"What do you mean?" Jiang Tiansheng sneered and said, "Go back and ask Luo Tuo to talk to me. Until the matter of Shi Jiaowei is resolved, you Dongxing can't even think of getting a penny from me."

The dragon and tiger's lungs are so strong that they don't explode.

How could he not understand what Jiang Tiansheng meant?

It was obvious that Jiang Tiansheng did not want to give this money!

"Sheng Jiang, you have to think carefully."

"You Hong Xingzai can fight, but we Dongxingzai are not vegetarians either!"

"If you don't give me money, you'll have to beat me."

Qin Longhu warned.

Without waiting for Jiang Tiansheng to speak.

"If you hit me, I'm afraid of you?"

Chen Yao smiled sadly from the side, "We Hongxing have been fighting with your Dongxing for how many years. When have we ever been afraid?"


Qin Longhu was immediately furious.

Looking around, I saw the villa security guard who had malicious intentions and reached into his arms.

Qin Longhu finally suppressed his anger.

"Mountains will change, Jiang Tiansheng will change, let's wait and see!"

After saying a harsh word, Qin Longhu turned around and left with the others.

Wait until the captured dragon and tiger leave.

The smile on Jiang Tiansheng's face disappeared instantly, replaced by an endless gloomy look.

Forty three million!

This 500 million is equivalent to being wasted!

If the territory was conquered by the prince, Jiang Tiansheng would really be willing to spend 500 million. 0

After all, the prince follows Jiang Tiansheng as his leader, and the prince's place is also his place.

But now.

It was Jiang Tiansheng who spent the money, and it was Jiang Tiansheng who offended others.

And Chu Feng is getting the benefit?

How could Jiang Tiansheng not be angry at this?

There was a long pause.


"Find a way to contact Chu Feng and ask him to come to my villa in the afternoon!"

Jiang Tiansheng said something in a gloomy tone, then left the living room and went to the lounge.

He is really tired.

Since the death of Big Boss B, Jiang Tiansheng has not had a free day.

Chen Yao looked at Jiang Tiansheng's back and sighed slightly.

This time, on Jiang Tiansheng's side, he had a faint feeling that he was on the wrong team.

It seems it's really time to think about your future.

But the phone call still needs to be made.

Chen Yao looked around and left Jiang Tiansheng's villa.

After driving to a deserted place, he picked up his cell phone and dialed Chu Feng's number.


at the same time.

Yuen Long,

Chu Feng's motorcade marched in front of a teahouse.

"Brother Feng, Lu Yu Teahouse is here." Ashiu's voice came from the intercom in the partition.

Lu Yu Teahouse in Yuen Long is the only place where Uncle Xing can make a difference, and it is also a completely formal place.

Although the profit is not high, the 1.7 is very famous in this generation.

In addition, Uncle Xing is a veteran and has a high seniority, so many clubs in the neighborhood will talk about things at Lu Yu Tea House, or ask Uncle Xing to be the peacemaker.

Chu Feng came to Yuen Long this time not only to take over Yuen Long's territory, but also to see Uncle Xing.


Just as Chu Feng got out of the car.

The phone rang suddenly.

"Chen Yao? What does he want from me?"

Chu Feng was a little confused, but he still connected the phone.

"Brother Yao, what do you want from me?" Chu Feng asked directly.

"A Feng, Mr. Jiang wants to see you." Chen Yao's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"See me? Okay, then you ask him to come to Uncle Xing's Lu Yu Tea House." Chu Feng said lazily.

When the leader summons his subordinates, he usually decides the place.

But now, Chu Feng has no intention of looking for Jiang Tiansheng.

157 Chen Yao fell on both sides, Uncle Xing suffered a stroke, Lu Yu Tea House!

Chu Feng's words did not give Jiang Tiansheng any face.

Want to see yourself?

Okay, let him find it.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Yao was silent for a moment after listening to Chu Feng's words.

Paused for a long time.

"I've already brought the words. It's up to you, Feng, whether you go or not."

"But... there is one more thing that may interest you."

Chen Yao's voice came.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

"Just now Lin Huaile, Hong Hanyi, Qinlonghu, and a dozen second- and third-rate people came to see Jiang Sheng and asked about what happened in Wan Chai last night."

"Jiang Sheng has taken care of all the others, except for Capturing the Dragon and the Tiger."

"Qin Longhu put down his harsh words when he left. You'd better be careful lately, I'm afraid he will be detrimental to you."

Chen Yao roughly told Chu Feng what happened in the villa.

When Chu Feng heard this, an interesting smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

"It's not worth mentioning that a mere person can capture a dragon or a tiger."

"Brother Yao... why did you tell me this news? We don't seem to be that familiar with each other, right?"

Chu Feng said somewhat ambiguously.

There really was no friendship between him and 10 Chen Yao.

Not only is there no friendship.

In the last vote to elect the talker in Causeway Bay, Chen Yao voted for Chen Haonan. Strictly speaking, he was on the opposite side of Chu Feng.

There is absolutely no need to remind Chu Feng of these things.


On the other side of the phone, Chen Yao smiled and said,

"We are all Hongmen brothers, and we should take care of each other."

"Last time Wang Bao wanted to deal with you, I sent you a message immediately to inform you. Ah Feng, you should remember it, right?"

When Chu Feng heard this, his expression changed.

When I was on the set, I had an enmity with Wang Bao.

Chu Feng remembered that he did receive an unsigned text message, telling him to be careful about Wang Bao.

At that time, Chu Feng was still surprised who sent this message.

Now it seems that everything is becoming clearer.

The person who sent the message was obviously Chen Yao.

Why did Chen Yao do this?

Chu Feng felt a little confused.

Since he was on Jiang Tiansheng's side, he naturally had to help Jiang Tiansheng deal with him.

Although Chu Feng would not be afraid of Wang Bao even without his tip-off, let alone the current Qin Longhu, Chen Yao still did it.

"Thank you, Brother Yao." Chu Feng replied calmly.

This guy Chen Yao is a devilish guy.

He is one of the few people in Hongxing Society whose IQ is online.

Before figuring out Chen Yao's purpose, it would be more appropriate to keep a certain distance.

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