If Jiang Tiansheng paid for it himself, he would not have paid so much money anyway.

Lin Huaile and Hong Hanyi looked at each other and didn't say much.

"In that case, I won't disturb Mr. Jiang." Lin Huaile stood up and gave the others an intriguing look.

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At the same time, Hong Hanyi also stood up.

After bidding farewell to Jiang Tiansheng, the two of them left one after another.

They already got what they wanted, and there was no point in continuing to stay here.

After the two left.

Jiang Tiansheng discussed compensation matters with the leaders of those second-rate societies.

"Hey! Why can't it be my turn?" Qin Longhu was unhappy when he saw this.

Can even these second-rate societies be ranked ahead of him?

After all, Dongxing is also a first-class club, so where does this leave Qinlonghu’s reputation?

Jiang Tiansheng glanced at Qin Longhu impatiently and said, "First come, first served. Qin Longhu, you are so messy. Go and call Camel to talk to me."

Hearing this, Qin Longhu could only sit down angrily.


After half an hour.

The attendees of these second-rate societies took their fair share and left with smiles on their faces.

The total compensation for these second-rate associations is 500 million yuan.

Including Lin Huaile and Hong Hanyi, it is 500 million.

Forty-five million, for Hong Xing, although it is not a pain in the body, it is definitely a pain in the body.

After sending away these second-rate societies.

The remaining seven or eight third-rate clubs were sitting in the hall, with smiles on their faces.

Lin Huaile and Hong Hanyi were not afraid of Jiang Tiansheng's default. Even those second-rate associations were only a little worried.

But in their hearts, they were really afraid.

If Jiang Tiansheng defaults on his debt, they really can't do anything to Jiang Tiansheng.

But look.

Jiang Tiansheng should give today's compensation.


Just when they thought that Jiang Tiansheng would pay the compensation just like he did with Lin Huaile, Hong Hanyi, and those second-rate associations.

"Everyone, I'm sorry."

"You saw it just now, 500 million in cash went out directly."

"Although the most indispensable thing for the society is cash, Hongxing has used money in many places recently. I'm afraid it will take some time before I can give you your money."

Jiang Tiansheng glanced at the faces of those sitting in the halls of these third-rate clubs, and said with a smile on his face.

The expressions of those sitting in these third-rate societies all changed when they heard this.

After a while?

Repaying debts is justified.

It's not a loan, so how can there be such a rule?Several.

156 Jiang Tiansheng and Dongxing are at odds, and Chu Feng is doing it to reap the benefits!

Inside the villa, there was no sound.

Paused for a long time.

"Sheng Jiang, isn't it a bit against the rules to do this..." A third-rate club member asked sitting in the hall with a flattering smile on his face.

Others nodded again and again.


Jiang Tiansheng shook his head.

"It's not that I, Jiang Tiansheng, don't want to pay everyone off now, it's just that the club's funds are really tight."

"One month, everyone has one month's grace."

"I, Jiang Tiansheng, have made my promise and I will definitely give it to you!"

"You shouldn't even refuse to give me this little face, right?"

Having said this, Jiang Tiansheng's eyes gleamed, and there was a hint of warning in his tone.

Seeing this, the people sitting in these third-rate societies immediately laughed aloud.

Although I was angry in my heart, I dared not speak out.

It can be said that it is easy to destroy Hongxing's brand name.

Whether it is between countries or between social groups, those who fall behind will be beaten.

At this time, they really didn't know how to deal with Jiang Tiansheng.

And in fact.

Jiang Tiansheng never thought about giving them this money.

On Hong Kong Island, apart from the established societies, other societies are updated and iterated very quickly.

Almost every night, new forces rise.

In the same way, old forces will be wiped out.

These third-rate societies might one day be wiped out.

Even if they could survive, Jiang Tiansheng would not give it to them.

Hong Xing doesn't have the appetite to eat, join Liansheng and the Number Gang, but it's not easy to deal with these third-rate societies.

Seeing these guys still looking at each other.

Jiang Tiansheng's voice couldn't help but become a little colder.

"If you want money today, that's fine."

"I will send someone to deliver it to you tonight."

In these words, the warning is obvious.

Send it over at night?

Ghost letter!

What may be waiting for you then may not be money.

But it was Hong Xingzai who was holding a sharp weapon.

"No, Mr. Jiang, we believe you."

"Since Mr. Jiang is short of money now, let's wait until a month later."

A leader of a third-rate club said while sitting in the hall.

Jiang Tiansheng smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, the money will be given in full in one month."

Although these third-rate clubs were filled with hatred, they could only smile apologetically, accept this empty promise, and leave.

Watch these people leave.

Jiang Tiansheng snorted in his heart, with murderous intent appearing in his eyes.

He already has an idea.

After a month, if these third-rate societies have not been wiped out, the money will be given to them.

But after giving the money.

In a few days at most, the third-rate societies that collected money will disappear.

When the time comes, the lost money will be recovered, and the place will all be returned to Hongxing.

After everyone leaves.

In the villa, only Qin Longhu was left.

Naturally, Qin Longhu was not worried that Jiang Tiansheng would default on his debt. After all, he had already given it to Liansheng and the Number Gang, and their Dongxing money would definitely come.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, I won't say any more gossip."

"Last night, Liang Zaifeng blew up three of my stables. So many people died. The market price is 2000 million."

"You don't mind?"

Qinlonghu's legs were hanging down on the sofa and he asked directly.


Jiang Tiansheng stood up with a smile.

"2000 million? That's indeed the number."

"But when you Dongxing raided our Hongxing site before, so many of Shi Jiaowei's brothers died, who should I ask for this money?"

Hearing this, Qin Longhu's expression suddenly changed and he stood up suddenly.

"Jiang Sheng, what do you mean?" Qin Longhu asked in a bad tone.

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