163 If ​​you want to get an official position, kill people and set fires to be rewarded!

Niu Xiong was a little helpless.

He came to Chu Feng this time. He did have a mission, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Hey, cow sir."

"If you are here to investigate Chen Sir's affairs, you can go back. Chen Sir's death has nothing to do with me."

"As for what the Wang Bao Gang did in Wan Chai, it was indeed my brothers who did it."

"But you also know that if we come out to mess around, even if we don't provoke others, others will provoke us."

"Although my brother did what happened in those places in Wan Chai, it did not hurt the innocent citizens of Hong Kong Island. In addition, I spent real money to buy those legal shops."

"Sir, you can go check it out yourself."

Chu Feng frowned and said speechlessly.

This guy Ushio.

Ever since he came in, he has been staring at himself.

If it's a pretty girl, that's all.

The key is that this guy Ushio has a stubble on his face, he is thick and thick, and his eyes are as wide as eggs. Being stared at unblinkingly by someone like this would probably make anyone else feel uncomfortable.

"Cough——" Niu Xiong coughed lightly when he heard the words.

How could he not understand that Chu Feng was expelling him?

But Niu Xiong has a task to do today, and he will not leave until he completes the task.


Niu Xiong spoke slowly,

"After Sir Chen died, a new senior inspector named Liao Guozhong was sent from above."

"The first thing a new official does when he takes office is that you'd better behave yourself during this period and don't get targeted."

Chu Feng glanced at Niu Xiong in surprise.

"Sir Niu, why are you so concerned about me all of a sudden?"

Chu Feng retreated a distance with some vigilance.

He has dealt with Niu Xiong many times and has a certain understanding of Niu Xiong.

As long as this guy talks to the bad guys in the club, it's basically impossible for him to say anything nice.

But today.

Niu Xiong unexpectedly reminded Chu Feng about the recent transfer of the police station?

This surprised Chu Feng.

Before adding, the way Niu Xiong looked at him, and the sudden reminder now, Chu Feng couldn't help but wonder if Niu Xiong was an old glass.

"You think I want to remind you?"?

Niu Xiong glared at Chu Feng fiercely, "I came here on a mission!"

"Have a mission?" Chu Feng smiled, "If Sir Niu has any mission, just tell him. As a good citizen of Hong Kong Island, I will naturally be very happy to cooperate."

"Stop doing this! If you were a good citizen of Hong Kong Island, the whole world would be at peace!"

Niu Xiong hummed twice, then pushed the document on the table, "Have you read this document?"

"I've read it." Chu Feng nodded, "But it's all written in foreign characters. You also know that I'm a short mule, so I still have some words..."

"These documents were specially approved by Gui Lao." Niu Xiong looked at the documents on the table, "The matter in Wan Chai has been brought to Gui Lao, and Gui Lao is very angry."

"Then what?" Chu Feng blinked.

Seeing Chu Feng's calm face, Niu Xiong sighed slightly,

"But after knowing that the matter was so big but did not have a big impact on ordinary citizens, the anger of the ghost guys subsided, and a special meeting was held for this purpose."

"How about Chu Feng, are you interested in joining the Hong Kong Island Special Operations Team?"

"So far, the special operations team only recruits eldest brothers from the second club and above. Although you are only a member of Hongxing, sitting in three major clubs in a row has met the recruitment standards."

"If you are interested, you will become the first member of this special operations team, and you will also be given some preferential treatment."

Niu Xiong finally revealed the purpose of this mission.

When Chu Feng heard this, he chuckled.

Recruiting people from the community to serve as police officers?

This kind of thing sounds nonsense, but in fact, John Ghost has already done it in the era of money empire.

At that time, they relied on those ethnic Chinese to control China with China.

It is precisely because of this that there are such influential figures as [-] million detectives and three flags.

Now the money empire is falling apart.

