And Chen Yao didn't bother too much.

He knows that a good relationship needs to be developed slowly. If the team goes directly to Chu Feng now, it will not only be of no use, but it will also arouse Chu Feng's wariness.


Chen Yao also wanted to take a look and do favors on both sides.

No matter which side wins in the end, even if Chen Yao doesn't benefit from it, he can still protect himself wisely.

hang up the phone.

Chu Feng went directly to Lu Yu Tea House.

The entire Lu Yu Tea House is decorated in an antique style. All the tea tables and chairs are made of wood and look very elegant.

Although it is already morning, there are still many diners drinking morning tea in the hall.

Except in the lobby.

There are many private rooms in Lu Yu Tea House, and the consumption level of the private rooms is frighteningly high. Basically, some big brothers or businessmen from the society talk about things here.

But because it is a teahouse.

Therefore, there are more businessmen coming and going than the big brother in the society.

Chu Feng calmly walked into Lu Yu Teahouse.

The greeter wearing a navy blue cheongsam at the door came up to him with a smile on his face.

"Hello, sir, are you looking for someone, or are you having tea?" the welcoming lady asked with her big eyes blinking, and while speaking, she glanced at Chu Feng a few more times.

The nickname Liang Zaifeng is not for nothing.

In addition, Chu Feng was well-dressed, and as his territory and industry increased one after another, he already had the aura of a superior person invisibly.

Rich, handsome, calm and decent.

For women, the attraction is undoubtedly huge.

"I'm Chu Feng, here to see Uncle Xing." Chu Feng introduced himself to Miss Yingbin.


"Ah? You...oh no, are you Chu Feng?" the welcoming lady covered her mouth and exclaimed.

at the same time.

The other reception ladies and waiters coming and going all looked towards Chu Feng subconsciously.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

After what happened in Wan Chai, it can be said that Chu Feng became famous.

These three characters, Liang Zai Feng, are known to everyone on the road.

Even ordinary people, many have heard of Chu Feng's name.

As for the staff in Lu Yu Tea House, let alone them.

When Uncle Xing came back yesterday, he held a meeting with them and said that from now on, Lu Yu Tea House and all the territory in Yuen Long would be under the control of Chu Feng.

Uncle Xing himself plans to retire and enter retirement life.

At that time, they were still curious.

What kind of character is Chu Feng?

After meeting Chu Feng today, I was really attracted by Chu Feng's face and temperament.

"Yes, it's me. I guarantee it's true."

"Where's Uncle Xing?"

Chu Feng saw the surprised look on the welcoming lady's face and asked with a smile.

Only then did the welcoming lady come back to her senses.

After hearing the word Uncle Xing, Miss Yingbin sighed helplessly, "Uncle Xing had a stroke last night and is currently recuperating upstairs."

"Stroke? What's going on?" Chu Feng frowned when he heard this.

Although Uncle Xing is old, his body is very strong.

Why did you suddenly have a stroke?

"I don't know what happened."

The welcoming lady shook her head, "Uncle Xing was obviously in a bad mood after he came back yesterday. He used to have the habit of drinking afternoon tea every day, but yesterday he drank a lot of wine all afternoon, and then he suffered a stroke when he went out to have a nice day. The ground."

When Chu Feng heard this, he sighed softly.

Uncle Xing was obviously upset because of yesterday's election in Causeway Bay.

After coming back, I drank a few glasses of wine.

As I got older, I was exposed to cold winds, which led to a stroke.

"Take me to see Uncle Xing quickly." Chu Feng said to the welcoming lady.

However, at this time.

A wheelchair appeared from the elevator.

The person sitting in the wheelchair was none other than Uncle Xing.

Behind Uncle Xing, there was a sturdy young man pushing a wheelchair slowly toward Chu Feng.

"A Feng." Uncle Xing waved his hand and greeted with a smile.

"Uncle Xing." Upon seeing this, Chu Feng came to Uncle Xing, "Uncle Xing, how do you feel?"

"My life is saved, but my legs and feet are not in good condition. I still need time to cultivate." Uncle Xing said with a smile.

Things like stroke are basically random.

In severe cases, hemiplegia or even death.

Mild symptoms range from facial paralysis to trigeminal neuralgia.

Uncle Xing's current condition is generally pretty good.

"A Feng, come with me for a walk?" Uncle Xing pointed outside and said.

While speaking, Uncle Xing glanced to the right without leaving any trace.

Chu Feng has been around for many years, so he can naturally tell that Uncle Xing has a certain expression on his face.

Immediately, Chu Feng used his peripheral vision to gesture to Fang Xiao, who was signaling Uncle Xing; and said!,80'"91787?,!.61?:Chinese!;Turn;!:Jun Yangxiang.

Sure enough, I saw two diners at the tea table not far away.

Although I was eating, I kept paying attention to what was going on here.

158 The future opportunities of Lu Yu Teahouse, Tang Liyu of Tang Group!

10 minute later.

Chu Feng pushed Uncle Xing in the wheelchair and walked in the backyard of Lu Yu Teahouse.

The sturdy young man stayed by Uncle Xing's side every step of the way.

Ah Xiu, Ah Jin and others followed Chu Feng, always paying attention to the surrounding movements.

"Uncle Xing, who are those two people?" Chu Feng asked when he saw no one around.

"Hey, I'll come back sooner or later..."

Uncle Xing sighed, "Since I have decided to hand over Yuen Long to you, there are some things that you need to be prepared for early. Those two people just now were the nails sent by the Tang family."

"Tang family? Is it that rich family?" Chu Feng asked.

In Hong Kong Island, in addition to societies, the influence of wealthy families is also very huge.

Including Hong Xing, there are financial backers behind many societies.

These donors will provide financial support to the association, and the association will be responsible for protecting the safety of the families of these donors.

These funders are all businessmen on Hong Kong Island. Their families have great influence on Hong Kong Island and are involved in all walks of life.

For example, the number helper Hua Fu is supported by his chaebol uncle.

As for the Tang family, the head of the family is named Tang Liyu.

The first-class community in Hong Kong, Zhongxinyi, was single-handedly supported by Tang Liyu.

The power of Zhongxinyi can only be regarded as an inferior one among the first-class societies, not as good as the big societies such as Hongxing, Dongxing, and Number Gang.

But to be among the first-class societies, its strength cannot be underestimated.

Lian Haolong, the leader of loyalty and righteousness, is known as the best in the world. He is about 50 to [-] years old.

According to rumors in the world.

When Lian Haolong was young, he also mentored the young prince.

you could put it that way.

Zhongxinyi's ability to join the first-class club has a lot to do with Lian Haolong's skills.

Chu Feng quickly reviewed the memories of Tang Liyu and his loyalty.

"Uncle Xing, what do you mean, the Tang family is interested in this Lu Yu Tea House?" Chu Feng asked while pushing the wheelchair.


Uncle Xing sighed, "Although the Tang family supports loyalty and righteousness, it is still engaged in legal business. There are many businessmen in Lu Yu Tea House, so the Tang family will naturally covet it! It was fine before. After all, I am also a veteran in the world. Everyone will give me some thin noodles, but since I had a stroke yesterday, there have been a lot of new faces in the teahouse."

"Wherever there are people, there is a world. If you do good business, you will naturally be remembered. This is normal." Chu Feng smiled and said.

This Lu Yu Teahouse is even older than Hong Xing. It was founded by Uncle Xing’s grandfather and has experienced ups and downs.

It is a famous time-honored brand in Hong Kong Island.

"Tang Liyu also told me before that he wanted to acquire Lu Yu Teahouse, but I didn't agree."

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