Why do you come out to mess around?Naturally, it is for money.

As for reputation?Place?How many brothers do you have?All these things are all for the sake of wealth.

No matter who is sweeping the scene, they are all from Hongxing.

As long as you go to Jiang Tiansheng and tell them, under the pressure of so many associations, Jiang Tiansheng will definitely come up with benefits to appease them.

Otherwise, once it offends so many societies.

Even Hong Xing would never be able to withstand the revenge blow.

It doesn't matter if the place is lost.

Face is restored, losses are repaid, and everyone can live in peace.

But if Jiang Tiansheng dares to say no.

What we are facing must be joint efforts with Liansheng and the Number Gang to suppress him!

In addition to them, there are other scattered gangs, and even Dongxing will get involved.

Even if he knew it was Chu Feng who did it.

But in their eyes, how much is Chu Feng worth?Just a little goldfish.

Jiang Tiansheng is the dragon spitting pearls!

"Let's go to Jiang Tiansheng's villa!" Hong Hanyi stood up.

Lin Huaile also stood up from his seat. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, leading the rest of the group towards Jiang Tiansheng's villa.


at the same time.

Qin Longhu also led the people to Wan Chai in a mighty manner.

".'Brothers, listen to me!"

"If he, Shai Zaifeng, dares to blow up my stable, I will burn his place down!"

"Don't hold your hands for a while. Prepare all the gasoline for me. Just burn it for me. If anything happens, I'll take care of you!"

Qin Longhu shouted to his brothers behind him.

"No problem, Brother Tiger!" Dong Xingzai shouted in unison.


They went to the streets of Wan Chai.

However, when he saw the next scene, Qin Longhu was immediately stunned.

All the venues in Wan Chai are closed!

Not only were the rolling shutters pulled down, but the rolling shutters were also reinforced.

Unless a forklift is called, there is no way to get in.

"Damn it, it's being renovated here, there's no benefit at all if it's burned."

"To the East Side Corridor!"

Qin Longhu, who had hit a wall, took his subordinates and marched towards the East District Corridor.


Just arrived at the East End Corridor.

"Holy shit, Brother Tiger, there are so many notes!"

A close man pointed at Hesheng Bar owned by Chu Feng.

Qin Longhu quickly looked around and found at least four or five policemen in hats standing at the door of Hesheng Bar (Mo Zhao Hao), checking the ID cards of customers coming and going.

Then I found several Chu Feng places, and the same thing happened.

It seems that after what happened last night, all Chu Feng's places were targeted by police!

Although Qin Longhu was reckless, he was not so reckless that he even burned the note.

If things really get serious, not even his boss Luotuo can protect him!

Qin Longhu and his men waited with peace of mind.

However, a full hour passed, and those notes showed no intention of leaving.

Seeing these notes, which seemed to have taken root at the entrance of Chu Feng's place, Qin Longhu's nose almost turned mad.

"Damn, withdraw!"

"If I can't burn Chu Feng's place and I can't find your Chu Feng people, is there nothing I can do to capture the dragon and the tiger?"

"If a monk can escape but cannot escape from the temple, I don't believe that Jiang Tiansheng will not care!"

"Go to Jiang Tiansheng and ask for an explanation!"

Qin Longhu shouted at his men and headed towards Jiang Tiansheng's villa with curses.

154 Jiang Tiansheng flipped the table!Chen Yao's poisonous plan is divided into pieces and struck!

At the same time, Jiang Tiansheng villa.

Jiang Tiansheng also received news that major societies came to investigate.


Jiang Tiansheng was so furious that he overturned the table in anger.

The plates, fruit, and coffee on the table were scattered all over the floor.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Jiang Tiansheng's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily.

The Filipino maids who were in charge of serving were already frightened, and they all huddled in the corner in silence, not daring to say anything.

Only Chen Yao still stayed with Jiang Tiansheng.

But judging from his gloomy and uncertain eyes, it was obvious that he was thinking about something at this time.

Jiang Tiansheng didn't seem to be relieved, and kicked the suspect hard to the sofa next to him behind the table.

"Chu Feng, it's Chu Feng again!"

"There is such a big commotion, and I, the leader, don't know anything about it!"

"I'm going to make him, sooner or later!"

Jiang Tiansheng cursed angrily, with endless anger in his voice.

At the election meeting, it would be fine if Chu Feng didn't give him any face.

After becoming a newstalker, he immediately swept all the scenes in Wan Chai, directly offending more than a dozen large and small societies.

Now these guys are on their way to investigate.

It would be okay if we were facing one or two clubs. With Hongxing's size, we could handle it calmly.

But there are so many 473 at once.

What's more, there are first-class societies such as Heliansheng, Number Gang, and Dongxing.

This Chu Feng can really cause trouble!

Jiang Tiansheng even suspected that Chu Feng did this deliberately to retaliate against him.

But even though there is all kinds of anger in my heart.

At this moment, Jiang Tiansheng had no choice.

The most urgent task is to deal with those who come to investigate.

"Ayao, what should we do?" Jiang Tiansheng asked Chen Yao next to him.

Although Jiang Tiansheng was not satisfied with Chen Yao's recent actions, after all, Chen Yao was still Hong Xing's white paper fan and Hong Xing's chief think tank. At this time, Jiang Tiansheng also needed Chen Yao's advice.

When Chen Yao heard this, he quickly thought about it.

After a long pause, Chen Yao slowly spoke, "Actually, Mr. Jiang, this matter can be big or small. The key depends on how you do it."

When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, he quickly asked: "How to do it?"

Chen Yao thought for a while and said,

"I have three methods here."

"The first way is for Hong Xing to leave Chu Feng alone, and then take Chu Feng out directly, so that they can go directly to Chu Feng if they have their grievances and their debts."

"Although this method can save you a penny, the loss (babh) is also my Hong Xing's reputation. After all, when Liang Zaifeng sweeps the place, he does it in the name of Hong Xing, and the places he sweeps are all with the same name. We in Hongxing have a lot of grudges, and if Chu Feng is directly pushed out to take the blame, our reputation in Hongxing will be hit."

"The second way is to just pay the money and settle the matter."

"But if we do this, although the problem of the association can be solved, from now on we in Hongxing will be regarded as weak persimmons and will be completely unable to hold our heads up."


When Jiang Tiansheng heard this, his expression was uncertain.

He had actually thought about these two methods a long time ago, and what he was worried about was exactly what Chen Yao proposed.

Although Jiang Tiansheng now hates Chu Feng deeply.

But Chu Feng's recent performance is so impressive. On the entire Hong Kong Island, from Dragon Head to Blue Lantern [-], who doesn't know Chu Feng's name?

I did the Baguan, swept the East District corridor, killed Wang Bao, and planted the flag in Wan Chai.

Various incidents were enough to raise Chu Feng's reputation to its peak.

What's more, when Chu Feng was sweeping the field last night, he was still using the name of Hongxing's lobby. Although he was suspected of pretending to be powerful, his position was from the perspective of the club. If he really lost his car to save the coach, Chu Feng would If the front is pushed out.

It's not certain whether Chu Feng can be killed. Hong Xing's reputation may be completely ruined.

The second method is to directly cede land and pay compensation.

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