But I never expected that from the beginning to the end, I was always in Chu Feng's calculations!

A strong sense of humiliation spread instantly in Chen Haonan's heart.

He had already been kicked internally by Ash.

With the fire burning in his heart, Chen Haonan felt his blood surge.


A mouthful of blood gushed out directly.

When Chu Feng saw this, he quickly escaped.

"Hey? Why are you vomiting blood while we are chatting?"

"Everyone, I didn't do anything. It's none of my business that the eggs are scattered on the street."

Chu Feng looked around, spread his hands and said.

"Shuai Zaifeng, I'm going to kill you!" Chen Haonan shouted angrily, his words slurred and heartbreaking.

"Don't be angry, let's heal our injuries first!"

Chu Feng glanced at Chen Haonan on the ground.

At this time, it was very difficult for Chen Haonan to even move, let alone kill someone.

Chu Feng was not polite at all. He stepped on Chen Haonan's head and dusted off the dust on his shoes. "You, the talkative person in Causeway Bay, must do your best..."


Chu Feng stood up and prepared to leave.

Jiang Tiansheng looked ugly, but even though there was a lot of anger in his heart, it was not easy for him to get angry at this time.

Just as he was about to force a smile, he took out the cigar and handed it to Chu Feng again.

However, Chu Feng seemed not to notice and left directly with the people.

He didn't give Jiang Tiansheng any face at all!

In fact, Chu Feng had also thought about killing Jiang Tiansheng.

The reason why Chu Feng had not taken any action before was because if he killed Jiang Tiansheng and was left with clues, if the entire Hongxing group attacked him, even if Chu Feng's men were fierce, the number of people was limited and they would not be able to resist.


Chu Feng's first move was to split Hong Xing.

just now.

The first step of splitting has been very successful.

Hongxing has been divided into two factions.

But Chu Feng also knew that although his pretty mother, Ji Ge, Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister, and fat guy Li all supported him.

But the two sides are just doing business for mutual benefit.

It will take some time to completely tie Pretty Mom and the others to their own warship.

Without their support.

With Chu Feng's current manpower, although he could withstand the counterattack of the prince and others, he would still suffer heavy casualties.

So now there are only two ways in front of Chu Feng.

The first way is to completely bring Liang Ma and others to the same front. Even if they have to deal with Jiang Tiansheng, they can still provide money and people.

As for the second way, it is to develop for a while.

As long as there were two thousand more fierce men like the Yellow Turban Warriors, Chu Feng would be confident that he could withstand half of Hong Xing's pressure.

As for Chu Feng’s thoughts.

It’s two roads to go together!

After all, even if Jiang Tiansheng is taken care of, there will still be no peace in the world of Hong Kong. The more power there is, the more protection there will be.

After Chu Feng left.

Jiang Tiansheng's face suddenly turned ugly.

He first looked at Chen Haonan, who was sitting there slumped, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.


Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Pretty Mom and others again, his eyes were intriguing.

"let's go."

Finally, Jiang Tiansheng said a word and left with Chen Yao.

After Jiang Tiansheng left.

Causeway Bay Foreskin came to Chen Haonan's side and saw that Chen Haonan's face was pale. After he passed out, his expression suddenly changed.

"Brother Nan has fainted, take Brother Nan to the hospital quickly!"

Foreskin shouted.

Upon hearing this, the other three tigers from Causeway Bay quickly carried Chen Haonan away.

"Let's go, let's go back."

“Today’s election of talking heads is really an eye-opener.”

"I'll have some fun later..."

The Hongxing people also dispersed one after another, got up and left.


Nobody noticed.

A Hongxing Da Di looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him. He quickly edited a message and sent it...


Night, Wan Chai, Tang's Restaurant.

· 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Tang's Restaurant is the most formal and largest restaurant in Wan Chai.

As for the background, it is the Tang family of Hong Kong Island.


Chu Feng was sitting in the highest and largest box of Tang's Restaurant. There was a map of Wan Chai on the wall.

Chu Feng looked back towards the window, overlooking the night view of Wan Chai.

Although on the road, the neon lights are on and the traffic is busy.

But because most of the places in Wan Chai were owned by Wang Bao, and all of them were closed for rectification after Chu Feng took over the place, it looked a bit depressed.

But Chu Feng knew.

Depressions are temporary.

Wan Chai is one of the most famous oil and water areas on Hong Kong Island now and in the future.

In addition to these Wang Bao's venues, Chu Feng has already begun to launch an offensive against other venues.

Inside the box.

...... 0

In addition to Chu Feng, Liang Kun, Han Bin, Liang Ma, Thirteenth Sister, Fatty Li, and Ji Ge are all in place.

As the box door opened, exquisite dishes were served one after another.

After a few glasses of wine, everyone's chat gradually became more active.

"Ah Feng, you are so brave and brave today!"

Fat guy Li picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Chu Feng, then drank it all in one gulp, "Chen Haonan's egg powder, now even if he becomes the talker in Causeway Bay, no one will obey him!"

said here.

Fat guy Li asked again: "By the way, Ah Feng, where is the brother who kicked Chen Haonan today?"

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled slightly.


The voice just fell.

Asiu walked in from outside the door and stood behind Chu Feng.

Fat guy Li saw Ah Xiu and looked him up and down.

"This brother, you really helped me vent my anger today!"

"I didn't expect that my skills are so good!"


Fat guy Li put his hand in his arms, "A Feng, I'm just happy, please don't show me outside!"

After saying that, Fatty Li took out a 10 yuan bill and handed it to Ah Xiu.


Ah Xiu did not move, but stood quietly behind Chu Feng.

Chu Feng smiled immediately when he saw this.

Fat guy Li didn't mean to bribe Ah Xiu with his actions.

If he really bribed Asiu, given Asiu's strength, he would have to be worth tens of millions at the very least.

"Axiu, this is Brother Li's idea, just accept it." Chu Feng said with a smile.

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