

What really surprised them was why a stranger like Brother Ji would choose Chu Feng without hesitation.

Seeing the confused looks from all the talkers, Brother Ji seemed to be satisfied with this feeling. He clapped his hands and said,

"Because I know that Ah Feng has done more for the association than Anan!"

"You also know that although I, Bucky, am a talker in Hong Kong District, I also have a lot of business in Wan Chai District."

"My people just called me to tell me that all Wang Bao's venues in Wan Chai District have been raided by Ah Feng!"

“Not only that, the decoration has already started. 0”

said here.

Brother Ji looked at Chu Feng and extended his thumb to Chu Feng, "A Feng, you did a great job in this battle. Wang Bao hasn't even farted so far."

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and said nothing.

Now that Wang Bao has already thrown himself into the street, what else can he do?


Brother Ji's words can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone.

The faces of Jiang Tiansheng, Chen Yao, the prince and other speakers all changed.

Although the Wang Bao Gang is a third-rate club.

But in terms of strength, it can be considered the top among third-rate societies.

Especially the recruitment of Wang Bao's men, even the prince once spoke highly of it.

If Chu Feng really wins all Wang Bao's venues in Wan Chai District, then there will be at least twenty or thirty venues in total.

And this has some backbone...

The faces of Jiang Tiansheng and others became extremely gloomy.

Since Chu Feng can sweep away all the venues in Wang Bao Wan Chai District, why can't he win the backbone?

But judging from the current situation.

He has the backbone and has obviously belonged to Chu Feng.

Otherwise, why would the new manager of Guangqi Restaurant show Chu Feng the account books and still obey Chu Feng's words?

All Hongxing's talkers were completely uncomfortable.

"Holy shit, this guy Liang Zaifeng, who is so humble, actually directly took over the Wang Bao Gang?" Thirteenth Sister's eyes widened.

Han Bin also nodded blankly: "This guy is really inconspicuous."

A smile also appeared on the face of the pretty mother, "This guy, last time he did things in the East District corridor, he was very quiet. 1.7 I didn't expect that he would be the same this time."

Fat guys Li and Brother Ji also looked proud.

Only Liangkun stood beside Chu Feng, his expression as usual.

It seemed that he already knew about this.

One is happy and one is sad.

Chu Feng's supporters were all elated.

But the faces of Jiang Tiansheng and his group became extremely ugly at this time.

However, Jiang Tiansheng still had some doubts in his heart.

"Ayao, find a way to confirm whether this is true or not!" Jiang Tiansheng whispered to Chen Yao beside him.

Chen Yao nodded quickly when he heard this and was about to make a call.

However, before he could pick up the mobile phone, the CALL machine on his waist rang.

After seeing the information, Chen Yao's expression suddenly changed.

"Sheng Jiang, there is no need to verify."

"Xiyan just sent a message saying that Wang Bao's body was found downstream of Kowloon City."


142 Chen Haonan’s frustration was crushed by Chu Feng!

Jiang Tiansheng was shocked when he heard this.

Wang Bao's body was found at Kowloon Pier?

No wonder I haven't been able to find Wang Bao these past few days.

It turned out that Wang Bao had died at the Kowloon Pier!

But why did Wang Bao go to Kowloon Pier? What was he doing at Kowloon Pier?

Jiang Tiansheng was puzzled.

After all, in his eyes, Wang Bao was considered a solid veteran, and there was no reason for him to capsize in the gutter.

But now,

Judging from the performance of the upright restaurant manager, Brother Ji's words, and the discerning information.

Wang Bao is indeed dead!

Not only Wang Bao died.

Even Wang Bao's establishments were all wiped out by Chu Feng, and Guangchang Restaurant became Chu Feng's restaurant.

Jiang Tiansheng's face looked a little uncertain.

Wang Bao is a key chess piece in his hand to fight against Chu Feng. If Wang Bao dies, for Jiang Tiansheng, it will undoubtedly be a broken wing.

paused for a moment,

"Beautiful Feng, was it you who killed Wang Bao?" Jiang Tiansheng asked in a deep voice, holding the microphone.

As soon as this word comes out.

A group of 10 Hongxing boys were stunned on the spot.

They only heard what Brother Ji said, but when Chen Yao reported to Jiang Tiansheng just now, his voice was very low, so naturally they didn't hear it.

Now Jiang Tiansheng asked suddenly.

These Hongxing boys suddenly became chaotic.

"Wang Bao? Which Wang Bao?"

"It looks like he is a boss with integrity, the underground emperor of Yuen Long."

"That Wang Bao was fucked by handsome boy Feng?"

"Holy shit, you're so brave? No wonder people with backbone are so obedient."

"You have done such a big thing, and even the club doesn't know about it. You are really brave."

"Yes, there are two to three thousand brothers under Wang Bao. Not to mention the big ones like us, even if we are sitting in the hall, it will be difficult for us to take advantage of Wang Bao's chassis."


The Hongxing brothers immediately started talking.

There is nothing surprising about simply wiping out the Wang Bao Gang.

Hongxing is the first-class club in Hong Kong, on par with Eastern Star.

In terms of overall strength, it is only slightly worse than He Liansheng.

With Hong Xing's strength, it is still possible to swallow up a Wang Bao Gang.

What really shocked them was this.

Chu Feng, alone, swallowed up the Wang Bao Gang without alerting the society?

This is terrifying!

at the same time.

All the talkers in Hong Xing also changed their expressions.

Pretty Mom and others stared at Chu Feng with shock on their eyebrows.

As for the prince and others, there was deep fear in their eyes.

Destroy the Wang Bao Gang?

The club has this strength, but it will be difficult for them, the gang members, to destroy the Wang Bao Gang!

Unless two or three of them join forces, they might still be able to eat it.

But they also know that Wang Bao is a swindler and has a group of desperadoes under his command.

Even if two or three gangsters try to take down the Wang Bao Gang, they will probably have to pay a very heavy price.

"Damn it, Ah Feng..." Han Bin gave a thumbs up, "It's brave enough to eat the Wang Bao gang without showing off the mountain or leaking water!"

Brother Ji looked envious: "Wang Bao's businesses, if you consider them to have backbone, must be at least thirty. Ah Feng, you are so prosperous."

"Young handsome guy, you always do things in a discreet way." Thirteenth sister also didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The beautiful mother and the fat man Li also sent their blessings one after another.

Since they have chosen to side with Chu Feng, they are naturally happy for Chu Feng from the bottom of their hearts.

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