However, these third-rate societies have never been able to get on the stage.

Even Hong Xing can't defeat any of the halls, let alone Chu Feng, who is currently sitting in one of the three halls?

After sweeping the place here, Chu Feng directly sent people, including Liangkun's men, to garrison.

In addition, the venues in Wan Chai are all closed for renovation, and the rolling shutters have also been reinforced.

If these third-rate societies want to cause trouble, it is simply more difficult than reaching the sky.

"At night, let the brothers guard you and don't take it lightly." Chu Feng instructed.

Ash nodded quickly.

"By the way, Ash, how's the deal going with those non-community shops?" Chu Feng asked.

Wan Chai District is a land of oil and water.

In addition to those nightclubs controlled by associations, there are still many legitimate businesses.

For example, there are many tea restaurants, clothing stores, and hotels.

For these very clean shops, Chu Feng did not make things difficult for them.

Not only did they not clean up their stores, but they also sent people to negotiate prices with the people in charge of these stores.

"Don't worry, brother Feng, we've got everything done."

Ash hurriedly reported, "The price we offered was fair, and many merchants happily agreed. There were a few nail merchants who were unwilling to sell, and I gave them a little bit of help, and they all happily agreed."

"Very good, well done." Chu Feng nodded with satisfaction.


Chu Feng couldn't help but feel distressed again.

"I have no money again..."

"It costs a lot of money to acquire these shops."

"Plus the cost of major renovations in Wan Chai."

"We have to find a way to restore the blood before the movie is released."

Chu Feng frowned and thought hard in his heart.

On the side, Ali, the leader of the Yellow Turban Warriors, was a little confused, "Brother Feng, why do we have to negotiate the price with them? We just tied up their families and settled everything without paying them."

When Chu Feng heard this, he rolled his eyes at Ali.

Before Ali was summoned by Chu Feng, he was a Yellow Turban warrior.

The Yellow Turban Warriors, to put it nicely, were the rebels during the Three Kingdoms period.

To put it mildly, what is that?

Rogue bandits!

Chu Feng did not answer Ali's words, but asked, "Ali, how many clubs do you think we can compete with with all our strength now?"

"Although we are small in number, each of our brothers is very brave. Even if we encounter a second-rate club, we are still capable of fighting."

"If it is a first-class society, it is not a problem to resist three or four gangsters."

"If there are more, we can still fight, but I'm afraid the losses will be huge, brothers."

Ali scratched his head and said.

His answer was measured repeatedly and was not exaggerated.

Chu Feng nodded, "Then do you know who is the largest force in Hong Kong Island?"

"He Liansheng?" Ali asked tentatively.

He Lian Sheng is now the most powerful society in Hong Kong, with more than 5 members. All of them are members of the society, not counting those in name.

If you count the Blue Lanterns, you don’t know how many people there are.

Chu Feng shook his head.

"Then I'm not sure." Ali scratched the back of his head and said with a smile.

Chu Feng sighed softly, "The club is nothing in Hong Kong Island. Compared with O Ji and John Bull behind O Ji, no matter how big the club is, it still can't get on the stage."

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When Ali heard this, he immediately stopped talking.

Don't look at those big brothers in the club and don't take O Ji seriously.

But Mr. O has the right to detain any suspected person for 48 hours.

Even those leading brothers are so perfect that it is commonplace to go on vacation.

As for the John Bull behind the O record, there is no need to mention it.

Today's Hong Kong Island is still under the rule of John Bull.

Although Hong Kong Island is just a colony for John Bull, John Bull has troops stationed here.

No matter how brave the forty-nine boys in the club are, can they be braver than the army?

"Brother Feng, I kind of understand what you mean." Ali said half-understanding.

Chu Feng nodded and asked, "If we encounter John Bull's army, what are our chances of winning?"


"Less than... less than half." Ali said bitterly.

"That's right. According to the method you said, directly tying up those merchants can indeed save a lot of money, but this is equivalent to overreaching. Don't challenge their rules before you can't fight against the rulers."

"On Hong Kong Island, we people are allowed to exist, but they also have their own bottom line. We did such a big thing in Wan Chai last night, why didn't anyone come to trouble us? It's because we didn't harm ordinary people. "

"What we have to do now is to keep a low profile and secretly develop our power until the day we can ignore these rules. Do you understand?"

Chu Feng asked Ali in return.

These subordinates are all loyal to Chu Feng.

Because of this, Chu Feng did not want them to have simple minds and well-developed limbs.

When you do something, you must understand the consequences.

"I understand, Brother Feng." Ali nodded quickly.

Just at this time,

Li Shan knocked on the door and came in, "Brother Feng, something big happened!"

When Chu Feng saw Li Shan coming in, he looked happy and couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong?"

"Causeway Bay!"

"Dongxing Qinlonghu took more than 1000 people and went to Causeway Bay to clean up the area!"

Li Shan said excitedly.

Hear this.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth.

This Captor of Dragons and Tigers is quite good at getting things done!

The road becomes wider as we go.


161 The nest skin was hacked to death!Causeway Bay rout!

Wan Chai is undergoing major renovations and is in full swing.

And this time.

Causeway Bay is also in dire straits.

"Damn it, chop those Hong Xing boys to death!"

Qin Longhu went into battle shirtless, holding a machete in his hand and holding his neck as he entered a restaurant in Causeway Bay.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Hong Xingzi or not, he will kill everyone he sees.

These Dong Xingzai and Hong Xing have also had a long-standing grudge, so they naturally used their full strength to destroy the scene today.

On the contrary, things are different here in Hongxing.

Causeway Bay was originally under the control of Big Brother B, but since Big Brother B was executed by the execution hall, the Hongxing boys in Causeway Bay have been unable to hold their heads high and are often laughed at by their brothers from other societies and even other gangs.

The elder brother is like the younger brother.

The eldest brother is a rebellious boy. This group of Hongxing boys in Causeway Bay are naturally ridiculed by others.

They were already demoralized.

On the contrary, Chu Feng, who came from Tong "[-]" Luowan, shined brilliantly and made them envious.

If Chu Feng could come back to take charge of Causeway Bay, they would still be very excited.


Now what happened at the conference, these Causeway Bay Hung Hing Tsai already know.

The person in charge of Causeway Bay is not Chu Feng at all, but Chen Haonan who can't help himself up the wall!

In addition, at the conference, Chu Feng pushed Chen Haonan to the ground and rubbed him. After learning that the person responsible for the conversation in Causeway Bay was Chen Haonan, the morale of these Causeway Bay Hongxing boys instantly fell to the bottom.

In just one morning, a full [-]% of the brothers quit the club or passed up.

The rest were just muddle along, listless.

Originally, Hong Xingzai's combat effectiveness was stronger than Dong Xingzai's.

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