"Lian Haolong now knows all the details of your meeting at the Hongxing Conference, and it is likely that he will take action soon."

"Not only Lian Haolong, but also the financial backer behind Lian Haolong, Tang Liyu, is interested in building Lu Yu Teahouse in Yuen Long."

"Be careful 490!"

Having said this, Niu Xiong slowly walked to the door, "Compared to Lian Haolong, the guy who used a coffin to gain popularity and died without any merit, I still hope you can win."


Niu Xiong opened the door and left.

After Ushio left, Ash and others quickly walked in.

They had been waiting at the door in case anything happened, and now they saw that nothing happened between Chu Feng and Niu Xiong, and they were secretly relieved.

"Brother Feng, what is Niu Xiong doing here this time?" Li Shan asked.

Others looked equally concerned.

Chu Feng waved his hand to signal everyone to be silent, and began to think secretly in his heart.

Is what Niu Xiong said just now true, or is he trying to provoke a conflict between himself and Lian Haolong?

But after a while.

After thinking for a moment, Ushio realized that what Ushio said was probably true.

Lian Haolong has a loan sharking company, and the person in charge of the company is Lian Haolong's wife.

This loan shark company not only brought substantial income to Lian Haolong, but also helped him a lot.

Remember in the original plot.

A senior police officer owed 50 while gambling.

It was the loan company from Lian Haolong's side that filled the vacancy.

(babh) And this senior police officer was also threatened because of loan sharking and became a pawn in Lian Haolong's hands.

Even people within the police station can be bribed, let alone a mere Hongxing Daji?

"Niu Xiong just said that people who are loyal and righteous are likely to attack us." Chu Feng told everyone what Niu Xiong just said.

Hearing this, Li Shan asked, "Brother Feng, do you want someone to keep an eye on you?"

"It is necessary!" Chu Feng nodded, "Li Shan, immediately ask the brothers to keep an eye on the recent movements of Lian Haolong and others, and report anything to me immediately."


at the same time.

Loyalty and righteousness, even the villa.

Lian Haolong was sitting in the conference room of the villa. Although he did not speak, he gave off an aura of calmness and authority.

On the left and right hands, respectively, sat Lian Haolong's younger brother, Lian Haodong.

And Lian Haolong’s wife Susu.

As the leader of loyalty and righteousness, Lian Haolong is most famous for his skill.

Whether it's fists, feet, weapons, or marksmanship, he's proficient in everything.

He once became famous because he defeated hundreds of swordsmen with one person's power, and became the undefeated myth of Hong Kong Island.

Compared with Lian Haolong, although his younger brother Lian Haodong is the second in command of the club, he hardly cares about the club's affairs. His daily activities include gambling, drinking, singing K, and picking up girls. Instead, he looks like a playboy.

But he was also helpless.

After all, his elder brother is too strong, and his younger brother has no room to develop.

Even though he was living and drinking every day, Lian Haodong also wanted to make some achievements and show them to his brother.

But Lian Haolong's wife Susu is different.

This woman is very capable. She is not only Lian Haolong's virtuous wife, but also Zhongxinyi's treasurer, managing all Zhongxinyi's accounts.

Even Haolong would let Susu make up his mind on many things.

Except for the three of them.

Also present are the Four Heavenly Kings under Lian Haolong.

Luo Tianhong, Lian Haolong's best swordsman, is also the most popular gangster in Hong Kong Island.

Liu Guowei is mainly responsible for smuggling at the dock and receiving goods at the dock.

Guo Ziheng, Lian Haolong's second thug, his weapon is a cold steel dog leg.

Luo Dingfa has good skills and a good mind. He is usually responsible for the powder selling business at the coffin shop.

The names of the Four Heavenly Kings of Loyalty, Faithfulness and Righteousness are also very resounding on Hong Kong Island.

"Brother, I have already checked."

"The news about Hong Xing's nail is true."

"Jiang Tiansheng and Liang Zaifeng broke down their talks at the conference. Although the conflict finally subsided, there was already a gap between the two."

