With so much money being paid out and the situation being cut off, not only would Hong Xing have no place to put his face, but the compensation would also be very heartbreaking for Jiang Tiansheng.

"Ayao, what is the third way?" Jiang Tiansheng was helpless and continued to ask.

"The third method is very simple, divide and attack!" Chen Yao's eyes flashed.

"Divide and strike?" Jiang Tiansheng frowned.

"That's right!" Chen Yao nodded, "Although these people are here to investigate, they are not monolithic. They just want to get benefits, but not all benefits must be given."

Jiang Tiansheng was a little anxious, "Ayao, please stop showing off!"

When Chen Yao heard this, he immediately expressed all his thoughts.

"These people are not monolithic. We are destined to appease some people and offend some people."

"There are only three first-class clubs: Heliansheng, Number Gang, and Dongxing."

"Others are some second- and third-rate societies."

"We appease all the second-rate societies, and there are two first-rate societies. There is absolutely nothing to say about the loss of money."

"But in order to avoid that people on the road think that we, Hong Xing, are weaklings who take advantage of others, we won't give any compensation to those third-rate societies!"

"In addition, among the three first-class societies, we must also choose an enemy!"

Chen Yao gritted his teeth and said.

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng nodded thoughtfully.

For now, this is indeed a good idea.

Not only can the compensation be reduced a lot, but Hong Xing's reputation will not be tarnished.

Although he completely offended one of the first-rate clubs and several third-rate clubs, with Hongxing's size, he could definitely do it if he just defended.

You won't lose face by going up against a first-class society.

"Okay, just do as you say!"

Jiang Tiansheng clapped his hands and said, "In this first-class club, who is more suitable to choose?"

When Chen Yao heard this, he immediately hesitated.

"A Le from Heliansheng, Hong Hanyi from Zhongzi Dui, Qinlonghu from Dongxing..."

"In my opinion, I choose to capture the dragon and the tiger!"

Chen Yao gave his own suggestions.

Hearing this, Jiang Tiansheng nodded thoughtfully.

The conflict between Zhong Zidui and Hong Xing is not deep, so there is no need to make the relationship tense because of this incident.

And Lin Huaile is not only the seed player who will be the next leader of He Liansheng, but He Liansheng's strength also has to surpass the East Star and Number Gang. In addition, he has already talked about solving the problem of the East District Corridor before, so there is no need to continue to be in the league. Fight on.

But Qinlonghu is different.

First of all, Qin Longhu, this guy, is not very popular in Dongxing.

Even if a fight breaks out, Dong Xing may not have many people to help him.

Secondly, the contradiction between Dongxing and Hongxing is already great, and there are frictions between the two parties from time to time.

Since the relationship cannot be reconciled, it doesn't matter if the offense is serious.

"Calm down the anger of Heliansheng, Number Gang, and those second-rate societies."

"Being at odds with Qinlonghu and those third-rate societies."

"This is the best solution at the moment...

Jiang Tiansheng rubbed his hands and dismounted, frowned and thought hard for a moment, then clapped his hands, "Okay! Just do what you said, Ayao!".

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It didn't take long for Jiang Tiansheng and Chen Yao to discuss how to deal with it.

Lin Huaile and Hong Hanyi brought people from second- and third-rate societies to the Jiang family villa.

The security guard at the door brought Lin Huaile and others into the villa.

After the guests and hosts are seated.

Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile: "Everyone, I already know why you are here. Please rest assured that I, Jiang Tiansheng, will give you a satisfactory explanation today."

Hong Hanyi and Lin Huaile also had smiles on their faces.

"What did Mr. Jiang say? I mainly came to see you today to catch up on old times, nothing else." Hong Hanyi said with a smile.

Lin Huaile also smiled and said, "I haven't seen Mr. Jiang since I gained strength last time. I, Ale, miss him very much. I'm here specifically to visit you today."

As for the creditors of the second- and third-rate small societies, they also greeted Jiang Tiansheng~ with a smile.

Although today I am here to collect debt.

But after seeing Jiang Tiansheng, they didn't dare to make too many mistakes.

As long as you get the benefits and leave, there is no need for the relationship to become too tense.

Almost everyone has this idea in their mind.

Jiang Tiansheng sneered in his heart when he heard the ambiguous greetings from everyone.

He naturally knew what these people wanted, but the other party didn't point it out.

Jiang Tiansheng didn't want to waste time on this matter.

"Thank you for your concern, but it is only natural to pay back debts."

"We at Hongxing will never default on our debts. I am also very sorry for what happened last night."

"Everyone should report their losses and I will deal with them one by one. I will definitely give you a fair compensation."

Jiang Tiansheng once again named everyone's purpose today.

I saw Jiang Tiansheng say this.

Lin Huaile and Hong Hanyi no longer pretend to be confused.

They all talked about their losses and the compensation they needed to get from Jiang Tiansheng.


Just at this time.

"Jiang Sheng, Dongxing Qinlonghu is here, clamoring outside the door to see you."

A security guard came in to report.

"Capture the dragon and tiger? Let him in!" Jiang Tiansheng said to the security guard.

It will take a while.

The sturdy Qin Longhu came in aggressively, walked up to Jiang Tiansheng and slammed the table.


"Jiang Sheng, I'm here to ask for an explanation today. That guy Liang Zaifeng blew up three of my horse stalls last night, killing and injuring more than 200 brothers. How to settle this account?"

Qin Longhu came up and directly raised his troops to investigate the crime, without any courtesy at all.

"Why are you talking to Jiang Sheng?" Chen Yao next to him scolded.

"What?" Qin Longhu stared, "It's only natural to pay back debts. I'm here today to call for punishment."

"You..." Chen Yao wanted to say something else.

"A Yao." Jiang Tiansheng shouted softly to stop Chen Yao.


Jiang Tiansheng pointed to the compensation list listed by A Le and others on the table.

"Capturing the Dragon and the Tiger, didn't Camel teach you that you should do things first, first, first?"

"Ale and the others were here first. It will be your turn when this is over. What are you in a hurry for?"

Jiang Tiansheng said calmly.

Hearing this, Qin Longhu glanced at the table.

On the table, there was a compensation list listed by Lin Huaile and others.

Seeing that Jiang Tiansheng really didn't intend to default on his debt, Qin Longhu could only snort and sat aside to wait.

Jiang Tiansheng took a look at the compensation form from Lin Huaile and Hong Hanyi, frowned and shook his head.

"Hongxing doesn't have much territory right now, and I don't know where that guy Liang Zaifeng is now."

"I'll hand over the numbers, but there's really no more territory."

Jiang Tiansheng calmly pushed back the compensation form.

When Hong Hanyi and Lin Huaile saw this, they didn't say much.

Prices have to go down slowly. For them, it is not difficult to open a new store as long as the money is available.

After some haggling.

Hong Hanyi and Lin Huaile both accepted Jiang Tiansheng's compensation agreement.

One is 800 million, and the other is 1000 and [-] million.

The cost of the venue is not that much, and the settlement fee for those short mules alone accounts for [-]%.

The price given by Jiang Tiansheng was also very reasonable, and they had nothing to say.

"The matter between the two of you has been resolved. You should be able to leave, right?"

After signing the agreement, Jiang Tiansheng asked with a smile.

He lost 2000 million in just one signature, how could he not feel distressed?

Fortunately, the money comes from the association.

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