After hearing this, Ash stepped forward and took the money, "Thank you, Brother Li."


Ah Xiu then returned behind Chu Feng and didn't say anything more.

146 I want to make the whole Wan Chai mine!

at the same time.

The atmosphere at the entire dinner table also became lively.

After everyone chatted for a long time.

Pretty Mom suddenly glanced at Chu Feng and said in a somewhat ambiguous tone, "I'm afraid this matter won't end so easily..."

Liangkun even opened the skylight and spoke frankly, "A Feng, I don't think Jiang Tiansheng will let it go. You slapped him in the face in front of so many people, how could he swallow his breath? "

Although the others didn't say anything, judging from the expressions on their faces, they obviously agreed with Liang Ma and Liang Kun's statement.

"Of course Jiang Tiansheng will not swallow this breath."

"If the matter was revealed like this, he would no longer be Jiang Tiansheng."

Chu Feng shook the red wine glass in his hand, smiled and shook his head.

Whether it's Jiang Tiansheng or Big Brother B.

Both of them are the kind of "four-seven-three" people who are headstrong and do not accept any questions.

It would be strange if this matter just goes by like this.

Pretty Mom pretended to be casual and asked, "A Feng, what are you going to do next?"

Although the other speakers did not speak.

But after hearing the beautiful mother's question, they all pricked up their ears, wanting to know what Chu Feng would do next.

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled slightly, "We'll talk about this later... But no matter what we do, we need money, right?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded thoughtfully.

But there was deep doubt in their eyes.

Chu Feng's words can be said to be wrong answers.

"A Feng, you only need to say what you need to do. Brother, I will support you to the end." Liangkun patted his chest and said to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng smiled and said nothing, came to the window and looked at the night scene outside the window.

"There are many other places in Yuen Long..."

"It would be great if all these places were mine."

Having said this, Chu Feng looked at Brother Ji and said, "Brother Ji, come here."

Brother Ji raised his head in confusion and came to Chu Feng's side.

Chu Feng patted Brother Ji on the shoulder, "Brother Ji, look at these dozen restaurants, whose are they?"

Chu Feng pointed at the window.

Although all Wang Bao's venues in Wan Chai District now belong to Chu Feng, Chu Feng is not familiar with this place.

But Brother Ji is different.

Brother Ji has a business in Wan Chai District, plus he has many friends in Hong Kong. He has friends in East Star, Number Gang, and Lian Sheng. He is a know-it-all.

Brother Ji looked in Chu Feng's direction.

"These places are very messy."

"There are those who help the word stack, some from Dongxing, and some from He Liansheng."

Brother Ji shook his head and said.

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and asked: "These societies all have issues with Hong Xing, right?"

"Of course!" Brother Ji nodded, "Everyone is eating in the same manger, how can we not celebrate the festival? Yesterday, the gang from Zhongzidui went to my place to clean up the place, but I beat them back."

Thirteenth sister also chimed in: "Dongxing has long wanted to penetrate Bolan Street!"

Han Bin also nodded slightly, "My business outside also conflicts with Xiaozi Dui from the Number Gang."

The pretty mother thought thoughtfully, "My sister from Lian Sheng has also been trying to steal people from me recently, which has made everyone very embarrassed."

Everyone was talking a lot, and it was obvious that they had conflicts with these societies.

Chu Feng asked again: "Who is in charge of the match between us and Liansheng below?"

"He Liansheng... seems to be Lin Huaile's Yue Buqun." Ji Ge thought for a moment and said with some uncertainty.

"Lin Huaile?" Chu Feng thought thoughtfully, "This guy has already entered Tsim Sha Tsui and had a big conflict with the prince."

"Yes!" Brother Ji nodded, "The prince and A Le have fought several times, with at least hundreds of casualties on both sides. If the prince's men weren't so fierce, I'm afraid they would have asked for help from Hong Xing. .”

Paused for a moment.

Chu Feng asked again: "What about Ma Wangjian, unscrupulous people, Dayu and the others?"

"They all have a share!" Brother Ji said without thinking, "In the following scenes, the societies behind them all have conflicts with them, but everyone faces different enemies."

When Chu Feng heard this, he nodded thoughtfully, "Brother Ji, I need your help with something."

"A Feng, what's our relationship? If you have anything to say, just tell me!" Brother Ji patted his chest and said boldly.

Chu Feng: "I want the detailed conflicts between the societies behind the scenes below and Hong Xing, down to every speaker."

"No problem, wrap it on me!"

Brother Ji patted his chest, "As you know, Brother Ji, I work for Baidu in Hong Kong Island."

Hear this.

Whether it was Chu Feng or other Hong Xing people sitting in the hall, they all nodded in agreement.

Although Brother Ji is not very powerful.

But there is a saying that there are more fair-weather friends than Hong Xingzi.

Moreover, Brother Ji also knew all kinds of gossips immediately.

Just like before, when I had the guts, no one else knew that Chu Feng had swept Wang Bao's field, but Brother Ji could receive the news immediately. 0

Brother Ji asked the waiter to bring him paper and pen, then picked up the phone and dialed different numbers from time to time. After a small talk, he began to ask about the places without leaving any trace, and finally recorded what the other party said in a small notebook.

About an hour later.


Brother Ji looked at the masterpiece on the paper and took a deep breath.

"We've got it done, Ah Feng. The people behind every restaurant here have clearly written down any conflicts with Hong Xing."

"Even for those guys whose bosses are doing serious business and don't mix their names, their names and places of residence are all registered in the register!"

After speaking, Brother Ji handed the paper to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng took it and glanced through it, then nodded with satisfaction.

"Brother Ji, you did a good job!"


Chu Feng looked at the other Hong Xings sitting in the hall and said, "Everyone, the opportunity to make money is right in front of you. It depends on whether you are willing to do it or not."

After everyone heard this, they immediately cheered up.

When it comes to making money, Brother Ji reacted the fastest and immediately patted his chest, "Well, Ah Feng, what do you think we should do?"

Thirteenth sister, pretty mother, Han Bin, fat guy Li, and pretty Kun all nodded.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Wan Chai seems to be under the control of Niu Xiong, but he should be keeping an eye on the crew tonight. The crew has some standards tonight. Although there are other actors, Qiu Shuzhen and You Caini should also be on the crew. .”

Liangkun nodded after hearing this.

 1.7 He sometimes takes care of things on the crew side. Apart from Chu Feng, only Liang Kun knows best about the filming progress of the movie.

"Akun." Suddenly, Chu Feng said to Liangkun.

Liangkun immediately looked serious.

"Call Sha Qiang and tell Sha Qiang to install jammers around the studio. I want to ensure that Niu Xiong doesn't receive any calls within three hours." Chu Feng ordered.

"Okay, no problem." Liangkun picked up the phone and informed Shaqiang.

Wait until the crew gets it done.

Chu Feng's eyes swept over the faces of the major talkers.

"Everyone, from now on, 1000 people per seat and [-] vans will come to Wan Chai to gather."

After speaking, Chu Feng pressed one hand directly on the Wan Chai map on the wall.

"After tonight, I want the whole of Wan Chai to be ours!"


147 6000 people swept the venue in the middle of the night!Wan Chai is showing off its horses!

Hearing this, Liangkun started calling people without hesitation.

Thirteenth sister, Han Bin, and Pretty Mom looked at each other and immediately started calling people without saying anything else.

As for Brother Ji and Fatty Li, there was a flash of hesitation in their eyes.

There are 1000 people attending each hall.

That’s 6000 people!

Hong Xingzi's combat effectiveness is much stronger than other societies.

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