"It seems that those who can sit here tonight are all important people!" Tang Liyu raised his eyes on the bridge of his nose with a smile on his face.

Lian Haodong gave him face like this, and he was naturally happy.

"Don't worry, Brother Yu. I'm worthy of being at the same table as you." Lian Haolong walked to the seat, pulled out the chair and asked Tang Liyu to sit down.

at this time.

Su Su also walked in surrounded by security guards.

"Brother Long, Brother Yu." Su Su greeted the two of them with a smile on her face.

It was completely different from the hysteria in the private club before.


When her eyes glanced at Tang Liyu, a complicated light flashed deep in the corner of Susu's eyes.

"Susu." Tang Liyu also waved his hand with a smile.

At the same time, Lian Haolong also looked at Susu, his first wife for many years.

"What are you doing? Why are you here so late?" Lian Haolong asked.

Hearing this, Su Su smiled and said nothing.

After arranging Tang Liyu's arrangements, Su Sucai called Lian Haolong aside for an excuse.

"The market situation outside has changed now. All those suppliers have to increase their prices. I spent a lot of effort to appease those suppliers." Su Su glanced around and whispered.

"How is that possible?" Lian Haolong was puzzled. "These suppliers have been cooperating with us for a long time. There is no reason for them to change their minds."

When Su Su heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But she still had an elegant smile on her face,

"Brother Long, you've been busy with your children recently, so it's normal that you don't know some news."

"As you know, our sellers all get their goods from the Golden Triangle."

"Do you still remember what happened when Wang Bao was killed at the Kowloon Pier?"

Susu took off her white gloves and asked.

Lian Haolong nodded slowly.

Wang Bao died violently at the Kowloon Pier. This was big news in the fandom. How could he, Lian Haolong, not know about it?

But few people know the details.

After all, when Chu Feng left, he had already asked the forty-nine boys from Kowloon Walled City to clean up the Kowloon Pier.

The big guys in Hong Kong's arena only knew that Wang Bao died violently, but they didn't know what happened in the middle.

And on the night when Wang Bao died.

Chu Feng also took over all Wang Bao's venues in Wan Chai at the same time.

The only thing these gangsters can guess is that this matter has a lot to do with Chu Feng.

"Tonight is the baby's big day. Why are you rushing to the street to mention Wang Bao?"

"Does this have anything to do with the seller's price increase?"

Lian Haolong asked puzzledly.

"Of course!" Su Su said quickly, "Our sellers are all from the Golden Triangle. They just told me that Wang Bao was killed when he was picking up the goods at the Kowloon Pier. The Eight-faced Buddha wanted to get a gun. When I left, my hand was also shot off, so I took the people and sailed away directly."

"What!?" Lian Haolong was immediately surprised when he heard this.

He naturally knows the Eight-faced Buddha.

It is definitely a big force in the Golden Triangle.

Lian Haolong has always wanted to do business with the Eight-faced Buddha, but he has never had a suitable entry point.

Unexpectedly, the one who traded with Wang Bao that night was the Eight-faced Buddha?

Even the Eight-faced Buddha suffered a big loss at the Kowloon Pier?

".'If you say that, it makes sense..." Lian Haolong said thoughtfully.

Even ruthless people like the Eight-faced Buddha suffered a loss on Hong Kong Island.

The key is that they still don't know who did it.

Although many people doubt Chu Feng.

But everyone subconsciously believed that Chu Feng did not have the strength to confront the Eight-faced Buddha head-on.

from their perspective.

Chu Feng should have received the news of Wang Bao's murder in advance, so he took over all Wang Bao's territory in Wan Chai before others.

Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

On the Eight-faced Buddha side, after returning to the Golden Triangle, this matter was also spread a lot, and almost all the leaders of the Golden Triangle's major forces knew the news.

Just because I'm afraid of the same situation happening again.

Various transportation costs, as well as labor and security costs have also increased (Li's Zhao), causing prices to soar.

"Susu, I'll leave this time to you."

"We must stabilize those sellers."

Lian Haolong also knew the seriousness of the matter and frowned, "Tell them, there is no comparison between the Wang Bao Gang and our loyalty. We can guarantee the smoothness of the transaction and that situation will never happen."

"Don't worry, I will." Su Su nodded, "But the price is probably still higher than before."

While the two were chatting.

"Brother, Jiang Tiansheng and the others are here." Lian Haodong walked over and said.

Lian Haolong nodded, then patted Su Su on the shoulder, "I'll leave this matter to you. After tonight's banquet is over, I will ask Ah Hong and others to help."


Lian Haolong came to the door.

At this time, a row of luxury cars was parked outside the door.

Jiang Tiansheng walked in with a few people talking and laughing.

174 Chu Feng, Tianjiu, Lian Haolong is scheming!

"Brother, I'll help you greet them." Lian Haodong said, preparing to leave.

"Wait a minute." Lian Haolong stopped Lian Haodong, "I'd better go. If I'm not there when they come, they will definitely talk about it in the future."

After hearing this, Lian Haodong's eyes flashed with reluctance, but in the end he didn't say anything more and turned to look for Luo Tianhong and others.

"Susu, come with me." Lian Haolong greeted his first wife and came to Jiang Tiansheng and others.

"Wow! Since when have you two become so close?"

After standing still, Lian Haolong asked pretending to be surprised.

When Jiang Tiansheng and several others heard this, they immediately laughed.

These people are not others.

He is the leader of the first club in Hong Kong.

Of course, Jiang Tiansheng didn’t need to say much.

As for the remaining few, they are also famous in the world of Hong Kong Island.

Number Gang Bearded Yong, Dongxing Camel, Xinji Four-Eyed Dragon.

Pick any one of these people at random, and they are all people who can make Hong Kong Island tremble with their stamping of feet.

"It's easy to say, you are very happy today. We happened to meet outside just now, so we came in together." The four-eyed dragon pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a smile.

Several other people also had smiles on their faces.

Even Jiang Tiansheng and Luo Tuo, who are currently at war, are talking and laughing. It seems that 507 has no contradiction at all.

Hong Kong community, that's it.

Everyone comes out to hang out to make money.

The boss above gambled with the lives of the brothers below, chatting and laughing with each other.

But the brothers below were carrying knives and fighting for the boss's life and death.

"Sit down first, sit down and chat!"

Lian Haolong also had a smile on his face and led a few people to sit down at Tang Liyu's table.

Although his loyalty is also a first-class association in Hong Kong Island.

But the strength is still inferior to these older ones, so naturally they will not neglect for a moment.

After Jiang Tiansheng and others took their seats.

and Lian Sheng Dengbo were also accompanied by Lin Huaile in the dojo.

After Lian Haolong and others saw this scene, although their expressions did not change on the surface, they already understood in their hearts.

Although the leader of China and Liansheng is bragging right now.

But the person who blows the chicken can't get on the stage at all. To put it bluntly, he is just a puppet supported by Uncle Deng.

Now, Heliansheng’s biennial leading election is about to begin.

Uncle Deng brought Lin Huale here today, and his meaning is self-evident.

In addition to Dumbledore, there are also younger brothers and uncles.

My brother-in-law is also a big benefactor. Although he supports the number to help Hua Fu, he and Lian Haolong are also old friends (babh).

Over time.

The originally empty banquet hall gradually became lively.

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