But now the camel is here, even if Qinlonghu is dissatisfied, he can't get angry at this moment.

But fortunately.

After a while, the camel left with something to do.

"Hey, we are all brothers!"

"At this time, you won't ignore death, right?"

After Qinlonghu saw the camel leave, he said to the other four tigers of the East Star.


The other four East Star Tigers looked concerned, as if they hadn't heard what Qin Longhu said.

In less than a while.

Tigers and crows descending the mountain, thundering tigers running toward the sun, golden-haired tigers and fierce sands all leave with excuses.

Upon seeing this, the Smiling Tiger immediately prepared to apply oil on his soles.

However, as soon as he took a step, he was caught by Qin Longhu.

"Hey, Ah Wei, aren't you willing to die without saving me?" Qin Longhu said urgently.

The Smiling Tiger Wu Zhiwei is the White Paper Fan of the East Star. He is basically a brain player, and in terms of strength, he will definitely not be able to compare with Capturing the Dragon and Tiger.

Seeing that he couldn't break free, Wu Zhiwei could only sigh helplessly, "You are really stupid."

"What do you mean?" Qin Longhu was immediately confused.

"You..." Wu Zhiwei shook his head, "Isn't what you are worried about is that you don't have the chance to take action?"

"Yes!" Qin Longhu nodded quickly.

"You are stupid, but you are really stupid!" Wu Zhiwei was speechless, "The main reason you did this this time is to regain Hong Xing's face. Doesn't it mean that apart from Jiang Tiansheng and Liang Zaifeng, Hong Xing has no other accomplices? ?"

"What do you mean..." Qin Longhu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Wu Zhiwei continued, "Just find a gangster and cripple it. Won't the dignity of capturing Longhu and Dongxing come back? As for Jiang Tiansheng and Liang Zaifeng, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!"


Wu Zhiwei rolled his eyes at Qin Longhu, and while Qin Longhu was thinking, he broke away and left.

Qinlonghu stayed in place for a long time.

"Yes!" As if he figured something out, Qinlonghu's eyes lit up and he suddenly came back to his senses.

Seeing Wu Zhiwei's retreating figure, Qin Longhu waved his hand, "Ah Wei, thank you. I'll treat you to horse meat another day!"

When Smiling Tiger Wu Zhiwei heard this, he ran even happier.

Eat horse meat?

Who knows if your horse meat is serious or not.


Wait until the smiling tiger leaves.

Qin Longhu paced back and forth, and then called for his approach.

"Azha, do you think which of the Hong Xing men we should pick is the best to attack?" Qin Longhu asked.

Azha, who was close to me, thought for a while, "Brother, do you mean to pick the closest one or the weakest one?"

"Of course Persimmon picks the soft ones first (babh), they are the weakest!" Qin Longhu said with a glare at him.

What Wu Zhiwei said just now can be said to have completely awakened him.

At this time, the most important thing is not to seek revenge on Chu Feng and Jiang Tiansheng, but to regain the face of Dongxing and Qinlonghu.

As long as he picks a Hongxing gangster at random and defeats or maims the opponent, he will gain back the dignity of capturing Longhu and Dongxing.

In this case, we must choose Hongxing's weakest Tangkou.

Hearing this, Ah Zha thought for a long time.

"Have it!"

"If you are looking for a soft persimmon, Brother, Causeway Bay is the best place."

Ah Zha clapped his hands and said.

When Qin Longhu heard this, his eyes suddenly shone brightly.


If there is any church in Hongxing that is the weakest now, it must be Causeway Bay.

Not to mention, Causeway Bay had previously cut off six venues to He Liansheng.

The current restaurant owner in Hongxing Causeway Bay is a guy named Chen Haonan.

It is said that this guy, who opposed Liang Zaifeng, was completely defeated with the support of Jiang Tiansheng.

Even if he now holds a seat in Causeway Bay, it will definitely be difficult to convince the public.

In addition, Chen Haonan has just taken the seat in Causeway Bay, and the foundation is definitely unstable.

Moreover, Causeway Bay is only five kilometers away from my base camp, and it only takes 10 minutes to drive there.

As long as he seizes the dragon and tiger and sends troops, I am afraid that Chen Haonan will be caught off guard before he can react.

At this time, if you don't hit him, who will you hit?

"Catch the cripple and kick him to death, I understand!"

"Zha, go home and let the brothers gather."

Qin Longhu looked fierce and said to Ah Zha.

After saying that, Qin Longhu left Dongxing Building and returned to his own territory.

And Ah Zha followed Qin Longhu every step of the way. He took out his cell phone and sent messages to his brothers.

When Qin Longhu returns to his territory.

Nearly a thousand Hong Xingzi have already sharpened their swords and are ready to fight.

Qinlonghu jumped directly onto the roof of the car and looked down at the Dongxingzi.

"Brothers, our stable was blown up by Hong Xing. Do you agree?"

"No promise!"

"Are you willing to not pay compensation to Jiang Tiansheng's shovel from the Yan family?"

"I don't want to!"

"Then what should we do?"


The East Star boys shouted with red eyes.

Dong Xing and Hong Xing didn't deal with each other at all, and these Dong Xing Zai had conflicts with Hong Xing Zai from time to time.

Now that Qin Longhu is taking the lead, they are naturally filled with indignation.

Qin Longhu nodded with satisfaction,

"very good!"

"That guy Liang Zaifeng is hiding, but if he can escape, a monk cannot escape from the temple. In the final analysis, he is still from Hongxing."

"If Hong Xing eats our horses, we will kill Hong Xing's dogs!"

"Hong Xing hacked our money, so we will steal their money!"

"Hong Xing bombed three of our businesses, and we will burn six of theirs!"

"Everyone, take this guy with me to the destination - Causeway Bay!"


160 Bottom line!What is the biggest force in Hong Kong Island?

Chu Feng took a walk with Uncle Xing.

Later, accompanied by Billy, we visited the Yuen Long District.

Although Yuen Long District is also worthy of development.

But Chu Feng's current focus is mainly on the entertainment center in Wan Chai and the pharmaceutical empire in Kowloon.

After telling Billy to watch Uncle Xing's situation.

Chu Feng said goodbye to Uncle Xing and left by car back to Wan Chai.


All places in Wan Chai are still closed for rectification.

As soon as Chu Feng returned to Wan Chai, his brother who stayed behind in Wan Chai came to report the situation.

"Brother Feng, all the venues in Wan Chai have been settled."

"All those clubs have been swept away by the brothers."

Ah Xiu and Chu Feng talked about the situation in Wan Chai.

"Didn't those societies think about revenge?" Chu Feng asked.

"There were a few third-rate clubs that sneaked into Wan Chai with their people, but after seeing our large numbers, they retreated." Ashiu replied.

Today during the day, several third-rate clubs did come to visit.

After all, Jiang Tiansheng only managed Heliansheng, the Number Gang, and other second-rate societies.

As for Capturing Dragon and Tiger, Jiang Tiansheng refused.

The same is true for those third-rate societies.

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