John Ghost once again played the trick of using evil to treat evil. It looked fresh but actually he changed the soup without changing the medicine.

But for this kind of thing.

Chu Feng had already seen through it.

What John Bull is best at doing is drawing the pie.

His predecessor was originally an undercover agent, but he was deceived by his boss. Three years later, and another three years later, in the end, not only did his boss die, but his files were also lost.

And this so-called special operations team is even more nonsense.

Although to some extent, it will be supported by John Bull and O.

But what about the final result?

That must be a waste of time!

Chu Feng could think of this kind of thing even if he thought about it with his toes.

"I'm sorry, Sir Niu, this is against the rules, I can't do it." Chu Feng shook his head, "Your so-called special operations team, to put it bluntly, is the second and fifth generation. I swore an oath when I came to you that I didn't want to die. Under the knife."

".'Who in this age still believes this?" Niu Xiong sneered.

"I don't know whether others believe it or not, but I do."

Chu Feng's tone remained firm, "Besides, I have the idea of ​​leading my brothers on the right path and becoming a good citizen of Hong Kong Island, so you should find someone else for this kind of gangster thing."

Seeing Chu Feng's firm tone, Niu Xiong couldn't help but persuade him, "Stop pretending. It's this time and you are still so careful with your words. It's not that we don't allow you to survive, we just don't allow those who have no bottom line to survive. This time in Wan Chai It’s enough to see that you still have a strong bottom line, so that’s why Gui Lao extended an olive branch to you.”

"I'm sorry, Sir Niu. Even if you tell the truth today, I'm not interested."

Chu Feng was unmoved at all, "Of course, you can also arrest me because I refuse to join, but Hong Kong Island is a place governed by law, and I have a very good relationship with a lawyer."

"Are you really determined?" Niu Xiong's tone suddenly dropped when he heard this.

When Chu Feng heard this, he smiled and asked, "Sir Niu, have you ever read Water Margin?"

"I have seen some, you three-point water brothers will still worship a hundred single and eight generals." Niu Xiong said.

Chu Feng shrugged.

"If you want to get an official position, you kill people, set fires, and receive imperial orders. But how many good endings will there be for Liangshanshui in the end? A thief will be a thief after all."

"I just want to make money with my brothers. I really have no interest in these things."

"Sir Niu, please don't embarrass me."

When Niu Xiong heard this, he suddenly fell silent.

Chu Feng's words are not unreasonable.

Over the years, John Ghost has done this thing countless times.

This special operations group may be wiped out at any time.

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore!"

"The movie you made is good, and I heard that you want to turn Wan Chai into a legal commercial center? This is also a good idea."


Having said this, Niu Xiong paused.

164 Loyalty, Lian Haolong!

"But what?" Chu Feng asked Niu Xiong when he saw that he was hesitant to speak.

Niu Xiong took a deep look at Chu Feng, "But your plan may not be implemented so smoothly. Zhongxinyi bribed a Hongxing leader. The leader of Zhongxinyi has already known about your Hongxing Conference. According to the latest intelligence, he may make big moves."

"Loyalty and righteousness?" Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Chu Feng is naturally no stranger to loyalty and righteousness.

The boss's name is Lian Haolong. It is said that his kung fu is unparalleled in Hong Kong.

Prince Lian Hongxing, the God of War, received some advice from Lian Haolong when he was a boy.

It was under the leadership of Lian Haolong that Zhongxinyi entered the ranks of the first-class societies. Although it was only at the bottom of the first-class societies, it was already remarkable.

"You said that a loyal person bribed Hongxing's boss?"

"If you just bribe ordinary forty-nine guys, I would still believe it."

"But buying Da Sui is too far-fetched, isn't it?"

Chu Feng asked with some confusion.

After hearing this, Niu Xiong slowly stood up.

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not."

"That Hong Xing Dadi, who owed money to Lian Haolong's loan company and couldn't pay it back, has now become a thorn in the side of loyalty."

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