"If we take action and capture Wan Chai, Jiang Tiansheng will probably not interfere."

"Brother, this is a good opportunity!"

Lian Haodong was a little eager to give it a try, "How about I lead the team this time around Wan Chai."

He wanted to prove himself in front of Lian Haolong so much.

And the land in Wan Chai is another treasure. If Lian Haodong can win it, he will naturally gain a lot of face.


When Lian Haolong heard this, he shook his head: "No, we can't touch him for the time being."

"Why?" Lian Haodong was confused.

Lian Haolong took a puff of his cigar and puffed out smoke.

In the mist, he turned his head and glanced at his younger brother, "Now that all stalls in Wan Chai are closed, the places in the east corridor of Liang Zai Feng are closely watched by police officers. Even in the Wan Chai area, the frequency of police patrols has increased nearly twice as fast. How to move?"

When Lian Haodong heard this, he immediately fell silent.

He thought he had obtained valuable information and could claim credit from his elder brother and prove himself.


Lian Haolong, the elder brother, actually knew more than him.

at this time.

Luo Tianhong, who had blue hair, spoke, "If you want to sweep the place, it's really hard to do it, but if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. As long as I find out where Chu Feng is, I will kill him."

"Count me in." Ah Heng also said quickly.

Luo Dingfa felt a little disdainful when he heard the two talking.

In his opinion, this is the era of money and brains, and people like Luo Tianhong and Guo Ziheng who shout and kill are destined to be eliminated by the times.

"Brother Long, I don't think it's worth using a knife or a gun until the last step." Luo Dingfa suggested.

As for Ah Zou, he didn't say anything.

There was a batch of goods coming ashore recently, so he naturally put all his energy on the dock and would not care about Chu Feng's affairs.


Lian Haolong shook his head.

In the mist, Lian Haolong's eyes narrowed slightly, "I heard that Brother Yu seems to have taken a liking to the Lu Yu Tea House in Yuen Long. It seems that the Lu Yu Tea House is also managed by Liang Zaifeng, right?"

165 Send invitation!Lianfu’s full moon is full of joy!

At the mention of Brother Yu, Su Su next to Lian Haolong's expression changed.

"That Lu Yu Tea House is indeed in Yuen Long."

"It used to be in charge of Uncle Xing of Hongxing, but now it belongs to Chu Feng."

Su Su said to Lian Haolong.

Brother Yu, also known as Tang Liyu, is Lian Haolong's financial backer.

For Lian Haolong and Zhong Xinyi to reach this point today, in addition to their abundant talents, they are also inseparable from Tang Liyu's support.

If it weren't for Tang Liyu's money to pave the way, Zhongxinyi would never be as big as it is now.

Lian Haolong and Tang Liyu also have a very good personal relationship, and they are as close as brothers.

Not only did he spend a lot of money to hire two gun-toting detectives to protect Tang Liyu, but he also sometimes helped Tang Liyu solve some shady troubles.

"I'm wondering if I should help Brother Yu get Lu Yu Teahouse here first." Lian Haolong murmured while smoking a cigar.

Hearing this, Luo Tianhong said quickly, "Brother Long, I'm going!"

"Don't be anxious yet, I'm just thinking about it."

Lian Haolong shook his head slightly, "Jiang Zaifeng has many fierce men under his command. If he acts rashly, he will easily suffer losses."

Luo Tianhong narrowed his eyes, "I don't believe that Liang Zaifeng's men are really as powerful as that nail says."

"The strongest will always have the strongest, so be careful when sailing." Lian Haolong squinted his eyes and put out the cigar in his hand.

The existence of the group of yellow scarf warriors naturally did not escape his eyes.

Any one of these yellow scarf warriors is the best bad boy, the elite among the elite.

However, what Lian Haolong really cares about are the people around Chu Feng.

Especially the guy named Ashi.

According to legend, just one move caused Baguan to lose his fighting ability.

At the Hongxing Conference, he also used only one move to kick Chen Haonan until he couldn't even stand up.

What surprised Lian Haolong even more.

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