However, in this case, how can these Hong Xingzai in Causeway Bay be the opponents of the angry Dongxingzai?

not to mention.

This group of Dongxingzi should be led by Qin Longhu himself!

Just a moment of effort.

A large number of the Hongxing boys in the field were chopped down.

"Gasoline!" Qin Longhu shouted sharply.

The trunk of the vehicle outside was opened and barrels of gasoline were taken out.


Qinlonghu bit open a can of gasoline and poured it directly into Hongxing's field, and other boys followed suit.

"let's go!"

Qinlonghu shook his head and left the field.

On the way out, take out your lighter and light a cigarette.

Then, without looking back, he threw the lighter in his hand into the store behind him.


The fire is soaring into the sky!

And other places in Hongxing, Causeway Bay, were also in chaos at the same time!

The people led by Dong Xingzai are all close soldiers trained by Qin Longhu, and their combat effectiveness is naturally good.

Although his movements were not as fast as Capturing Dragons and Tigers, he was able to beat back the Hong Hing boys from Causeway Bay, crying for their fathers and mothers.

At the same time, inside the Big B boxing gym in Causeway Bay.

"Brother Nan, brothers can't stand it anymore!"

"That guy who captured the dragon and tiger is so fierce, he doesn't show any dignity at all!"

Da Tianer came to the Big B boxing gym covered in blood and threw himself in front of Chen Haonan.

He still had several stab wounds on his body, and he had obviously fought with people from Dongxing.

"Damn, it's too deceiving!"

Chen Haonan sat up from the sofa instantly.

However, just as he sat up, he felt severe pain in his chest. Chen Haonan groaned and fell back on the sofa.

After the Hongxing Conference ended yesterday, Chen Haonan went to the hospital accompanied by the other Causeway Bay Tigers.

Although he was barely able to leave the hospital for recuperation, the doctor also warned him repeatedly that he should never exercise strenuously or get angry.

at this time,

Chen Haonan felt as if his chest had been hit by a giant hammer, and the pain was indescribable.

However, Chen Haonan didn't wait for a reply.

"Brother, the sauna can't hold it anymore!"

"The entertainment city can't stand it anymore!"

"Brother Nan, those Dongxingzi are already coming here!"

Foreskin, Pheasant, and Chaopi rushed into the boxing gym covered in blood to report.

Chen Haonan felt that his eyes were black and his whole body was groggy.


It's all over!

Yesterday, I was first humiliated by Chu Feng at the venue.

I originally thought that there was no chance of being the talkative person in Causeway Bay, but unexpectedly Chu Feng said that he looked down on half of the country in Causeway Bay.

He, Chen Haonan, was eating Chu Feng's leftovers.


Even if it was this bowl of leftover rice, Chen Haonan couldn't taste it well even if he wanted to eat it.

First, a large number of Hongxing brothers fled, leaving Chen Haonan in a state of distress.

Immediately afterwards, Dongxing came to clean up the scene again.

Now Chen Haonan not only has no charisma, but also doesn't have enough manpower. What can he do to resist Qinlonghu's attack?

"Brother Nan, we can't hold on, let's leave quickly!" Chao Pi couldn't help but persuaded.


Chen Haonan sat there in despair and did not move.

The continuous mental blows were more uncomfortable than killing him. 0

The shouts of killing gradually came from outside, and the four tigers in Causeway Bay couldn't help but become a little impatient.

"Pheasant, carry Brother Nan on your back!"

"The car is outside, hurry!"

Da Tian Er said something to Pheasant, then rushed out with a knife.

at the same time.

The two brothers Chao Pi and Bao Pi also followed suit.

Pheasant, on the other hand, carried Chen Haonan, who was stunned on the spot, on his back, and rushed out under the cover of a few loyal younger brothers.

After going out, Pheasant glanced at the end of the street.

The furious Dongxing boys have swept the place into pieces and are rushing towards this side.

The leader is none other than Dongxing Qinlonghu.


Pheasant shouted loudly and ran to the Jinbei Bread at the door, carrying Chen Haonan on his back.

When Foreskin, Nestpi, and Datianer saw this, they also evacuated towards the van.

"Damn it, I want to leave!"

"I have to die today!"

When Qinlonghu saw that the car had started, it was too late to rush over. He threw the machete in his hand towards Chen Haonan.

It goes without saying that they can become one of the Five Tigers of the Eastern Star, and their combat effectiveness in capturing dragons and tigers is natural.

The machete flying in the air drew a cold light.


There was a muffled sound of a knife cutting meat.

The retreating Nestpi suddenly fell to his knees.

When Qin Longhu saw this, he couldn't help but cursed secretly.

This knife was originally aimed at Chen Haonan, but although it was powerful enough, it was a bit inaccurate.

"Big brother!"

Seeing this, Foreskin quickly stepped forward to help him.

 1.7 Looking at the nest skin again, the Achilles tendon of the right foot has been cut off directly with a machete.

Jinbei Bread has been started, and Da Tianer came over to drag it hard when he saw it.

"Go, let's go!"

"Go away, leave me alone!"

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Chaopi shouted loudly, "It's better for one person to die than for everyone to die!"


Chao Pi pushed the foreskin away with great force, and then stood there holding the knife.

Obviously he wanted to show off to Bao Pi and others.

"Brother!" Bao Pi wanted to say something else.

But in the end, he was pulled away by Da Tian Er.

The two entered the Jinbei van. Shanji, who was already ready to go, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and drove away quickly.

As for the broken nest skin that was left behind, it only resisted for a moment and died under Dong Xingzai's random swords.


162 Causeway Bay Battle Report!Ushio is visiting!

at the same time.

Inside Plastic Brothers Studios.

"Brother Feng, I just received the news."

"Qinlonghu has swept all the places in Causeway Bay, and Chen Haonan was carried by Pheasant into the car and ran away."

Li Shan reported everything about Causeway Bay to Chu Feng.

As early as when he took over the Kowloon City Walled South District, Chu Feng had already begun to establish an intelligence department.

The people in these intelligence departments are all gangsters in the Kowloon Walled City. Although they are not very specialized in intelligence, they are better at hiding because of the large number of people.

When Qin Longhu sent troops to Causeway Bay, Chu Feng could be said to be the first to get the news.

But for all this, Chu Feng had no intention of stopping it.

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